Robert "Zeke" Hammond has been the Town of Hopedale's unofficial historian for many years and is often seen as its unofficial mayor as well, and 

Whereas; Zeke has tirelessly devoted his time and energy to beautifying one of the town's most valued treasures - the historic and pristine Hopedale Village Cemetery, and

Whereas; Zeke has been a constant source of inspiration and guidance on local history for the town's youth through his annual visits to sixth graders at Memorial School, and  

Whereas; Zeke has embodied the spirit of Hopedale volunteerism through his long and active affiliation with the Hopedale Historical Commission, Friends of Historic Hopedale and the Hopedale Council on Aging, and 

Whereas; Zeke has been a regular, welcomed fixture on Hopedale Street and a good friend to the Town of Hopedale and its Citizens, and 

Whereas; Zeke rarely accepts accolades for his great work but deserves more than we can possibly  write here, NOW THEREFORE 

BE IT RESOLVED; With great pleasure and honor, we hereby proclaim today, Saturday, April 26, 2003, in Hopedale, Massachusetts 

Robert "Zeke" Hammond Day 

Hereunto, we set our hands this Twenty-Second Day of April, in the year Two Thousand Three.

                                                                                     Michael E. Collins, Chairman
                                                                                     Michael A.. Milanoski
                                                                                     Alan J. Ryan
                                                                                     Hopedale Board of Selectmen   

Dedication of the "Hopedale Village National Register District" 
                               April 26, 2003 100 P.M. 

Invocation Rev. Richard Drinon
Welcome Francis Larkin, Master of Ceremonies 
Flag Ceremony Boy Scouts from Troop 1 Hopedale 
National Anthem Hopedale High School Band 
Overview of Day's Events and Committee Recognition - Sue Gallagher, Chair of Dedication Event
Introduction of Invited Guests Merrily Sparling - Chair, Hopedale Historical Commission
Massachusetts Representative - Marie Parente
Chairman of Board of Selectmen - Michael Collins 
Greetings to the Community - Rev. Christopher Dodge, Union Evangelical Church 
Official Unveiling of Historic District Sign - Merrily Sparling 
Reading of Essay on Hopedale - Jennifer Jarvis,  Hopedale High School Class of 2003 
Presentation of Historic Proclamation - Selectman Alan Ryan to Robert "Zeke" Hammond 
Presentation of House Tour Proceeds - Tara O'Connell, treasurer of Holiday House Tour committee 
Recognition of Special Efforts - Susan Gallagher, Dedication Chair Barbara Kochon and Historic House Tour Committee Cheri Hardiman - Celebration Committee Chair 
Benediction - Father William Konicki, Sacred Heart Church 

Afternoon Events  1:45 P.M. Laying of Wreaths - Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Historic Tours of Hopedale by Double-Decker Bus  2 :00 P.M. 80th Birthday Celebration of Hopedale Community House Exhibit of Art, Poetry and Essays by Hopedale Students at the Community House  2:30 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. Hopedale High School Jazz Ensemble performance at Community House  3:00 P.M. Reenactment of the Hopedale Utopian Community at the Unitarian Church by the Friends of Adin Ballou  2:00 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. Tours of the
Red Shop.   Bancroft Library open extended hours. Self-guided Parklands Trail Hikes 

The Hopedale Historical Commission wishes to thank the following individuals and organizations for their assistance and efforts in today's Community Celebration and Hopedale's year-long celebration of the historic district. Hopedale Historical Commission members Merrily Sparling, chair, Judith Phillips, Alan Ryan, William Hardiman, Tara Chambers, Frederick Oldfield, III, Robert "Zeke" Hammond  Red Shop Committee members William B. Gannett, Robert Brown, Merrily Sparling  Friends of Historic Hopedale members Barbara Kochon, chair, Judith Pagnini, treasurer  Celebration Committee Cheri Hardiman, Chair, Susan Galligher, Chair of Dedication Event, Tina O'Connell, Sally Decelles, Theresa Ryan, Dottie Milanoski  Historic House Tour Committee and Homeowners  Hopedale High School Band Band Director Anthony Beaudry.

  Individuals and Other Groups: Francis Larkin, Sue Ciaramicoli, Elaine Malloy, Daniel Malloy, Debbie Wells, Nancy Lee Fuller, Boy Scout Troop 1 and leader Toby Booth, Girl Scouts and leader Mary Cockroft, Friends of Adin Ballou, Rev. Richard Drinon, Rev. Christopher Dodge, Father William Konicki, Community House trustees and staff, Police Department, Highway Department, Senior Citizens at the Council on Aging, Council on Aging Director Carole Mullen, Massachusetts Historical Commission, Betsy Friedberg and Philip Bergen, Wild About Flowers, Holliston, and the John H. Chafee Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor Commission
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