Questions About Hopedale History

   A couple of years after I first got involved in Hopedale history, I realized that I was being asked a lot of questions on the subject, and that it might be interesting to write them down. The list below was started in August 2005. It’s certainly not all the questions that I’ve been asked. Just the ones I got around to recording. The wording isn’t the exact wording of the people asking. When I wrote them, I tried to recall the gist of the question. I didn’t come up with answers to all of them. If you wonder about the answers to any, you can find most on this website. If you can’t, email me (email link on
homepage) and I’ll answer if I can.

What can you tell me about
Gilbert Thompson? He came from your town and he was quite famous here in the Mt. Shasta area.

I’m writing a fictional account of the railroad accident that killed
Butler Wilmarth. What can you tell me about him?

My hobby is researching the history of bandstands. Can you tell me about
the one in the Hopedale town park?

I’d like to know about
Bristow Draper and his house near the corner of Adin and Mendon streets.

I’m a descendant of General Draper, but I know very little about
him and the Draper family. What can you tell me about them?

When were the houses at Prospect Heights built?

Can you tell me the age of the house at 15-17 Dutcher Street? (
Questions about houses are fairly common. Others included houses at Greene Street, Prospect Street, Soward Street, and another at Dutcher Street.)

Your web site says that Jack Haringa died. He was my favorite teacher. Can you send me the obit?

I’m looking for information on
Gov. Eben Draper for a historical novel I’m writing.

I need information about the Hopedale work done by landscape architect,
Warren Henry Manning, for a book that is being written about him.

Where can I obtain a copy of General Draper’s autobiography?

Is the
Harel House still there?

When was the Hopedale Housing Authority established?

What can you tell me about the stone foundation or wall on Adin Street near Steel Road?

Can houses in the National Register District
be altered or razed?

Do you have a list of the original
members of the Hopedale Community?

Can you find information (
births, deaths, marriages, place of residence, etc) of my Wentworth ancestors? (This is the most common type of question. I’ve had similar ones on a number of other families.)

What can you tell me about the
South Hopedale Cemetery?

Did Aerosmith really play at the Hopedale town hall?

How did the
Pest House get that name?

What happened to the honor roll that used to be in front of the
Legion Home? (Some who have asked this question seem to think that it was made of stone. It was wood and eventually deteriorated. I don't remember if it was removed when the Legion Home was moved or before that. There are pictures of it at the Little Red Shop Museum.)

I’m from the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities. I need information on the 1
913 Draper strike for our radio program. (There have also been requests from others for information and pictures of the strike.)

I need information on the
Little Red Shop for a paper I’m doing for school.

Can you tell me when the
Rustic Bridge, the Harrison Block and the bandstand were built?

What was the basis or origin of paternalism in Hopedale and Whitinsville?

For a college project, I need to know about individualism in the socialist community of Hopedale.

How is Lilla Draper Scharnberg’s name spelled?

I’m writing a book on American women who married European princes and dukes. Do you have
pictures of Princess Boncompagni?

Do you have site maps of Draper Corporation? (
Not detailed ones, but we do have Draper publications with maps showing the locations of their various departments.)

We need information on
Hopedale abolitionists for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day program.

Could the Milford News have been wrong when they printed that
the Larches was the home of Gov. Draper?

I’m writing
a book on Colombian immigrant who work in mills that use Draper looms. Where can I get permission to use some Draper pictures from Cotton Chats?

Can you send me a picture of Adin Ballou’s grave?

Could you send information on the Midgley family to the author of a book about the USS Gudgeon, on which
Donald Midgley died ?

I need some information and pictures of the
Bancroft Library for a project at the Memorial School library.

When did
Princess Boncompagni die?

What can you tell us about early schools in Hopedale?

Why isn’t
Douglas D’Orsay’s name on the Vietnam Wall? (It is.)

What was the
Home School?

Was Earl Sumner Draper related to the Hopedale Drapers?

I'm in Florida. Can you copy some pages on the history of Milford for me from a book in the Milford Library?

How did
Saltbox Road get its name?

I have
a strange looking device manufactured by the Dutcher Temple Company in Hopedale. Can you tell me what it is and something about the company?

Where is the howitzer that used to be on the lawn in front of t
he Legion Home?

Do you have information on
the plane crash at Hopedale airport in which the pilot and two children died?

For a newspaper article, I need information about the Independent Messenger, the death of Adin Ballou’s first wife and sons, and
the number of members of the Hopedale Community.

A boy named Roy Morisseau was killed in a bicycle accident in the fifties. Do you have any information on that?

I’d like to know about the boarding house that once stood on the corner of Hopedale and Freedom streets where the Chambers family lives now. (I have
a page on three other boarding houses, but I haven't heard much about that one - just that there was one there, but evidently not as large as the others.)

Some of the old street listing books from the twenties give H.S. as a place of residence for some people. What does that mean? (
Here's a wild guess. While the Home School had been closed for well over a half century by then, the name could have remained. The Water Cure House, in and out of business in just a few years in the Hopedale Community days, continued to be known by that name up until the time of its demolition in the late twentieth century, so it would be no big surprise if the name of the Home School lingered on also. If so, where was it? Evidently the school was in what became the American Legion Home, but I think that by the twenties it was owned and being used by the Legion, so probably wouldn't be called the Home School by then. However, I think the school probably owned at least one other building, which would have been used as a dormatory. I don't think what became the Legion Home was large enough to be a dorm for the number of pupils that the records show were enrolled there. Old maps show that the Home School owned a good sized lot on the corner of Adin and Dutcher streets. The Dutcher home would have been there long before the twenties, but possibly the Home School dorm was still there in the back. As I said, a wild guess.)

I’m writing an article and a book about
Waldo Story, the sculptor who created the Statue of Hope. What can you tell me about it?

Can you send us a timeline showing the
history of the Little Red Shop?

Can you suggest an “unsung hero” from Hopedale’s history for a project I’m doing?

Did Drapers make knives and give them to their employees who went into the service during World War II?

You have
pictures of the Milford-Hopedale reunions in Florida on your website. Can you give me any names?

We recently bought two Draper looms. Can you give us information that will help us in getting parts, restoring and setting them up?