This picture was taken in the 1890s by William Barney.  Take a close look at the bottom of the picture, a little to the right of center.  Doesn't that look like the cupola on the Little Red Shop?  It's not on Little Red here, though.  From several other views, it appears to be on a tower on the roof of a building connected to the Little Red Shop.  At the lower left of this photo you can see a little of the roof of the enclosed walkway (or "runway" as it's called in an article in Cotton Chats) that can be seen in several other pictures connecting the Red Shop to a three story brick building.  The tower with the cupola is on that building.  Also visible in this picture are boat houses, the Henry Patrick icehouse on the east side of the pond and another icehouse on the west side.  We would have probably assumed that the building on the west bank was a barn but old maps identify it as an icehouse. 

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