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North America

North America Images Index

<AmericaNorthLarge.html> A larger map of North America. (374kb)
<AmericaNorth2Large.html> The largest map of North America. (708kb)
<AmericaNorthWater.html> North America Map - with Rivers and Lakes Included.
<AmericaNorthLosAngeles.html> Los Angeles Perspective Image. (143kb)
<AmericaNorthMalaspinaGlacier.html> Perspective Image of Malaspina Glacier. (113kb)
<AmericaNorthMtStHelens.html> Perspective Image of Mt. St. Helens.
<AmericaNorthPortlandOR.html> Portland, Oregon Perspective Image with Mt. Hood. (119kb)
<AmericaNorthSanDiego.html> San Diego Perspective Image.
<AmericaNorthSatellite.html> North America Satellite Photo.
<AmericaCentral600.html> The index map for North America's subregion: Central America.

Oceania (map)

Full color elevation map of North America.
Click here to return to main world map.

Click here for a larger map of North America. (374kb)
Or click here for the largest map of North America. (708kb)

Europe (map)

Central America (map)

South America (map, 135kb)

NASA/JPL/NIMA. “WorldSRTM-noPoles-giant” Online Image. Earth Observatory. 16 May 2005 <>

North America

This image was created from a larger Public Domain world map produced from data obtained by NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM). The world map was cropped to the North America and resized to 600 pixels wide using a trial version of Adobe Photoshop. Using Google's free Picasa2 program, the color and lighting were then enhanced and finally sharpened to obtain the image above. The original image can be viewed at the NASA link above.

The vast majority of North America, excepting only Central America, was comparatively undeveloped for most of its history, only developing intensive agriculture after 1000AD, millennia after the Middle East and China. Mesoamerica (Central America) was the dominant location of development in North (and South) America. In 1050 the Anasazi culture began to thrive in what would become the desert Southwest of the US. Its intensive irrigation allowed it to survive in the sun baked heat, but it collapsed in droughts around 1300. The Mississippian temple mound builders developed intensive agriculture around 1250 but had largely disintegrated by 1650 when Europeans were claiming footholds along the East Coast. It is quite possible their collapse was due to European diseases which had 150 years to spread since Columbus’s voyage of 1492. The history of North America was unquestionably defined less by conquest and culture than biology. When Native Americans resisted colonial Europeans their success varied from problematic to highly threatening, but they lacked the numbers to stem the tide of European takeover. The diseases which Europeans brought with them, most importantly influenza and small pox, decimated the unprepared populations of the Americas. The most advanced cultures, the urban dwellers who lived in high concentrations were disproportionately affected, leaving the less advanced native cultures naked to the coming European transformation of the continent.

By 1783 when Britain was forced to recognize the US, European immigration and baby boom had reshaped the demographics of the Americas. Europeans and their descendents were no longer mere interlopers, but the largest population block with superior technology to boost their numerical advantage. By 1900, the US would exert a dominant influence throughout the Americas, and by 1950 had begun to emerge as one of the modern superpowers.

Author: chroniclemaster1 Date Received: 2006/01/02
Editor: chroniclemaster1 First Date Posted: 2006/01/02
Proofreader: chroniclemaster1 Last Date Revised: 2006/01/02
Researcher(s): chroniclemaster1
Subjects: Maps Home
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