Help Wanted

Perhaps you have already been volunteering at the Little Red Shop Museum.  Perhaps you have helped with fundraisers over the years.  Perhaps you're just curious to see what you might do to help? 

Might you enjoy getting together a few times over the summer with "old and new" volunteers for a few Little Red Shop Museum Work Party Nights?  :>)

As many of you know, we began holding "LRSM Work Party Saturdays" twice each month, beginning this past January.  Although we accomplished lots, we have so much more to accomplish in anticipation of being able to open the Little Red Shop Museum to the public.

Our last Work Party Saturday Session was May 2nd.  Although we will recess from Work Party Saturday Sessions for the summer, the Friends of Historic Hopedale agreed to pilot a series of Summer Session LRSM Work Party Nights.  Please consider joining us beginning at 7 p.m. for some or all of these "work party nights."  :>) 
Wednesday, May 27th
Thursday, June 11th
Thursday, June 18th
Thursday, July 9th
Thursday, July 23rd
Thursday, August 6th
Thursday, August 20th

Here are just a few ideas of areas that might be worked on:

research the Draper family tree in connection with homes which (once did or still do) exist in Hopedale.  This information would be used to organize and prepare a Grand Properties photo installation at the LRSM.

Hopedale Veterans "Killed In Action" Photo Installation and related exhibits

research other Hopedale families (e.g. Dutcher, Northrop) with ties to the growth and prosperity of the Draper Corporation

reviewing, identifying, cataloging of documents, photos and artifacts
local artist exhibits

might you consider being a "historical liaison" for a local organization (or assist us in obtaining a liaison) to help us develop some of our "temporary" or perhaps "seasonal" exhibits?  It might be appropriate (and a great service to our citizens) for the LRSM to be a repository for local memorabilia (or at least a written history) for such groups as:

Friends of Elders
Friends of the Library
Cub Scouts
Boy Scouts - seasonal - could be on display during February, the month for Scout Sunday and the birthday of Scout founder Lord Baden Powell and his wife Olave (Feb. 22)
Girl Scouts (since 1987 in Hopedale) - seasonal - could be on display during March each year - March 12 is always the Girl Scout Birthday
Campfire Girls and Boys (no longer are active in Hopedale)
Friends of Music/High School Music groups
Boosters Club/High School Sports Teams - outstanding athletes/teams
Draper Corp. semi-pro teams (seasonal - exhibit could coincide with Opening Day for Hopedale Youth Baseball or Opening Day for our beloved Boston Red Sox
Hopedale Youth Baseball/Cooperstown Dream Teams - teams usually go to Cooperstown in August
Hopedale Youth Softball
Hopedale Youth Basketball
Hopedale Lions Club
Hopedale Cultural Council (Day In The Park)
local bands (Hubris, Fantasy Band, Junk Man's Choir, Jason Myles Goss, etc.)
the three local churches and Community Bible Chapel (?)

We envision a written history of each, photographs, possibly uniforms, etc.  These are very much a part of the more "modern" Hopedale history, but nonetheless are part of our history.  We're thinking that with seasonal/temporary exhibits that these might help to draw interest in the LRSM as a museum for "Hopedale's History - Then and Now."  It might help folks to feel (and realize) that they too are a part of our Town's history.
What are your ideas?

Please let me know if you are interested in joining us.  Have you any other suggestions of folks who might also be interested in working with us?

historically yours,

Sue Ciaramicoli (508 473 2192
Friends of Historic Hopedale