Raymond Alden Piper 

LIEUT. PIPER, HOPEDALE, ACHIEVED GREAT SUCCESS   Hopedale, July 30 – Hopedale has just learned of the success of Lieut. Raymond A. Piper, who volunteered some months ago and was successful in passing examinations for the Aviation Section of the signal Corps of the Army.
On passage through the Aviation schools at the Mass. Inst. of Technology, and Cornell University, he was sent to the flying schools at Camp Dick, Texas, and later to Park Field, Memphis, Tenn. Within the past month, he was graduated and commissioned a lieutenant with high standing.
During his course of training Lieut. Piper had several exciting experiences, one when he went up without being strapped into his seat and his plane was nearly capsized by a sudden gust, and again when he was forced to land at a farm on a cross country flight when his supply of gasoline became low.
Lieut. Piper’s work includes much machine gun firing, and his club mates in the Hopedale Rifle club believe that he should do especially well in this work, remembering his ability with the rifle as shown at the club shoot last Thanksgiving, when he was the winner.
Lieut. Piper has the best wishes of his many friends in his future work, as well as their hearty congratulations on his success so far.
Milford Daily News


Second Lieutenant, Air Service: died 2 June 1919, in Evacuation Hospital 27, at Coblenz, Ger., result of airplane accident, 25 May. 

Enl. 10 Nov., 1917, E.R.C., Aviation Section, Signal Corps. Reported for duty 15 Dec. 1917. Dis. 5 July 1918 to accept commission. Commissioned 2d Lieut., A.S.S.C., 6 July 1918, from E.R.C. Assigned to 44th Aero Sq.; trans. To Air Service, 3d Army Corps. Stationed at Park Field, Tex.; Garden City, N.Y.; Camp Dick; A.E.F. Overseas 17 Oct., 1918. 

Born 24 June 1896 at Medford, son of Edgar Raymond (deceased) and Sophia Mayhew (Walker) Piper of Milford; brother of Samuel of Milford. Art Student.
The Gold Star Record of Massachusetts, 1929.

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