The Lookout, known years ago as Darling Hill, is located in the part of the Parklands that is west of the G&U tracks. You can reach it from a path near the tracks, or by a ten minute walk along the path that begins at the end of Overdale Parkway. To reach the Lookout from the west side of Hopedale Pond, take the side path shown on page 4. You'll soon come to a fork. Take path to the left. When you get to the tracks, you'll see the path going up the hill on the other side. It's shown in the next-to-last picture above. A few more minutes will bring you to the Lookout. The bottom picture is from an early town report. Because there were so few trees then, the view was better than now. The Park Department history reports that the shelter was built in 1908 for $311.48. The road that became Overdale Parkway, and the extension to the Lookout, was built in 1916-17. The shelter was repaired in 1923 and rebuilt in 1929. In the mid-1960s, Hopedale Boy Scout Troop 1, built five Adirondack cabins in the area, with lumber supplied by Draper Corporation and nails provided by Hopedale Hardware. Within a year or two, they had all been burned down. The 1917 Report of the Park Commissioners stated that Great Blue Hill, among other places, could be seen from the Lookout. It that still true? Here's what I found. A Walk Through the Parklands, page 1 Back to A Walk Through the Parklands, page 4 HOME |