Morrow's honeysuckle blooms in May and June. I took these pictures on May 17, 2006. This bush is in an overgrown area between the back of my yard on Inman Street and the back of the Jones Road yard behind me. It can also be seen in the Parklands; especially on the entrance road from Dutcher Street, down to where it meets the main road.. The bush can be from four to ten feet tall, and it develops red berries by fall. Tartarian honeysuckle is very similar, but the flowers, while sometimes white, are usually pink.

   According to the New England Wild Flower Society, these honeysuckles, and the Japanese honeysuckle vine, are invasive plants. "Observations show that little grows in the dense shade of  these six to 10 foot plants. Honeysuckles shade out ferns, grases, and wildflowers that serve as important microhabitat for insects, small rodents, and snakes. They also suppress forest succession. Once established, honesuckles can homogenize the landscape for years to come. Despite their seductively sweet scent, homeowners are wise not to introduce them into their yards and to pull up any seedlings from seed deposited by birds before they become too much of a good thing."
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