The Hopedale Recycling Center. Fourth photo down: Dan Lopez and Chase Filosa, ready to take your trash, April 7, 2007. Bottom picture: Board of Health agent, Lenny Izzo, gives a tour of the center to Hopedale High students. The center is open on Saturdays. From the first of April to the end of December the hours are 8 AM to 3 PM. From the first of January to the end of March, it's open from 9 AM to 1 PM. Oil based paint can be disposed of at the recycling center. If you have latex paint to get rid of, you can leave the can(s) open until the paint hardens, and then leave it for the curbside trash collection. The Board of Health also has a cardboard container and a clothing container on Depot Street. Remember that clothing doesn't have to be in "wearable condition." Whatever isn't judged to be good enough to wear, is used as rags or to produce paper. Town Departments Menu Old Recycling Center Recycling Center Price List HOME |