Milford, 1880 - 1930 Page 1, 1880 - 1899 In 1930, Milford held what appears to have been a very large celebration of its 150th anniversary. As part of that occasion, a book titled "Milford 1880 - 1930" was published. Tootsie Deletti made me aware of the book and loaned me a copy from which I took the items below. Since this is a Hopedale website, I've concentrated on Hopedale items, but there were so many things that tell a bit about the times and/or affected the entire area, much of what I have below is from Milford. DM 1880 January 5 -Gen. William F. Draper appointed to staff of Gov. John D. Long June 1 - Agitation for Memorial Hall. George Draper offered $2500 toward it. (Photo of Memorial Hall) 1881 March 9 - Milford Water Co. organized with Moses Joy, jr., president. June 2 - Seats for formal opening of Milford Opera House were sold at public auction at the house. George Draper paid the highest price, $55, Gen. William Draper the second highest, $47.50 (Photo of Opera House) June 3 - The play, "The Guv'nor" opened the Opera House with Reeve's orchestra of ten pieces of Providence. September 6 - Unusual and curious atmospheric conditions, remembered as the "yellow day." October 3 - Citizens at special town meeting voted to sell the town's 500 shares of stock in the Milford & Woonsocket Railroad Corporation to George Draper and James P. Ray for $30,000. 1882 September 18 - Milford Water Co. commenced extending its water mains to Hopedale. December 26 - Milford Board of Trade organized. Hopedale members of the board included Gen. William F. Draper, F. J. Dutcher and J. B. Bancroft. 1883 January 6 - Five Milford cigar namufacturers made 1.251,300 cigars during 1882. Cigars were first made in Milford in 1866. March 6 - George Draper leased the Hopkinton railroad until the auction sale to be held July 23. The road is to be run in connection with the new line to Franklin with through trains from Ashland to Boston and Providence via Milford. December 30 - Death of Hannah (Brown) Draper, wife of George Draper. 1884 May 16 - George Draper sold the railroad from Milford to Ashland to the Milford & Woonsocket Railroad co., through legislative act. October 16 - Rev. and Mrs. George Stacy observed golden wedding anniversary. [Stacy was a prominent member of the Hopedale Community for several years.] November 21 - The new railroad is selling round trip tickets to Boston by way of Franklin for $1.00. 1885 March 2 - Milford selectmen elected at town meeting include J. B. Bancroft. June 22 - George Draper writes an open letter, published in the Journal, stating that he is to petition the Legislature to have Hopedale set off as a separate town. (For more on this subject, continue down to October 17, and then to 1886. Click here for more on another page.) August 17 - George A. Draper, Z.C. Field and A. J. Sumner were chosen as a committee to interview Norcross Bros. concerning the report of leaving Milford. The principal reason was the indiscriminate sale of liquor in the vicinity of the quarry. If this trouble was remedied they would consider remaining here. September 9 - A move was made toward establishing a local company for electric lighting. October 17 - At a public meeting of Hopedale voters in Social Hall, on the question of dividing Hopedale from Milford, the sentiment was in favor of the division. George Draper was chairman and Frank J. Dutcher, secretary. Delano Patrick of Hopedale opposed the division. October 21 - Milford Electric Light Co., formed and Milford is now to have electric lighting. Poles and wires have arrived, a new boiler bought and carpenters are at work on the building on Central street. November 11 - Lighting by electricity for the first time in Milford tonight. Five street lights erected and seven business men also began the use of electric lighting. December 1 - George Draper, chairman of Memorial Hall committee, officially notified the Selectmen of the completion of the building. 1886 January 8 - Severe snowstorm and gale continuing for two days, tied up railroads for several hours. Only one stage, the one to Hopedale, succeeded in getting through the snowdrifts. January 27-27 - Hearing on the division of Hopedale and Milford at the State House. The entire days were taken up by the petitioners and adjourned until February 1. On that day the petitioners closed their case and previous to it the remonstrants were heard. March 24 - The House ordered the Hopedale separation bill to a third reading, 118 to 92 and then engrossed it 116 to 78. Fully 300 from Milford were at the State House when the voting took place. On April 3 the Senate enacted the bill, 18 to 16. When the separation became complete the Milford school committee decided to charge the Hopedale pupils in the Milford High Schol $1 per week for tuition. December 11 - Meeting of Selectmen of Milford and Hopedale in Milford Town Hall to divide the assets and liabilities of Milford, as of April 6, 1886. The matter will be referred for settlement to three commissioners appointed by the Superior Court of Worcester County. Chairman E. D. Bancroft of Hopedale Selectmen, demanded this procedure. 1887 February 26 - Judge Staples of Superior Court appointed William N. Clark of Worcester, Simon Borden of Fall River and Augustus B. Endicott of Dedham, commissioners in the Milford-Hopedale separation matter. June 7 - George Draper died at the United States Hotel in Boston, aged 70 years. July 22 - An agreement of settlement of all differences arising between Milford and Hopedale because of the incorporation of the latter, April 7, 1886, was presented to the special commissioners. September 1 - Milford Daily News established. 1888 January 4 - In 1887, there were 2,216,525 cigars made in Milford. September 1 - Homecoming reception tendered to Gen. W. F. Draper by the citizens of Milford and Hopedale in Milford Town Hall. October 17 - The new Grafton & Upton railway to be run from the present railroad grounds in Milford, through Hopedale to North Grafton. 1889 June 3 - The Milford Pink Granite Co. received the contract for the completion of the Boston Public Library, for $873,500. (Quarry pictures) September 9 - There were 2,118 tons of stone shipped over the B & A during August. 1890 August 5 - Rev. Adin Ballou, aged 87 years, 3 months and 13 days, died in his home at Hopedale. He was historian for Milford, founder of the Hopedale Community and a noted writer and authority on many subjects. August 27 - President E.P Usher of the Milford & Hopedale Street Railway Co., ordered six cars, each to cost $6,000 for the railway. Electric storage battery system is to be used. 1891 February 18 - Milford Overseers of the Poor report that $3,400 was realized from sale of produce at the almshouse. April 13 - The first street car by electric-storage battery power, was run over the Milford & Hopedale system on Central and Main streets with newspaper men and others as guests. May 18 - Gen. W.F. Draper subscribed $1,000 toward the $10,000 necessary toward starting a new shoe manufactory in Milford. 1892 April 14 - Milford Electric Light & Power Co. votes to extend the incandescent lamp street lighting to Hopedale. November 8 - Gen W. F. Draper elected congressman. 1893 April 28 - Milford & Hopedale Street Railway Co. erects a new building for the manufacture of storage batteries. 1894 March 17 - Milford granite cutters, after a prolonged strike, reached agreement for a sliding scale of 27 to 34 cents an hour. May 14 - The will of Nancy Bartlett left her home on Chestnut Street for an "Old Ladies Home," to be named after her. 1895 September 13 - Tracks, franchise and rights belonging to the Milford & Hopedale Street Railway Co. were taken over by the Milford, Holliston & Framingham Street Railway Co. December 21 - Mendon Horse Thief Detecting Society celebrated it 100th anniversary. 1896 January 1 - During 1895 there were 71,377 cases of boots and 13, 947 tons of cut granite shipped form Milford. J June 19 - William Lapworth of Hopedale, manufacturer of elastic web goods, met Milford business men and arrangements made for his commencing business in Milford at the old battery factory on Depot street. Mr. Lapworth having secured a five year lease. 1897 June 2 - The Milford & Upton Street Railway Co., granted a franchise by the Milford Selectmen, were refused one by the Hopedale Selectmen. December 7 - The first basketball game ever played in Milford was tonight in Town Hall between two Y.M.C.A. teams. 1898 January 31 - The worst blizzard since 1867 visited Milford, tying up all traffic and completely isolated the Town for two days. May 4 - George A., Eben S. and George Otis Draper, all of Hopedale, generously offered to equip Co. M members with such personal effects as they desired, not furnished by the government. May 4 - Milford's patriotism is around. Hundreds of flags adorn business blocks, factories and residences and the motto "Remember the Maine" is much in evidence. May 4 - Milford citizens honored Co. M with a big public recognition in Town Hall. The company was escorted from the Armory by Milford brass band and ablaze of red fire. Patriotic speeches made by prominent Milford and Hopedale residents. May 6 - Co. M given a rousing farewell on its departure for Framingham muster field preparatory for service in the Spanish-American war. May 20 - On departure of Co. M to Washington from Framingham, hundreds of Milford's citizens went to Framingham to cheer them off. The Milford High School Cadets assisted in the ceremonies. June 20 - Co. M, through Corp A.B. Edmunds, recruiting officer, filled its quota. The men in charge of A.J. Draper, one of their number and son of Gen. W.F. Draper, left Milford June 21 for Albany, N.Y. They were given a stirring farewell on their departure. July 1 - Arthur J. Draper has been commissioned Lieutenant. October 27 - Milford gives rousing welcome to Capt. John F. Barrett of Co. M and his command on their return from the Spanish-American war. Big street parade and reception in Armory Hall followed. November 1 - Paul T. French of Hopedale, a member of Co. M died October 24 on the relief ship, "Bay State," of fever. He was buried at sea. 1899 January 9 - Selectmen request the war department to forward to Milford the bodies of Sergt. Asa B. Trask and Private A. L. Wilkinson, who died in the war, from Porto Rico. June 8 - Misses Annie and Carrie Wheeler, daughters of Gen. Joseph Wheeler, a Confederate general, of Alabama, are being entertained by Milford and Hopedale residents. July 19 - State Board of Health warns the local Board about drinking water through lead pipes. Page 2, Milford, Hopedale 1900 - 1912 Page 3, Draper Strike of 1913 Page 4, Milford, Hopedale 1914 - 1930 Milford Pictures Milford in 1780 HOME |