Blue Sky Darkling Dawn
Alerath sighed, shifted his body on the ledge of their temporary weyr as he stared at one of the dragonesses below him. She's beautiful, B'tius...
B'tius just blinked as he looked up at his dragon. "She? Who is she?" He asked suspiciously.
Alerath turned his head, motioning to the bright green dragoness who's tail was marked with three lighter rings. A bit odd, but normal compared to most of the dragons at Ryslen.
B'tius stared at the green dragon, one dark eyebrow raised in apphrension. He sighed and looked up at his small blue dragon again. "Let me guess. You want to chase her, huh?"
The pale blue nodded, glancing at his rider anxiously. B'tius shrugged. "Well, her rider is...human, right?" He asked worriedly.
Alerath blinked.
Of course. Why wouldn't she be?
"Just checking..." Considering some of Ryslen's other residents, that wasn't such an unusal question. "Where is her rider, anyway?"
Alerath motioned with his head again, and this time B'tius noticed the slender, blong-haired woman sitting by the dragoness, with a gree fire lizard draped across her shoulders.
That is Kenyeva, rider of the lovely Clareth. Can we go now, B'tius?
"Huh?" B'tius hadn't been paying attention to what the tiny blue dragon had said, as he was still staring at the beautiful greenrider.
Alerath growled, butting his rider gently with his head.
Come on, B'tius! You have to go sign us up for the flight!
B'tius laughed, allowing the pale blue dragon to push him along. "Alright, alright already, Alerath. Hold your runners, I'm going."
Alerath just shook his head at his rider, and spreading his wings wide, glided down to where the green dragoness lay sprawled out, hoping to befriend her. B'tius rolled his eyes, glancing at the oblivious greenrider and dragon before leaving. Perhaps he'd try to 'accidently' run into Clareth's rider later.
Alerath is Chasing Special Green Clareth at: Ryslen