The Hopedale Pistol and Rifle Club |
Hopedale Pistol Club History HOPEDALE - On Nov. 26, 1937, 10 men met in the Community House for the purpose of forming a pistol club. The club objective was to encourage revolver and pistol shooting. Madison H. Goff was elected president and Burleigh W. Lapworth was elected secretary. A shooting range with four alleys of 25-foot range, was constructed in the basement of John A. Bell's barn. [The 1939 town directory lists John A. Bell as living at 83 Mendon Street.] A small but faithful group enjoyed many evenings there. Later five alleys of 60-foot range were constructed in the basement of the old stable of Hopedale Coal & Ice Co. More people became interested and through persistent efforts of a few members, the club prospered. A few matches with out-of-town clubs were held. Due to the war, club activity was discontinued until Sept. 25, 1947, when a meeting was held in the new range with President Goff in charge. The building is owned by the Draper Corp. and rented to the club. It is made of cinder blocks and is 125 feet long, 25 feet wide, and contains six shooting positions with a 50 and 60 foot range. (The article doesn't mention it, but this would be the building near the highway barn.) The fluorescent lighting arrangements were designed by the University of Maryland especially for shooting ranges. In addition to the range, there is a clubroom and an observation window, 15 feet by 30 inches, for spectators. Heat is furnished from the Draper Corp. central heating plant. Open house was held Oct. 8, 9, and 10. People came from near and far and were favorably impressed with the set-up. About this time several ladies developed an interest in shooting. As a result of this, today some of the ladies' scores rate higher than their husbands. Monday and Wednesday nights are reserved for rifle shooting, and Tuesday and Thursday nights are reserved for pistol shooting. Friday is an open night. On April 28, 1948, Mr. Goff retired after serving as president for several years. Charles Watson became president. Much activity took place with Tri-State shoot, matches with other clubs, and many holiday parties. The club is affiliated with N.R.A. and has recently received its charter. This year's activities open with dinner and annual meeting at Chicken Pete's, Sept. 28. Milford Daily News, September 14, 1949 Skeet Shooting in Hopedale In November 2006, I was talking to Arnold Nealley, often a good source of information on Hopedale years ago. He mentioned a skeet range that used to be in Hopedale, so I asked a few questions, took some notes, and here's what I have on it. Arnold was a member of the Maspenock and the Nipmuc rod and gun clubs, starting in the late forties. Before the skeet shooting started, he was into archery. He has a picture of an archery group at the Nipmuc club, taken in 1950, of Lon Church, Chick Childs, himself, Len Carlson, Limey Draper, Wally Colcord and Harold Bushnell. The skeet range was on Draper land on the Hopedale-Upton border near Route 140. Arnold thinks it may have been Craig Huff who started it. Dick Hoberg and Donald Wells were also "members." (It was a very informal organization.) They had high and low trap houses. Skeet shooting was also done where the Hopedale Country Club is now. Arnold said that as your drive in, it was off to the right. The Nipmuc Rod and Gun Club Another related organization was the Nipmuc Rod and Gun Club. Here's an article on it from about 1952 or 1953. HOPEDALE - Over 100 members and guests attended the annual meeting of the Nipmuc Rod and Gun Club which was held at the club house last evening. The following officers and directors were chosen for two-year terms. President, George Harlow; vice president, Arthur LaRhette; financial secretary, Nicholas Narducci, recording secretary, William Nelson; treasurere, Charles Lemon; directors, Douglas Wells, Arthur Sloan, Maynard Draper, Burleigh Lapworth, Robert Weaver, Roy Westcott, William Ackerly, Joseph DeGanne, John Glenn and Charles Eden. Past President Douglas Wells was given a rising vote of thanks for his untiring efforts in behalf of the club during his term of office. The meeting was preceded by a roast beef supper served by the Couples' Club of the Methodist Church. The club membership, now in excess of 850, includes members from several towns in this section. Milford Daily News , May 21, year not given. Park, Pond and Sports Menu HOME |
Richard Hoberg |
Identified by Arnold Nealley as "...probably Bunny Moran." |
Donald Wells at left. |
The four color pictures above were taken at the skeet range in Hopedale, near the Upton town line. These photos were taken years ago, and most of the area is now overgrown with trees |