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Europe - Greece Satellite Photo

Color satellite photo of Greece with international borders in white.
Click here to return to main Europe map.

Courtesy of MODIS Rapid Response Project at NASA/GSFC. “EuropeSatelliteGreece-picasa.jpg” 19 Aug. 2004. Online Image. Earth Observatory. 16 May 2005 100kb. 540×540px. <>

Europe - Greece Satellite Photo

This image shows a satellite photo of Greece in Europe with international boundaries added in white. This true-color image was acquired on January 28, 2004, by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Aqua satellite. It was created from a satellite photo produced by NASA. Using Google's free Picasa2 program, the color and lighting were enhanced and then sharpened to obtain the image above. The original image can be viewed at the NASA link above. International borders are drawn in white, and the capital, Athens, is pointed out by an arrow.

Author: chroniclemaster1 Date Received: 2006/01/02
Editor: chroniclemaster1 First Date Posted: 2006/01/02
Proofreader: chroniclemaster1 Last Date Revised: 2006/01/02
Researcher(s): chroniclemaster1
Subjects: Maps
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