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The Constitutional Convention In 1853, Massachusetts held a constitutional convention. Women's rights advocates hoped that it would discuss and act on rights for women. Here is what Abby Hills Price had to say on the subject. This Convention has been called to remodel the framework of our Constitution -- to prepare a form of Government, unto which, woman is amenable equally with man, and in which she has an equal interest. Her rights of property - her rights of person - her rights of labor are all subject to its control. The revised Constitution will contain laws regulating the sale of Ardent Spirits; has woman no interest in these laws? In relation to slavery - Has woman no duty and no interest on this point? Will it be said that man will fitly represent her and do her justice? Is that the genius of our Government for one class to represent another? Has man done woman justice when he has given the power to a drunken, brutal husband to take away from her, her children? When he has by law placed her earnings, her person, her property under his control? Is it just to assume her government without asking her consent? We have declared that all just Governments are derived from the consent of the governed. Now we propose to ask the Convention that when the constitution is ready to submit to the people, we also as part of the people, have a chance to consent to its laws. Shame on Massachusetts that woman is not represented in that convention! Her property will be taxed to pay for the expenses. The least that she can do, is to submit the new one to her, and ask her to consent to it, and for this she must petition! Women of Massachusetts! Have we nothing to do in this crisis? Members of the convention are very hopeful that something of an advance step may be taken, provided there is a strong voice from women themselves in relation to it. I know that woman shrinks from politics as she sees them conducted at present. And well she may; but should she willingly yield a natural right, and be placed in an inferior position, because those who have assumed the power over her have become corrupt? Perhaps she can govern herself better. Who knows but that men and women ought to blend in the State as in the family, and that such influences would purify each other. A good and a true order, in the Divine order. God has said, "It is not good for man to be alone." Man has no right to separate what God has joined together. Man has no right to say to woman, "We'll tell you where to stand." Let her take any position she may, and act as freely as her brother. But alas! It will, I fear, be weary years ere so much is granted. The evils of her position affect her seriously. She lives dependence and freedom from great responsibilities. Wives and mothers have great duties - pleasant and important responsibilities; but she is often rendered unfit for them by the frivolities of her girlhood, and the narrowness of her early aspirations. There are thousands who do not sustain these important relations, and such are the greatest sufferers. Woman is bound by a three-fold cord; the prejudices of society, her own weakness, and the laws. One of the greatest hindrances to the progress of this reform is her disloyalty to her own sex. Accustomed as she is to exert an irresponsible influence, and feeling a contempt for women that circumstances have cultivated, her prejudices are aroused whenever one steps from what is deemed her appropriate sphere and a current is almost unconsciously created stealthily, but without design, that is often irresistible and overwhelms the trembling innovator. Only let women come up to the work together, and act unitedly, loyally and kindly to each other, and the work is done, --slowly but surely. Agitations, discussions, petitions, abroad, and correctness at home. Unitedly, kindly, tolerantly, then sisters, let us toil on; having that charity that hides a multitude of sins, and that hope which encourages to a high ideal. A.H.P. Abby Hills Price, The Practical Christian, June 18, 1853. (From The Works of Abby Hills Price, Susan G. LaMar, September, 1998.) Abby's fear that it would "be weary years before so much is granted," turned out to be well grounded.. No rights for women were acted on or recommended by the convention. Hopedale Community Menu HOME |