The G & U Railroad Station |
November 1, 2008 Hopedale History No. 119 Boots and Shoes Hopedale in October The G & U Station Now and Then – The corner of Dutcher and Social streets. Thanks very much to the Hodgens family for rescuing many of the papers and records of the G & U Railroad from the rubble of the demolished station. Thanks also to Jon Delli Priscoli and employees of the railroad for saving a large amount of G & U material. For all the latest facts, rumors, observations, questions, etc. about the G & U Railroad, go to CNN’s Heroes. Some of you would remember Mrs. Farrell who taught the third grade at Park Street School for many years. Her granddaughter, Liz McCartney, is a finalist in CNN’s Heroes event. Click here to read more and for a link to the page where you can vote. (Thanks to Joanie Redden for the info.) <><><><><><><><><><> Shoes. How far do you travel to buy a pair? Ten miles? Fifteen? More? If you lived in Hopedale in the 1890s, you might go all the way to Milford for shoes, but more likely you’d get them at Andrew Brothers in the Harrison Block. If you were lucky, they might have two or three styles in your size. You probably wouldn’t be disappointed. Back then there was no reason to expect more choices than that. The following article about the Andrew Brothers store is from the same booklet that the articles on the Hopedale Ice Company and Lamson’s Drugs that I sent on September 15. Andrew Bros. Andrew Bros., Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, Gents’ Furnishing Goods and Children’s Underwear; Hopedale, Mass. – This new enterprise commenced business in December 1889, in Harrison Block, and bids fair to become one of the “institutions” of this thriving town. The firm is composed, as indicated by the firm-name, of two brothers – Almon H. and Charles H. Andrew. The former was born in Whitinsville, Mass., and the latter in R.I. They have a fine, well lighted store of the dimensions of 20 x 60 feet, and is well stocked with a carefully chosen assortment of men’s, boys’, ladies’ and girls’ boots, shoes, and rubbers of all grades and styles, suited to all kinds of service. This is also headquarters for gents’ furnishing goods and children’s underwear. A good assortment in each of the above lines will be found here, and prices that cannot but be appreciated by the most economic buyer, who is not only willing “to live,” but to “let live.” The “trade creed” of this firm is: 1. No more than the proper value for anything. 2. Less than usual prices for many things. 3. Whatever is best to be had, we have. 4. Whatever way gives best satisfaction to our patrons, we practice. 5. No misrepresentations; we sell goods for what they are. 6. Our one-price system fully protects our customers. 7. All goods marked in plain figures. 8. We make our customers’ interest our own. 9. Our aim is to lead, not to follow. 10. The latest novelties, newest styles, lowest prices. 11. To give the best satisfaction, and have the best patronage. With the principles of trade above indicated adhered to, the people of Hopedale and vicinity will consult their best interests by giving this new enterprise a just share of their patronage. Messrs. Andrew Bros. also have the agency for custom-made clothing and are prepared to take measurements and show a fine line of samples from which to select, and guarantee a perfect fit, and at prices that afford a large per cent. of saving upon ordinary custom-made work. They also employ a competent assistant to attend to the repairing of boots and shoes, as well as the making of first class custom work. Leading Business Men of Hopedale, 1890. <><><><><><><><><><> Recent death: Richard Sanborn, 74, October 2008, Texas. Hopedale History Email Menu HOME |