David's Near Death Experence

It was a cold snowy spring day, April 8th to be exact. I was coming home from my brothers dorm room at ferris state. I had been travelin for about 2 hours i had about 30 minutes till i was home free but at about 10:30 i found out i wasnt going home anytime soon.

I was proceeding on I-96 going east bound. By this time it was dark and very cold. It had snowed the evening before but that made no difference because it was gone except on the shoulder of the expressway. I was driving about 75 mph when i came up on a Semi-Truck. The Truck was only going about 65 mph so i proceeded to pass. This was a mistake.

I made it about half way passed the truck when a hugh gust of wind blew me off the fast lane. This was a bad thing considering that it was a short shoulder and it was all Snowy and ice. I lost control my rear end which put me heading toward the semi truck. Deciding that i better confinsate for the rear end i end up over confinsating and sending my rear end into a fish tail the other way. By this time i was in the mediean and was going though some ruff turf. The momentum of the Mediean's slope made me slam on the accelerator and made me go fast i tryed to confensate to get back on the expressway but my rear end went until it could take no more.

My Mom's 96 Chevey Blazer proceeded to Roll over. The first roll rolled twice in the air before landing on the roof and crushing my head and making me bust the side window out with my ear and face. Then it proceeded to roll 4 more time before coming to a stop.

immediantly there was a Volunteer EMS that was just by chance driving by on the west bound and ran over to me. After me getting the anger of everything i went and sat in a truck with people who were real nice. I was estaic with shock i couldn't stop crying or shaking. After the Ambulence arrived i proceeded in to go to Sparrow Trama Center. Where i had a C.A.T. scan done and a bunch of other X-Rays. The Staff at Sparrow and the People on the side of the expressway proved to me that a stranger that never seen or met you can be a best friend in the time of need and that nite could of been much worst if it wasn't for such nice and caring people.

Needless to say i survived and didnt have anything wrong with me except my ear. My ear had a big word that ment it was bruised and my body was soar but other than that i was lucky.

I also realized that Wearing my seat belt saved my life WEAR YOU SEAT BELT... i will always Preach it till i am dead it saved my life and it can save yours.