Thanks to Debbie (Grillo) Robbins for sending this Milford News clipping. The year isn't on it. I think it must have been 1948, give or take a year. If you know, please let me know. Email link on homepage. ( A few days after I posted this, I heard from Paula (Tellier) Alves - first row in picture - who said itmust have been taken in 1947. My wife recognized some names and also said 1947. I'll never doubt her again. Here's the caption:

Hopedale, Dec 24.- Christmas exercises were held by pupils of the Little Red Schoolhouse Nursery school in the Town Hall. Donald Keniston of Upton was Santa Claus and there were many guests present and some of these young folks had their pictures taken with the pupils.

   Front row: James Robert Wood of Milford, Paula Ann Tellier of Milford, David Calarese of Hopedale, Carolyn Thompson of Upton, Dorothy Robbins of Mendon, Philip LaBastie of Mendon, Alice Wilson of Hopedale, Arlene Kirsner of Milford, Richard Moore of Hopedale, Nancy Ann Newton of Upton, Sally Newton of Upton, Nancy Dudley of Mendon, Evelyn Dautrich of Mendon, "Jackie" Evans of Milford.

   Second row: Patricia Mosso of Upton, Bernadette Sooley of Hopedale, Celine Wood of Milford, Daniel Nicholson of Milford, Dolores Comastra of Milford, Paul Biedrzycki of Mendon, James Lovejoy of Hopedale, Kathryn Sails of Milford, Karen Caulfield of Hopedale, Margaret Wilson of Hopedale, James Kennelly of Mendon.

   Back row: Benjamin Barnes of Hopedale, Stanley Barker of Milford, Jesse Cox of Mendon, Karen Jacques of Milford, John Melanson of Milford, Howard Sears of Milford, James Webber of Milford, Chester Benoit of Upton, Carol Ann Hickmott of Mendon, Donald Washburn of Hopedale, Charles Smith of Mendon, Barry Williams of Upton, Susan Clifford of Milford and Henry Bouchard, Jr., of Mendon.

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