Henry Patrick, whose father, Delano, was a member of the Hopedale Community, started his grocery businesss in Hopedale in 1867. He eventually had two stores; one in the center of town and one at the corner of Route 16 and Hopedale Street. (Patrick's Corner) The store in the center, shown in the top three pictures, was later bought by Rico Calarese and operated under the name, The Food Center. After using the old building for some years, Rico built a new store behind it. (Grand Opening at Rico's Food Center) When it was completed, the original store was razed to make room for a parking lot. The fourth picture was taken by Hopedale historian Winogene Noyes during the brief time when the new building was nearly finished, but before the old one was torn down. Some years later the store closed, and the structure was converted into an office building, as seen in the lower picture. Now and Then Menu HOME |