My goal is to create here:
- 1. A site which is well structured, fully indexed, and extensively cross-referenced --primarily organized by subject as in my homepage;
- 2. a presentation which makes coherent sense of my heterogenious interests, transdisciplinary work, varied projects, and perspectives on life;
- 3. an accurate preseentation rather than a virtual "Potemkin village" in cyberspace;
- 4. a collection of pages which taken together is a total integration of the arts, philosophy, literature, history, politics, life, personalities, etc. (emphasizing content and connections) to such an extent that it is a gesamtkunstwerke (a total work of art);
- 5. an emphasis on the critique of trends, such that individual works are presented not only as they appeared they were done, and not only as a link in an ongoing chain of development, but also in terms of providing clues to understanding the present --thus, certain seminal approaches have a ubiquitous presence, such as:
- 6. an emphasis on "serious", "transcendent", "enduring", or "high" aspects, rather than anything that had to do with passing entertainment, casual activities, or simply making a living;
- 7. the inclusion of biographical data insofar as they seem relevant to an understanding of the work or its impact on my development;
- 8. an emphasis on understanding the intrinsic aesthetic content rather than on a particular project's degree of success;
- 9. an emphasis on the intended social function (to serve social justice and progress) of my work.