June 1, 2009
Hopedale History
No. 133
Walter Dec

Hopedale in May  

Memorial Day  

HHS grads – remember the Blue Flame?
Here it is in 1928 on the alumni website.

Can you assist in setting up the Little Red Shop as a town museum? Right now we could use a few more members for our picture committee, someone who could work on developing our collection of veterans’ items, and several other things.
Click here for our list of requests for assistance/donations. Click here for a schedule of work party sessions at the shop this summer.

When I put
this picture on my Hopedale website, I was told that it was of the Rainbow Girls. I recently received an email from a member of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls. She said, “We have found that there was never a rainbow assembly near Hopedale. The closest were Hopkinton, Framingham, and Natick. We also researched the banner and the outfit, but those girls are not iorg girls.” Can anyone give me any information about the picture?

a page of links for gardeners

Concerts and much more at
Sweetwilliam Farm, Upton.  


Walter Dec

During World War II, the Milford Daily News often printed letters written home by service men and women, and sometimes interviewed them for stories when they got home. Here’s an article from an interview with Walter Dec in 1942.

HOPEDALE, June 18 [1942] – “Australia is a wonderful country and the Aussies are fine people and have treated us royally. Some day I hope to go back there in peace times and take my parents with me for a visit.” So stated Gunner Walter Dec, U.S. Navy, home on a 15-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dec, after nine months service.

It is his first visit home since December and he said that home and a sleep in his own bed made him very happy. Dec sleeps beside his gun while on duty.

He passed two months’ training at Little Creek Gunnery school after his enlistment. He is loud in his praises of the service and the treatment accorded him by his superior officers, all of whom, he stated, are young men.

As for the welcome extended to the Americans by the people of Australia, he said that it was wholehearted. Every courtesy was given them. He passed several weeks in Melbourne and Sydney, both beautiful cities. During his service, he has crossed the equator and has traveled farther south, where icebergs were sighted.

Dec hopes to see his brother Zyny, private first class, U.S. Army, at present in Maine. Another brother, Alfons A., is also in the Navy.

At present it is winter in Australia and he said the thermometer registers about 65 degrees. Previous to the arrival of U.S. troops there, the country was suffering from extensive drought and shortly after the troops landed rain fell for two weeks
. The Australians looked upon this as a propitious omen. Milford Daily News  

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