
Kathy Garner's

Guest Book



Patsy McMillan - 12/30/98 06:09:47
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Estates/8053
My Email:patsym3@ibm.net

Wonderful Kathy, I just love the dancing skeleton, great links too. Sorry about the file, new one coming your way, I must have attached the wrong one! I am still learning this caper - 8-) cheers

pauline seaman - 12/28/98 23:02:20
My Email:paulineseaman@chorleylancs.freeserve.co.uk

Hi there Kathy,,very impressive page.I will call again to make notes. Once I get into a routine in new year I will look for "George" as promised. My garners are from London but before that I dont know. They say they came over with the hugeonots. Off to bed. Take care,Pauline in wet and windy UK

Debbie Pickering - 12/27/98 17:09:02
My URL:http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/DPickering
My Email:Klecpm@bc.sympatico.ca

Hello Kathy: Very interesting family story. I am researching my Pickering: Derbyshire, Eng>SK,Canada>NY,NY,USA history and also my Irwin roots Scotland>SK,Canada. Not sure how I can help you out but I live 20 minutes from Salmon Arm, BC. Have you chec ed out the BC Archives site? Good luck in your searching.

Murray Lundberg - 12/21/98 03:00:31
My URL:http://www.yukonalaska.com
My Email:Mlundberg@hypertech.yk.ca

Greetings, Kathy and Ernie, Congratulations on your site - it looks great. The skeleton is wonderful (both the graphic, and your explanation of the skeleton in your family closet). Sharing resources and enthusiasm like this is what makes genealogy no longer a solitary process. We al have lots to learn! I'd like to invite all of your readers who have relatives who came to the Yukon or Alaska to pop by my site(s) for a look - I've got thousands of people listed. Murray

Syd Locke - 12/20/98 22:00:56
My Email:sydlocke@msn.com

Like your page very much. I am also interested in BC late 1800 thru present. Locke, Pollard, are the main line. Grandfather was the Capt. of the Sophia that was shipwreaked in 1918 with all hands lost. Looking for uncle Leonard Locke who may have been adopted after fathers death. Syd

Sheila Forster - 12/20/98 07:29:33
My Email:sheila@gil.com.au

Great site, no names I can link up with, I am searching for my grandfather in the period of 1891 till he reappears in 1904 when he married in Fulham London, he was Frederick Anthony SADLER, married Melvina ALDERTON, the skeleton in our closet is me, I am illigitament, big deal these days, but a hush hush thing in 1931. Good luck and best wishes. Sheila Forster in hot and humid Queensland Australia.

Frank Budny - 12/16/98 04:16:47
My Email:fbudny@direct.ca

Hi Cathy! I love your site. Ernie explained it at work but I'm glad I checked it out because its better! Now you've got me thinking about my tree which has just about petered out,only my daughter and myself left.I will return to read the details on your site more closely when I have more time. Right now I have to put these old bones to bed in time for work in the AM. All the best, "your Frank"

Kenny Mazzanti - 12/15/98 22:36:41
My Email:mazzanti@silverstar.com

I empathize. I am looking for a marraige license in Gloucestershire for my 3rd gr grandparents, William Evans and Catherine Perkins 29 Mar 1852 in Merthyr Tidfyl, Glocester. Also, Wm's father Thomas Evans and his wife. Thomas born about 1800, and married before 1825. Stumped for 35 years, now. Ken

Alan - 12/15/98 21:07:52
My Email:alan-o-watkins@easynet.co.uk

Hi gang- It's the Medway floet! Pictures have come out AOK, on a day when I found my missing family in New Zealand, discovered another bit of history I had been seeking - and your pages work fine! It's a triple hit. Alan Mizzle brought down the curtain on the stage that is today's Medway

Alan - 12/07/98 07:01:40
My Email:alan-o-watkins@easynet.co.uk

Hi, young lady, from the shores of the Medway! I promised to look in, and I have. This site looks neat and tidy, unlike most! Incidentally, I'm not surre which photo relates to which caption. Have a look, and see. Alan What cloud there is flames angrily with the towns' lights, and the incoming dawn, on a morning when the
remaining sparrows seek warmth

virginia duncan - 12/07/98 00:31:21
My Email:virginia@sedona.net

very entertaining page...I loved it! My ggrandmother was Annie Gardner married James Dick in Kilmarnock. My files are a mess right now, so I don't have further details easy.. it is one of my upcoming projects Good job I will enjoy visiting you

Ruth - 12/05/98 23:04:34
My Email:wsauder@uniserve.com

Kurt says your homepage is awesome! Wilf says awesome! and I of course think it is beyond awesome!!! I like the skeleton.The graphics and layout are excellent. and one of the things that struck me was how quickly the whole page downloaded onto my compu er screen. Must have something to do with Ernst's technical wizardry in the setup. We'll have to talk, Ernst. I've been planning a webpage of my own for some time, but the pros who do these things for you tend to charge a lot of money. Stay out of the rain, you kids. Awesome x 10. Ruth.

Ron and Margaret - 12/05/98 18:30:19
My Email:piersplw@axionet.ca

Hi Kathy and Ernst . Great job on your web page !! It answers my uncertainty about the level of your "computerese." A real stroke of genius and an absolute attention getter the use of photo's of Ernst in the nude!! Have not had time to tap into any of your links yet , but am orking on it.

Jane Sherris - 12/05/98 17:57:14
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Meadows/9402
My Email:jsherris@lightspeed.bc.ca

Wow what a great job! And you say your a beginer at this?!? I love you little dancing skeletons! I hope that your page helps you find those missing skeletons!

Jean Whimp - 12/05/98 13:55:41
My Email:jeanwhimp@bigpond.com

Liked your home page especially the inclusion of photos, the simple listing of names and the favourite sites.

Carol Beattie - 12/05/98 12:39:03
My Email:fourselbigers@worldnet.att.net

Saw your message on Scottish GenWeb and came to take a look. Looks Great!!!! Good job!!!!

K Bearss - 12/05/98 12:34:53

That skeleton takes the cake! It's a real attention getter! Sorry we don't have any common surnames though.

pat stedman - 12/05/98 08:01:08
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Lane/8397
My Email:patstedman@one.net.au

Got your webpage address thru Scotsgen mailing list so decided to take a look - keep up the good work. I am very impressed!

sandra wilmot - 12/05/98 06:50:12
My Email:wilmots@ocean.com.au

Wonderful site, very useful linkups. Like yourself searching for Garner ancestors.

Marjorie Klein - 12/05/98 01:21:14
My Email:ughsmom@cybrquest.com

Hi, My great-grandmother was named Sarah Emma Garner and she married George Broomhead Green in Tooele, Utah. George was born 2/16/1862 in Tooele, Utah. I have absolutely nothing on Sarah Emma Garner but I keep looking. It would be wonderful if she was part of your line. Hope to hear from you. Marjorie

John - 12/05/98 00:09:32
My URL:http://somewhere.com
My Email:placebo2000@hotmail.com

Hello Kathy! I hope you feel a bit more important now someone's signed your guestbook. :) I've just been out to the pub and seen a girl I went out with years ago. It never went passed a few dates. Crikey, she's grown up a bit! I wish I'd shown more interest now.... Anyway, must get some sleep! John Oh yes, it is a Great Site!

David Fancy - 12/04/98 22:13:51
My Email:David_Fancy@bc.sympatico.ca

Looks good, I like the closet, one small gotcha. Some HTML code is showing at the end of the page, right below "get your free home page"

Crispin Vessell - 12/04/98 20:30:48
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/ridge/4706
My Email:crispinv@hotmail.com

Hello, I'm Crispin Vessell (owner of Gene's Genealogy Page) Heartland/Ridge/4706. I think you have a great page here, you are off to a fine start, keep up the good work. I found your page to be informative and easy to navigate. Your site is also pleasing o the eye *grin* Good color choices.

Arlene - 12/04/98 20:24:52
My Email:lane@supernet.ab.ca

Love that skeleton!!! Great work- keep it up!

Joanne MacLeod - 12/04/98 15:31:20
My URL:http://http://www.angelfire.com/ga/hamlyngen/index.html
My Email:jmacleod@mars.ark.com

Hi Kathy, Love that skeleton, I want one too! Ernst has done a nice job. Talk to you later

Vickie Slogrove - 12/04/98 10:47:08
My Email:Slogrove @ Nanaimo.ark.com

Hi Kathy - Love your page - especially the links. So far have looked at Rory's Stories - what fun! I am not researching any of the names you mentioned but like the rest of us - you must keep on trucking.

Connie Everitt (nee:STUDLEY) - 12/04/98 10:13:30
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Heartland/Ridge/2131
My Email:severitt@sno.net

Hello Kathy saw your message on the ESSEX list so I had to stop by. Looks great Keep up the great work. Come by and visit my site sometime and don't forget to sign my guestbook & put your surname interests on my Surname Round-up message board. Bye for now.


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