Dick Grady and Dennis Bishop came up with some names to go with the faces in this picture. Do you have any additions or corrections you can send me? (Email link on the homepage.)

Back row: ?, Ray Morin, Dickie Hammond, Dennis Bishop, Dennis Simmons (?), Jimmy McCallum, Gary Moran, Jonathan Potter (?), Carl Miner at far right.

Additions to back row sent by Tom Lipsky and Bruce Lutz: (Question marks are theirs - not mine.)  Susan Berry? (in water on left), Eric Carlson, Kenny Simmons, not Dennis), Jack or Gary Moran, Dennis Simmons. (Obviously I'm skipping some here, figuring those of you who have found your way to this page probably know these kids well enough to match names with faces.)

Front row: ?, Jessica Veins, RoseEllen Morey (?), Denise Spencer, Christine Gaffney, Pearl Gorondi, ?, Karen Rabine, Racine, ?, Susan Leoncini, ?

Tom and Bruce additions for the front row: Debbie or Susan Durham?, Rosewita, not RoseEllen, Morey, Jeannette Tiernan, Marie Racine, Marilyn or Kathy Strobeck?

And here's more from Tom. Bruce and I worked out almost everyone. For example, the girl to Janette Tiernan's immediate left is Susan White; then Rehbein, then Marie Racine, then ?, then Susan Leoncini, then ?

In the back row, we don't think that is Jonathan Potter next to Moran; the age is off, along with the looks. The girl to Dennis Simmons' immediate left is Karen Cutter, then Jane Smith, then ? (I think her name is/was Gallerani).

    These are all educated guesses, but we think we are correct on all that we have.
Tom L.

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Dan--here you are, but verify them:

A= Fred Foster
B = Raymond Morin
C= Dicky Hammond
D= Dennis Bishop
E = Kenny Simmons
F= Jim McCallum
G = Jackie Moran
H=  Bill Miller
I = ?
J= Dennis Simmons
K = Karen Cutter
L= Janie Smith
M = Judy Gallerani
N = F. Carlton Miner
O = Debbie Durham
P = Jessica Viens
Q = Roswitha Morey
R = Denise Spencer
S = Christine Gaffney
T = Janet Tiernan
U = Susan White
V = Karen Rehbein
W = Marie Racine
X = ?
Y = Susan Leoncini
Z = Cheryl Strobeck

     These are to my knowledge, the names. The photo was taken around 1959 or 1960.
     You might want to contact someone from the class of '67 or '68 or '69 to verify and get the missing ones. Also, check with Bruce who is actively working on it.
    The girl in the water in the back we think is Brenda Berry.   
     Amazing that there are 26 people on the raft, one for each letter.