Searchrider Info
My searchriders will go search in groups, in pairs, or singly, as it suits the situation. Use as many as you want. You may also feel free to use your own searchriders if you want, or any of the other dragonriders at Darkling Dawn.
Head Searcher C'rin & Blue Rigelth
C'rin is possibly the exact opposite of his dragon, Rigelth. While C'rin is almost always happy and cheerful, (If a bit dimwitted), Rigelth is unusually cold and aloof for a dragon, and much more intelligent than most Old World dragons. Having been abandoned and somewhat used to being on his own, he is more likely to speak directly to candidates rather than rely on his rider.
C'rin has short, very messy black hair and bright blue eyes, and he's in his late twenties. Rigelth is a rather large for a blue dragon, and a pale blue color.

G'vin & Blue Aavaanaath
G'vin is friendly to
all the candidates, no matter how odd. Which is a good thing, considering that he himself has a pair of white, feathery wings on his back. His has short, light blond hair and blue eyes, and is in his mid-to-late twenties. He tends to search the more out-of-the-way worlds that aren't used to bonded dragons and humans, rather than the dragon-worlds, like Alskyr, Danach, or the Old World. He's rather short, and on unfamiliar worlds, wears a cloak to cover his wings. (It should also be mentioned that though he has wings, they are not large enough or strong enough to actually let him fly.)
Aavaanaath is a very dark blue, and he can't understand why his rider has a pair of wherry wings on his back.

Ellone & Green Seinkoth
Ellone is much calmer and quieter than the other searchriders, but still friendly. Her green dragon, Seinkoth, almost mirrors her own personality, and would not think of hurting anyone. 
They both try to act more mature than the others, being the only female searchriders. They're also the youngest; Ellone is only nineteen, and Seinkoth three.
Ellone has long brown hair and brown eyes. Seinkoth is a medium-sized, bright green dragon.

B'tius & Blue Alerath
every weyr needs a cranky, hidebound searchrider! ^.^ Yep, B'tius is cranky, irate, and just generally bad-tempered. He strongly dislikes non-human candidates and oddly-colored dragons. (Despite the fact that he has a red and gold sunset-colored fire lizard.)
His dark brown hair, reaches just past the nape of his neck. His eyes are steeley gray. He's 20 turns old.
Alerath is very small for a blue, and pale. He depends on his rider alot, and positively adores him. Surprisingly, B'tius is just as fond of Alerath, despite his contempt for pretty much everyone else.

Yeit & Cream Engunoeth
Yeit, though polite and cordial, is not very sociable, and she generally says only as much as she needs to. She does love exploring new worlds, and she and Engunoeth usually search on unfamiliar, exotic worlds, though they often pick up bonders on Alskyr as well.
Yeit has a scrawmy build and very pale features. She is in her early twenties.

Ni'ata & Leir
These two dragons are bonded to each other, and they meet other dragons a lot and have a vast network of friends. They often help with searching for candidates, and helpfully direct interested parties to Darkling Dawn.
Ni'ata is a female furry, wolfish dragon with black and cream fur. She is incredibly stubborn and refuses to give up on anything. She is quite opinionated, but also clever.
Leir is a purple male with a curious trait of immortality (and very good hearing). He's pretty likeable and he's fond of cute things, but he is also nervous and extremely gullible. He is always worried about bad luck and superstitions.