Readers Reviews
I don't have a lot of time or money, so can't watch hundreds of films.  Because of this I desperately want readers of my site to e-mail me their own reviews.  Please do, don't be shy.  Send them to, or post them on the message board, and I will publish them on my this page.
After hearing that a girl I knew came out of this film shocked and disturbed by its content me and one fo my mates decided that we just had to go and see it.  The film follows a period in the life of the Marquis de Sade (played by Geoffrey Rush) in 18th century France.  At the beginning of the film he is locked in a mental institution and is exporting sordid novels into the country via a maid played by Kate Winslet, the French king decides that these must be stamped out and sends in Michael Caine, a doctor who is more like a professional torturer in his methods of correction.  What follows is an utter disaster for all the major characters involved.  Although this film contains a great number of disturbing and violent scenes it also contains a extremely witty script and great performances, particularly from Geoffrey Rush and even from Kate Winslet.  Overall disturbing and ultimately depressing as it is this is a hugely enjoyable and well directed film, not for the fainthearted, but definately worth investigating. 
The Insider
This is a film about a scientist executive played by Steve Martin who finds out that cigarettes are actually poor for your health.  He then, with the help of a journalist played by Dustin Hoffman, decides to tell the world that cigarettes are harmful while cigarette companies try to kill him.  This is a hilarious and ludicrous premise for Steve Martin to do what he does best: Make us laugh.  At least that's what I thought would happen.  In fact this was three and a half hours of tedious nonsense.  I asked for my money back, saying to the cashier at the cinema that Steve Martin films are supposed to be funny, especially when Dustin Hoffman is involved.  She just looked at me strangely and refused to give me any money; I obviously was not the first person to make this request.  Do not watch it; it is boring.  
8/10            Thomas Wilson
The Matrix
This is about a man who is in a computer that eats humans that are kept in these strange cases.  He can move really fast and he has to keep on killing this man who is dressed in black.  The good man is played by Keanu Reeves, who gives a performance that makes you think that he actually is a malevolent robot.  I found this film a bit confusing but I still thought it was good, even if the special effects looked about twenty years old.  The film ends with Keanu able to fly like superman and thus being able to take over the world.  A good film.   
8/10            Thomas Wilson
This is a film about a man who tries to use bombs to make money.  However, he has to face the combined stardom of Keanu Reeves (Superman) and Sandra Bullock (Speed 2).  This film is not just about people though, it is about action, although the director has taken care to ensure every part of the film could actually happen in real life, so this adds an air of realism.  Most of the film is based on a speeding bus, although I think the most stirring moment is when Keanu sees the plane blow up; you can see the look of realisation on his face when he realises that his efforts were for nothing; the bomb must have been on the plane not the bus.  Watch it on tele like I did. 
8/10        Thomas Wilson
The Saint
This is about a man who is also a living saint.  He is a dangerous criminal but also a nice man who likes this woman who likes physics.  The Saint is played by I think Val Kilmer, who reminds me of the television The Saint Roger Moore.  This film is recommendable because it combines the best of Hollywood action and subtle and emotional scenes.  You can tell that Val Kilmer has really tried in his part as his accent is flawless as an Englishman, like Mel Gibson in Braveheart.  Watch this film like I did on television recently.  
8/10    Thomas Wilson
Twin Dragons
This is a film I saw recently and I was amazed by what I saw.  It features legendary marshal artist Jackie Chan pretending to be two people at once using clever camera tricks.  Again we see Chan's inability to speak English as the film is dubbed from Japanese.  The story is about two twins who were separated at birth and lead very different lives; the first twin is a famous musician, the other is good at driving.  This film is good because you cannot always tell what is going to happen next.  Twin Dragons is a film I recommend you to see. 
                           Thomas Wilson
The Insider
Al Pacino is the only good thing we can say about this film.  With a couple of humourous lines delivered well, and some documentary style filming it was still 2 1/2 hours too long.  Unless you have a good concentration it is very easy to lose the plot, which in some parts was over informative.  This film lacked a beginning, middle and end which we believe is essential for a good movie.  This film would not encourage anyone to stop smoking.
However, second only to Al Pacino was a great debut of dramatic acting by a racoon.  We look forward to seeing him in future movies.                                        
Gemma & Judie
Toy Story 2
Effin' brilliant.  5/5                                                                                            Jompy
Bringing Out The Dead
Fractured narative and uneasy pacing but other than that, interesting, disturbing, thought provoking and very Scorcese, (phsychologically disturbed loner wandering around New York, looking at all the crap around him), also, quite an abrupt ending.        
James Brook
Fight Club
This is the best film of '99 if not the 90's. Totally disregarding convention and politically correct ideology, its a film that challenges the very heart of the Amercian dream. By perfectly capturing the nihilistic apathetical zietgeist Fincher takes us on a wild ride through man's darkest desires, this is a film that explores the very nature of masculinity. Not only this, but its fantastically entertaining, Fight Club is possibly the most stylised film ever shot making use of all sorts of techniques ultimately creating a mindblowing visceral journey which leads you everywhere you didn't expect. With a genius finale this bleak satire is so many things I don't even know what it is. What I do know is that you have to see it, now, you owe it Norton, Pitt, Fincher and yourself. 10/10                                                   James Brook
East is East
This is a very entertaining, gritty comedy-drama. It examines the inherent difficulties faced by muslim children brought up in western society. The apathetical UK embraces hedonism and independence whereas the protagonists native Pakistan encourages family tradition and respect. The film is mostly succesful in providing a non-biased argument and likable characters but ultimately fails in suggesting a solution to young muslims who reject their inherited culture.
8/10                                                                               James Brook
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