Draper softball team, 1943. Back row, left to right: Virginia Marble, Priscilla Sadler, Mae Pagani, Hermina Cichanowicz, Coach Clifford Smith, Helen Beal, Rose Marcone, Norma Fitzgerald. Front row: Louise Dinunzio, Eleanor Smith, Barbara Taft, "Toots" Carron and Marion Hewson. "We were fortunate to have Lloyd Fitzgerald as our personnel manager. He was an avid sports fan. He was instrumental in organizing four girls' softball teams. Each team had a coach. We took our games seriously and practiced quite often. The games were held every week during the summer. Because the Milford News gave us excellent coverage, many spectators came to watch us. After two years, an all-star team was chosen and we were told that Draper Corporation had scheduled a game with a professional team. We had heard rumors that the professionals did not wish to play against us because we were amateurs. Naturally, we were indignant and a bit timid. We practiced every night and then went to Lake Nipmuc (rollerskating) to unwind. When the team arrived in Hopedale, we were still a bit tense. Quite a few fans came to watch us. The news reporters were also present. Early in the game, Mae (Pagani) Costanza hit a home run with the bases loaded. She could play better than any professional and seldom struck out. The final score was 20 to 1. We had won!" Hermina Cichanowicz, December 2002. To see a 1950 men's softball team, click here. More of Hermina's War Years memories Hermina's White City memories Park, Pond, Sports Menu Memories Menu HOME |