's Bookmarks

Intnatl Report - Greens


Google Search: "David MacClement"
NZCity Search &Start Page
AltaVista - New Zealand
FAST Search: All the Web, All the Time
National Academy Press
Dogpile: Search Results {sustainable living} -p.1
EuroSeek- MacClement, "David+MacClement"
whatUseek intraSearch - Login
ANZWERS Search Centre
Ara Nui: Aotearoa / New Zealand is now Te Puna v
Te Puna Web Directory - Welcome page
Te Puna Web Directory - List of recently added sites
Search The Internet with The Big Hub


News - Weather

Google News
WeatherWorkshop - "being re-developed"
MetService Forecasts
MetService Satellite
MetService Weather Maps
Weather From NZCity
Weather (NewsRoom)
New Zealand Weather and Climate
UCant_NZ News and Weather
Reuters | Breaking News from Around the Globe
7am NewsWires-Incl-Reuters
I-N-L: Weather
CBC.CA - Frontpage
Excite Search, incl. News Photos
Apec / East Timor Special
Scoop © - Headlines
Auckland Front Page
Scoop © - Weather
BBC World Service - Schedules Home Page
The Times, UK
the NZ Herald : NZ news etc.
The Sydney Morning Herald
News from the Associated Press
7am World News

IGNS: Earthquakes


http globellast.gif
http: sect-h GIF 752x800 pixels
http JCU_sector-d.gif
Directory of /JCUMetSat
FTP- GIF image 288x256 pixels
D's 5-day Forecast from Weather Workshop and MetService
NRL Satellite Photo /archive_data/sat/www/global/western_pacific/vis/LATEST.jpg full_disk
Weather Photo From NZCity (same below)
NOAA-12: via Landcare- Lincoln

GeoCities and ex-Tripod.Ca

YahooGeoCities Log-In_Old
GeoCities Front Page - moving servers
David's anti-Multi-Nationals site
Yahoo! GeoCities - GeoGuide Manager
Yahoo! GeoCities - Help: FTP FAQs
davdd Mail-GeoCitiesAthDelphi
GeoCities - Information
GeoCities - System Status
Yahoo! GeoCities Feedback
GeoCities - Member Log Out
_Directory of /RainForest/6783/
_Directory of /Athens/Delphi/3142/
David's Tripod.Canada

eGroups : SustainableEnergy
AWEA-Wind-Home FAQ
Green Party; People: Jeanette Fitzsimons
North Shore Libraries index page


Australian Greens | Site Map


Product free of Genetic Engineered ingredients
The Shop - Bio Grains New Zealand terms of trade
The Shop - Bio Grains New Zealand homPage

GeoCities Upload
_YahooGeoCities FileManager - on this harddrive
_tripod - log in
LessIsMore FTP transfer
David'Site(NZ):- For: environment, reduced consumption, voluntary simplicity
David MacClement; I am a drop-out ... (on Cybcity)
Davd_geo anti-Multi-Nationals site
Nelson WeBlog Stats
Envir. News, Asia-Pacific Region, for fifth week of Jan. 2002
Positive Futures Oct-Dec2000
PosFut on Topica
Less is More list- on web
awea-wind-home list
freenet customer care
Au Greens-Global Maillist Page
Australian Greens | Rescue the Future | Maillist Subscription Page
NedstatCounters-View-(IE5 to change/add)
NedStats for http://members.tripod.com/~davd/index.html
The Greens International
Maps by Excite <--- *#*
Maps and Driving Directions
Thames.Net Mail
Positive Futures VS: by author
Index of GrNZ content
Tr.UK ftp://grnz:values@ftp.tripod.co.uk/
AltaVista Help - Add a Page, Remove a Page
Welcome to Bigfoot
Trade Compass - Global Trade, Import, Export
Study Groups & Circles - The Simple Living Network
Bergey Windpower Co., Leading supplier of small wind turbines
African Wind Power 3.6 data
IANA-Country Codes
Features of GayWeb(TM) Free Webhosting
David's GayWeb page(won't load)
Selected Examples of Indicators | Compendium | IISDnet
AltaVista Translations
washingtonpost.com: Weather
Tramping-What You Will Need
awea-wind-home Messages
World Power Technologies -- Wind Generators & Solar Energy Systems
WindGen-on-line: Bergey Excel-S
Windflow -Teetering Hub animation
ecobe.com - eco-business for africa, for the world
UV jwocky.gsfc.nasa.gov/pub/eptoms/images/spole/y2000
NSF UV Monitoring Network: Austral Updates
New Zealand Listener - Archive
ONElist : Culture : Relationships : PositiveLinks
Energy-Wise News Issue 66, June 2000, Contents
Ecological Footprint Household Evaluation
EnergyGuide's EcoCalc Form
The E.F Schumacher Society and Library
NPR Online
Low_voltage_motors; Thrige-electric_dk

Emucities.com.AU - OLD

old: http://emucities.com.au/manager.cgi
David MacClement; I am a drop-out ... economic system. (on EmuCities)


Sat.Dundee QuickLook Thumbnails
DSRS Geostationary Satellite Images
europe.jpg : 400x300 pixels
Zurich Weather Forecast: Yahoo!.com

Google Search: MacClement -Ruth -Peter -David -Geoffrey -Bera -William -Clan -
Geocities login (on this computer)
_GeoCities davd.geo Upload
_GeoCities - File Manager
Tr.CA ftp://davdd:mypkcy@ftp.tripod.ca/
_Tripod.CA - web transfer
Tr.COM ftp://davd:mypkcy@ftp.tripod.com/
_tripod.COM webtransfer
David'Site:- For: environment, red.consumpn, voluntary simplicity
David'Site*:- For: environment, red.consumpn, voluntary simplicity
David's site2; right now, I am living sustainably!
Jaguar Monastery
(davd's Nelson.org page)
Davd's2 via come.to

Green Party Contacts
Green Party List for the 1999 Election
Green Party: Albany; MacClement
FTP to Bera's Tripod.Ca site
Massey University Sections

MacClement.com etc.

macclement.net/d/ page

Jeanette Fitzsimons - Coromandel
Forecast charts
Welcome to Eudora Web-Mail!
Alternative Energy sites- EECA Ak
GIF image 752x800 pixels
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