"The net worth of the 358 richest people in the world now equals the combined income of the poorest 2.3 billion, who comprise 45 percent of the world's population." (UNDP Choices)

my World View:

my Personal Actions:

__ I believe the human race passed a comfortably sustainable population in about 1950, at 2.5 Bn, but now there's twice as many of us, and three times as many in very few decades, with a most influential minority using FAR too much. The middle- class and rich have the wrong goals (largely induced by advertis- ing), if the world is to remain as civilised as it was between ' 55 and ' 77 (not incl. Stalin/Amin).
____ The >1 Bn car-using, meat- eating destructive people (CuMeDs) will need to drastically reduce both their consumption and what they do! Doing too much, while there are too many people, should be reduced since this is the origin of most of our excess consumption. Job- and- income- sharing would be a major step in the right direction.

__ I have reduced my demands on the Earth to a bare minimum by spending US$850 p.a. TOTAL; including no more than US$450 a year, or $8.65 per week, on food (all of it bought at the super- market). I pay for my share of the rates on our mortgage- free house, and I walk or (occasionally) take the bus, e.g. to buy the groceries. I walk barefoot year- round (@ lat. 37, maritime), wearing thongs/jandals if the road is rough or my pack is heavy. I haven't thrown out clothes for a couple of decades, and I'm now gradually using up that capital investment.
____ I am now free, from the boss's pressure to produce more and from "keeping up with the Jones's"! It's not exactly a religious decision, but it's based on some of the same basic impulses.

Please read the recent Rachel's Weekly: #582: (01/22/98):
"One Fundamental Problem"
{ the corporation }

I'm not recommending others do the above, though I am saying it's possible.

Want a more authoritative opinion than the above?

 Observer article

Click here for a real expert's view of the future (Donella Meadows).

My own questions for the future.

Our local paper Front Paged me, in 1992. Check it out?

An article on the Environmental Backlash

5 years after the Rio Earth Summit: nothing?

Total costs under $900 p.a.?!: My diet, for minimum healthy eating (at under US$9/wk).

Best of RainForest
Best of RainForest

Others? [21 kB]RainForest Featured Site

Free Speech (Also check my philosophy/social site .)

Click BELOW for larger version
. .[may take a minute, after connection.]
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia is acknowleged for receiving and processing the images. Permission from the Japanese Meteorological Agency is required and they are to be acknowleged for providing the raw data. (JMA Fax +81 3 3212 2453)

Jeanette Fitzsimons MP is the NZ Greens' Co-Leader; her maiden speech, press releases, etc.
Also: Recent New Zealand environmental news (David's choice). [same page: 39 kB]


Please visit:

Worldwatch Logo

The Worldwatch Institute. Worldwatch is dedicated to fostering the evolution of an environmentally sustainable society, one in which human needs are met in ways that do not threaten the health of the natural environment or the prospects of future generations.

An extract from a recent WorldWatch book;

{The page also has the whole of the Press Release containing:}
"China, with its vast population, simply will not be able to follow for long any of the development paths blazed to date. The country that invented paper and gunpowder now has the opportunity to leapfrog the West and show how to build an environmentally sustainable economy. It will be forced to try and chart a new course. If China succeeds in charting an environmentally sustainable course, it could become a shining example for the rest of the world to admire and emulate. If it fails, we will all pay the price."

Income for All (?) :

Keith Rankin's paper on UBI, presented to the Beyond Poverty Conference, May'97, at Massey University, Albany N.Z. (27kB)

Sally Lerner's paper on the UBI in Nth. America, presented to the July 5-7/97 meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics in Montreal.

UBI in New Zealand:
the latest UBINZ newsletter

UBI in New Zealand: general

Keith Rankin's
Short Items

(last modified: Fri. 22nd. May 1998. )

Signs of hope:

Large lobsters challenge theory they are dying breed

By Allan Dowd
MONHEGAN ISLAND, Maine (Reuters) - ....
In the waters of the Gulf of Maine, marine researcher Bob Steneck believes he has found lobsters big enough to challenge a U.S. government theory that the crustaceans may be a dying breed. His findings could also support a resource conservation law Maine adopted 65 years ago but has never been able to convince neighboring states and provinces to go along with. Using a research submarine, Steneck found evidence of a healthy supply of breeding lobsters -- something federal officials believe does not exist due to over-harvesting.


*** Global warming issue pits north against south

Delegates to a 150-nation conference on global warming met in closed session Friday after saying there were large gaps to be overcome before a draft treaty could be approved at a December conference in Japan. The fight over global warming, thrust into the limelight this week when President Clinton presented U.S. proposals, pits industrial countries against developing nations who want a cleaner, cooler world but not obstacles to their economic growth. Delegates to the United Nations-sponsored conference on climate change in Bonn said the negotiations were expected to go down to the last minute in Kyoto, Japan, and would ultimately have to be settled at the highest levels.

The Kyoto Climate Treaty: U.S response (polls, etc.)

Clinton's State-of-the-Union Speech

SUSTAINABLE ENERGY COALITION                Contact: Henry Griggs 202-326-8714
315 CircleAvenue, #2;Takoma Park, MD 20912  Ken Bossong 301-270-2258
301-270-2258; fax: 301-891-2866                         <kbossong@cais.com>
For Immediate Release                       January 28, 1998


President Clinton's announcement in last evening's State of the Union address of a $6 billion package of increased R&D spending and tax incentives to address global climate change is a step in the right direction. However, given the serious environmental and public health threats posed by growing dependence on fossil fuels and the resulting greenhouse gases, the U.S. must move further and faster in deploying sustainable energy technologies. Wide-spread use of presently available and cost-effective energy-efficient technologies, renewable energy (i.e., biomass, solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric), fuel cells, and district energy could reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by at least 10% below 1990 levels by 2010.
       Accordingly, the Sustainable Energy Coalition, a coalition of 40+ national business, environmental, consumer, and energy policy organizations, plans to support the President's proposals to expand the use of sustainable energy technologies while pressing for additional funding increases and tax incentives; pro-efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental protection provisions as part of electric utility restructuring; and other policy initiatives.

Editor's picks Urban Ecology Hemp Action Green Economy Growing Hemp for Fibre, Fuel & Farmaceuticals! Washington State

Applying Public Accountability to the MAI : Some hope?

Ngai Tahu Agreement (NZ)
receives Sir Geoffrey's Praise.

Simple living Links:

Click here for "Voluntary Simplicity" article in Detroit News

... and here for my selection of some June '97 discussions: Frugal-Ed

my letter to Frugal-Ed, on saving water: extreme measures.

Other Web-sites showing up in a search for my 38 keywords, i.e. with similar concerns. [46 kB]

D Simple Life......

EcoNet's Frugal Living Pages

Frugal Corner

"Alternatives'" web site

Carol's Place | Clay and Judy Woods' place

More Simple Living Links. | LOTS of simple-living Links

Ash Grove Community Farm & Center for Sustainable Living

Sustainable Resources on the Internet (contributed to: sgarrett@wsu.edu by: Robert Wilson)

Center for A New American Dream

Homeless for years (and other letters by Elaine)

My reasons for living debt-free, (on Frugal-Ed). | First response. | Second response.

the Frugal-Ed LISTS (150-200 kb!): Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]


Hello! Sea Mammals Fantasy Worldrudyw's world

Indonesian lizards & snakes gecko

Review of "Affluenza", by: Gordon Rands: <gpr3@psu.edu>

Elisha's endangered species site.

Slocan Valley BC Canada the Slocan Valley (BC) Watershed's website

Join the Sustainable Future Webring
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Date: Mon, 11 Aug 1997 07:23 +1200
Subject: [GREENNEWS] Non-sense

Don't blame me, I'm just passing this on...
If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?
Would a fly without wings be called a walk?
Can you be a closet claustrophobe?
If the funeral procession is at night, do folks drive with their lights off?
If a stealth bomber crashes in a forest, will it make a sound?
When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell her she has the right to remain silent?
Why is the word abbreviation so long?
If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?
Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?
What do you do when you discover an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
Do hungry crows have ravenous appetites?
Is it possible to be totally partial?
What's another word for thesaurus?
When companies ship Styrofoam, what do they pack it in?
If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
Why do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?
Why is there an expiration date on my sour cream?
Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?
How do you know when it's time to tune your bagpipes?
Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
When you choke a smurf, what color does it turn?
Why do they call it a TV set when you only get one?
Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
How can they tell that twin lobsters are really twins?
How does a thermos know when to keep something hot, hot...and something cold, cold?
What is the speed of dark?
Why are there braille signs on drive-up ATM's?
If women wear a pair of pants, a pair of glasses, and a pair of earrings ...
Why don't they wear a pair of bras?
How come you never hear about gruntled employees?
------------------------------------------- That's all folks!!

Chris dennis@actrix.gen.nz, Wellington, New Zealand.

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David MacClement: hermit.

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