Enthusiasm High As Hopedale Residents Plan Golf Course HOPEDALE - Hopedale will have its own golf course and country club if the enthusiasm shown by a large body of civic-minded residents is a criterion. Despite wretched weather conditions, a gratifying turnout of 83 persons attended an open meeting at the Community House last night and discussed plans for the construction of a golf course at the Howard farm site in the Spindleville section. Following the session, temporary officers felt the outcome will depend chiefly on the free labor provided by residents in the construction. They expressed confidence in the matter of response. The 60-acre farm will be leased by the Draper Corporation. According to plans,, three holes will be constructed this year, three more the following year, and an additional three the next year. Charles Lowe, temporary chairman, outlined plans for the proposed course, aided by an aerial photograph that was projected on a screen. Construction plans were outlined by Arthur Fitzgerald, temporary vice-president. Member fees of $10 for founder members was announced, and members pledged 50 hours of work on the course. The meeting was opened by Arthur C. Young, who spoke on the need of a local course and then turned the session over to the temporary officers. Other temporary officers were Eldon Biggs, secretary, Edward Vitali, financial secretary, and Brackett Bessey, treasurer. An election of permanent officers will be held at the next meeting. This was the first big step in the organization of a Country Club here. Enthusiasm continues to run high and an equally large turnout is expected at the session sometime next week. Milford Daily News, April 17, year not given, but probably 1953. Park, Pond and Sports Menu Hopedale Country Club Site HOME |