• P O Box 108, Greenhithe 1450,
  • New Zealand. 6 January 1994
  • Declaration, by David MacClement

    It's 13 months since the end of 1992, when I began a living suicide. I've had plenty of time to work out what could be called my


    1. To consume/degrade as little as possible; there are too many people on the earth already, the richer half consuming far too much.
    2. To withdraw support from the present economic system (in N.Z. & internationally) with its blinkered concentration on making money.
    3. To use my remaining resources (a few 10s of $thousand, time and word-processor skills), to encourage local and personal self-reliance (see: "Future Wealth", by James Robertson), (a) for people-control, not money-control of enterprises and other human activities: this can easily become sustainable, and (b) to (eventually) remove power from T.N.C.s and national Governments, since they have created and maintained the present destructive and exploitative economic system.
    4. To support: family, friends, other sustainable living organizations, Albany-Whenuapai-N.W.Glenfield (walking distance), North Shore City, the Auckland Region, Thames-Coromandel, and New Zealand.


    http://www.oocities.org/Athens/Delphi/3142/davdsviewhowliv.html#y1998_024 ; an economist's view.

    Apparent Conflicts, requiring resolution:-

    (I) Reducing total expenses (to under $1,250 p.a. for the last 13 months, in my case), doesn't accurately measure consumption of the earth's resources. Using sustainably-produced materials (e.g. organically produced food), even if higher priced, is: (a) a noticeable reduction in such consumption, and: (b) an encouragement for such producers. Transport, including CO2, costs of my purchases, are also a factor.

    (II) However, the over $1000 I've committed to paying Tertiary fees and other costs for one student limits how much more I can pay (e.g. for 'organic' food) out of my ~$3000 tax-paid income. The calculation says I can increase my food bill from $12 to $13.50 a week: a negligible degree of freedom.

    (III) Investing a few 10s of $thousand dollars in local sustainable social and economic initiatives, and in the Prometheus ethical investments co-operative: can't start for about 4 years, unless I sell my (11% int. rate) Natural Gas Notes. In this case: (a) it will only be possible to the extent that my food and shelter needs are met; and (b) because my interest rate will be very low, that almost certainly removes my option of helping to support our younger family member, as they try for a tertiary education in the face of Government- imposed financial obstacles.

    (IV) How can I get sufficient information on all the local initiatives, &/or encourage one or more new ones?


    A good friend's Response to the above Declaration.

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