Davis Alexander Gabry

Corporal; died 19 Sept., 1918, overseas, of disease.

Ent. 26 May, 1918, 152d D.B.; trans. 15 June, 1918, to Receiving Co. 27, Q.M.C.; 10 July to Labor Detachment 1, Administrative Labor Co. 131. Corporal 1 Sept., 1918. Overseas 26 July, 1918.

Born July 1887 at Mendon, son of Eli Francis and Sarah Frances (Parkhurst) Gabry; brother of Edward, Laura Imogene, and Ada Eliza, wife of John H. Sears. All of Milford. Married Esther Marie Morgan. Children: Earl Edwin, Doris I.  Mason.
The Gold Star Record of Massachusetts, 1929.

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