View of Great Blue Hill

According to the Park Commission report of 1917, Great Blue Hill could be seen from the Lookout area of the Parklands. One difference between then and now is that the trees are now much taller. My son, DJ, did the map work above. The straight red line is the line of sight from the Hopedale-Mendon line to the Blue Hills in Milton. As you can see from the profile view below the map, (with Hopedale on the left and Blue Hill on the right) the highest point in between is quite nearby. In fact, it's on the well-named Highland Street in Milford. Since it's lower than the Lookout area, it seems that Blue Hill could be seen, but the trees at the Lookout block the view.

   The highest point on Highland Street is at the water tower, but there also, there are obstructions. (Unless, of course, you climb to the top of the tank.) The only place I've found (with considerable assistance from DJ, who has the advantage of having much better eyesight) where you can see the Blue Hills from this area is on Highland Street at West Fountain. If you look in line with West Fountain and then look up to the horizon, weather permitting, you should be able to see it. This is only possible at or very near the intersection. Even about fifty feet down the road, you'll be too low to see the hills.

   The pictures below were taken from the intersection of Highland and West Fountain. According to DJ's map and compass, the little smudge on the horizon near the top of the pole, first picture, is Blue Hill. It's a little easier to see in the photo at the bottom of the page. Once again, we'll go to whatever lengths necessary to keep you posted on these vital issues of the day.

   For more on the Blue Hills Reservation, go to the
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation page on it, and/or the site of the Blue Hills Meteorological Observatory.

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