This is the closest view we have seen of what appears to be The Little Red Shop with two floors. Given what we have from the writings of Adin Ballou, the caption with the picture in Five Generations of Loom Builders, and this photo, it seems that the Red Shop must have been originally less than half as long and about twice as high as it is now. . All pictures we have seen of it on the south side of Freedom Street seem to show it with two floors and all photos on the other side of the street show one. The elimination of the bottom floor probably came about with the move to the Lake Street site in 1903. Also, that's when the cupola appeared. Other opinions about this??? Email us from the email link on the homepage. If you didn't come here from the Cotton Chats article, go to that with the link below for more on the moves and additions to the Red Shop. Back to the photo of the Red Shop near Lake Street Back to the Cotton Chats article Back to short stories HOME Red Shop Menu |