To all Northern Region  NGO's:

  • We have received information from unofficial sources that the following is set to occur.
    NOW is the time to lobby MP's against these changes. -   They are designed to appease a vocal rural lobby, but will be disastrous  for city environments, democracy and community involvement. If you have any press or political contacts please do your bit.

  • NR NGO Forum has formed an RMA Policy group: Jane Wylie, Christine Caughey, Chris Dempsey, Ann Fenn, Tom Fookes, Sue Conor, Bob White, Stephen Knight. Others welcome.

  • Feedback on proposals / possible safeguards to seek in the Act needed from you.

Timeframe for RMA amendments

  • Reference Group recommendations to be posted this week on Environet
  • Cabinet paper goes into system on 11 September & signed off on 21 September
  • Main content to be announced in speech to RMLA Conference Rotorua on 25 September
  • Draft bill is released for public comment mid-October
  • Submissions are collated, and bill introduced to Parliament in February 1998
  • Select Committee process March-May
  1. Amend the definition of environment so that the sec 5 requirement to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects does not apply to socio-economic effects.
  2. Drop section 7 in its entirety, except that the reference to efficiency would
    become part of a revised, simplified sec 32 which would be elevated to Part II of the Act.
  3. Amend sec 85 to provide a compensation entitlement for those whose development opportunities are foregone by reason of rules protecting indigenous vegetation, historic buildings or viewshafts
  4. De-regulate subdivision, except (a) in the coastal environment; (b) esplanade reserve requirements would be retained; and (c) specific local effects could still be controlled (eg, stormwater run-off into estuaries, septic tank effects on groundwater).
    The aim is to sweep away much "pointless" rural subdivision control, and also controls on the sprawl and shape of cities.
  5. Contestable consent processing
    (but not decision-making).
  6. Drop council hearings on resource consent applications and have only one hearing of the evidence, either before Commissioners or before the Environment Court, but not both.
    (Existing procedures for policies, plans and call-ins would be unchanged).
  7. Exclude consideration of CO2 from the RMA (this is contingent on Cabinet agreeing to a carbon charge in the range $3-8/te CO2 ($11-30/te C).


Jane Wylie
NR NGO Forum
ph/fax 09.5755-824

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