Camp Oliver
                                                                                                                                                 June 2, 1862 

Dear Father: 

   As you see from the date of this we have again changed our quarters. We were recalled from the Red House and are now in camp just outside of Newbern. The pickets are nearly all drawn in, on what account I do not know. 

   Captain Emery, our 2nd Lieutenant and Orderly Sergeant are sick so I am pretty busy just at present. It is awful hot here now, but we calculate to keep as cool as possible, I have an awning built in front of my tent and surrounded by shade trees, and we drill only in the cool of the day, so we get along pretty well. I hardly think if we have much to do here that the Captain will stand it as he is not very strong. I am as well as ever. 

   We received papers of the 28th here by the last mail. The uprising of the Northern people after such a draft upon there energies is almost fabulous. Has Milford sent any more men? If you had been a military man, I should have almost expected to have seen your name as a Captain of a company. Things look as if we should not move again this summer. I hope we shall as most of us are 'spoiling for a fight' and want at least one more chance to pay our respects to the Rebels before the war is over. 

We are to have a grand review to-morrow at which we are to appear in great style -- white gloves and etc. The 25th has the right once more. But I must close. Remember me to all. 

                                                                                                                               Yours truly,

                                                                                                                              William F. Draper
                                                                                                                               Lieut. Com'dg Co. B
                                                                                                                               Mass. Vols. 25th

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