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The [Milford] Gazette May 6, 1887 Hopedale One of John French's horses became rather stubborn Tuesday afternoon, but after somewhat damaging two carriages decided to remain quiet. Peter Moore has been granted a pension. Edith and Clare Draper have recovered from scarlet fever and Miss Edith will resume her attendance at school Monday. Milford water is being introduced into the house owned by Mrs. N.F. Lewers. Mr. and Mrs. George Draper are at the United States Hotel. Boston. [George died a month later, on June 7.] A May dance will be held at Society Hall next Tuesday evening. Music will be furnished by the Hopedale orchestra. Alice Bancroft, who has been suffering with erysipelas, is rapidly recovering. W. Hodges Smith of Providence is visiting at Mrs. A.F. Dowling's. Mr. Smith is prepared to tune and repair organs and pianos, having good references. A dramatic club has been formed to be known as the Hopedale Amateur club, with F.M. Day as president, Mrs. E.A. Darling secretary and treasurer. Parts have been assigned and a play will be given early in June. Mendon A cock fight took place near the old saw mill at the north end last Sunday with more than 100 attendants from the surrounding towns. Sheriff Bacon was in pursuit, but missed the place of meeting. It is hoped he will be more successful next time. Fred Wheeler is the father of a son born Sunday. [None of the births listed in any of the local news stories mentioned the mother. Judging by these stories, I'd say that in that era, mothers had nothing to do with the birth of children. Also, in other stories where children were mentioned, only the father was named The next one is typical.] Frank Lowell's youngest son, Earl, was taken dangerously ill Monday morning, but is now more comfortable. The calico dance at Town Hall Monday night was a most enjoyable affair and a financial success. Bellingham No observance of Arbor Day here. Rev. Lyman Partridge of Westminster visited relatives here recently. Would the three young men who made themselves nuisances by ringing door-bells, cracking window glass, and displacing property in Crimpville Tuesday evening, like to see their names in print? They were recognized and a second offense will not pass unnoticed. Their gift shows what manner of men they are. Horatio Thayer had a fall Wednesday which proved to be not as dangerous as was at first feared. Lester, the little son of George Osborne, has been quite sick, but is rapidly improving. North Bellingham Louis St. George, having put all his available land into oats, is being badly troubled with his neighbors' hens, and his remarks, whether in French or English, are anything but complimentary. Shoot 'em. Elmer Adams is quite sick with quinsy sore throat. The school committee have been notified of a case of diphtheria in the family of Silas Read in district No. 2. Measles are also reported in close proximity to the same school. Upton The backward spring has delayed planting very much. Farmers, don't forget the meeting of the farmers' club next Monday evening. Tomorrow afternoon the children's temperance band will meet at the Methodist church at 3 o'clock.. "Pink eye" is still prevalent in town, attacking all persons indiscriminately. It is now going the rounds of the straw factory at West Upton. Mrs. Pickering and Mrs. Bradish are to paint their house and barn, using Ingerpoll liquid paint made by the Patron's Paint works of New York, of which A.F. Greene is agent. The past week the May Henderson troupe has been playing to medium sized houses. The town hall has been let more nights this spring than at any season before since the dedication. The subject of temperance will be presented from the Congregational pulpit next Sunday. The letter box recently placed at the stone watering trough by Post-master Stoddard is a success. C.H. Trott collects the cream for the Westboro creamery on the route through Upton and Grafton. Albert Nason, who has long driven the milk team from East Upton through Hopkinton to Cordaville has given it up. Herbert J. Seymour has just purchased a pair of fine bay horses of L. E. Coolidge, Woodville. They weigh about 2800 and are six and seven years old. Jewett's horse and cattle cleaner is for sale in Upton only by H. C. Childs. He has also a new invoice this week of new goods at prices lower than ever. There are a number of dangerous places in town, beside the one near the residence of Miss Howe, that must be attended to, either before or after an accident occurs. Mr. Maxwell, a graduate of Atlanta University and now a student at Hartford, Ct., spoke regarding his people at the South, at the Congregational church last Sunday. Milford Matters The Wild West show entertainments which have been held nightly this week in Washington Hall, and which will be continued through next week, are attracting large audiences. The entertainments are free to all and are held for the purpose of advertising Dr. Solomon's medicines which are on sale during the evening. The shipment of boots and shoes for the week ending yesterday was 1750 cases; straw goods, 467 cases; flour receipts, 202 barrels. Julia Marlowe and company played Ingomar to a thin house at Music Hall last night. The play was well rendered and deserved a better audience. Various other attractions doubtless was one cause of the small audience. Four hundred new calico wrappers, and a large line of bustles and fancy parasols, at Green's. The Daughters of Minnehaha hold a business meeting at 3 o'clock every Tuesday at the residence of Geo. Westcott, Forest street. During the week ending yesterday there were but four cases tried in the police court, three of which were for drunkenness and one for disturbing the peace. Only one committal resulted, three of the offenders paying fines and costs. Hopkinton Two ball nines have been formed in the high school. The side making the best average playing ball and also in the written examinations will be presented with a bat and ball by the principal. Fred Stearns of So. Framingham spent Sunday at his home. The mass temperance meeting in the Town Hall was not very fully attended but those present enjoyed a rare treat. Rev. Hugh Montgomery of Worcester was the speaker and was introduced by Rev. A. J. Hall. The speaker summed up the No-license votes in the country and showed that if constitutional prohibition were to be voted on, it would be obtained by a large majority. He then went on to show how the people of the town can aid in driving out rum and it is to be earnestly hoped that every one will profit by the plain, straight-forward talk of Mr. Montgomery. The parts for rhetoricals at the high school Wednesday evening were all taken from Whittier. Next Wednesday the parts will be taken fromWebster's speeches. Millis At last, unknown Observerite, we "catch on." The freight depot has just received a new coat of paint. Two candidates whose names were mentioned last week, joined the church last Sunday. Inquiries are being made in certain circles regarding the recent street lamp breaking case. The results are not yet made public. Arbor Day was well kept here. 125 trees purchased by subscription, were planted in various portions of Millis and Rockville, 75 trees were planted on and around the Millis estate, making in all so far as learned 200 planted in the town. Last week the 4-year old child of A. P. Blake, while playing out of doors espied a snake. He seized it by the tail and dragged it into the house where he killed it. On being examined it proved to be a black snake over four feet long. The pastor gave an interesting account of Rameses II, and the finding of his mummy, last Sunday evening. J.H. Shannon has procured a new equine which affords him largely increased facilities for the summer business. Ashland The grange celebrated Arbor day by setting out eight trees at the South school building. The band furnished excellent music. In the evening an entertainment was given the hall with a full attendance. Detective Bean, assisted by local officers, made raids upon several places recently, securing liquors at the Central House, G. Murray's and Mrs. Tierney's. The first two paid $50 and costs, the latter's case being postponed till next week. Saturday evening, the local officers again raided the Tierney place and captured a large quantity of liquors, making two cases to be tried. Holliston E.F. Whiting has just put out new awnings over his store windows. Many homes in town are being improved in appearance by painting. The Sons of Veterans are drilling for Memorial day, when they expect to make a fine display. N.E. Bridges is the happy father of a fine boy. Last Friday the lightning struck a tree on the road in the cemetery and took out a goodly strip all the way down the trunk. Short Stories Menu HOME |