The Corner of Dutcher and Social Streets, 1923, 2008

There were once several businesses near the corner of Dutcher and Social streets. (Across Social Street from the Fire Station.) In the picture of the doll carriage parade, you can see a restaurant and another business, and on the left, the house that's still there. The "in between" place with the front facing Dutcher Street may have been a shoe store. The 1918 Milford-Hopedale Directory includes the following ad. "H.H. Hart - Maker of Custom Shoes and Unlined Shoes for Ladies and Gents - Made to measure - Corner Social and Dutcher." Another ad says, "T.H. Craddock, Dealer in Beef, Pork, Lamb, Ham, Groceries, & Flour. Veg, Fruit, Canned Goods, Butter, Eggs, etc. 34 Dutcher Street." The house that is still there is 34 Dutcher Street. The two other buildings were torn down long ago and the lot was vacant for decades. The garage was built in the 1990s.

On the other corner, where the fire house now stands, was a rather shaky-looking old barn, and across the street from that was a small shop where one could obtain a sketchy meal prepared by Miss Annabel Jenkins.  I had ham and eggs there daily while lodging with Mr. and Mrs. Bates at 88 Dutcher Street before occupying the Bancroft Park house. Charles Merrill, Hopedale As I Found It.

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