Fishermen's Island

   According to the Park Department history, the Fishermen's Island shelter/fireplace, Hopedale Pond, was built in 1923 at a cost of $400.

   The photo above was taken on May 19, 2003 on Fishermen's Island.  The area was even more of a mess than you can tell from this picture. In early 2006, I received an email from a high school student who said he and some friends had camped there and had done some cleaning. When I got back there in November 2006, (picture below) I saw a big improvement. There's still some trash and litter there, but it's not nearly as bad as it was when I took the picture at the top. More of the chimney is gone, though.

   If you don't know where the island is, take a look at this
1913 map. (It hasn't moved.) It's above the letter D in POND.

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