Signed photographs

This page links to scans of some of the celebrity signatures I've collected over the years. At the moment, they're mostly signed photos of rather attractive young ladies, normally actresses, but I've also got some blokes' signatures and some that aren't even on photos. Most of them have come from the fact that I have, over the years, written off to quite a few celebrities whose work I like, and many (most) of them have taken the time and trouble to at least send back a signed publicity photograph; some have written a little more about themselves. Also, I do a lot of "stage-dooring" - waiting around after seeing a play or concert to get some piece of memorabilia signed by the person in question. Some people call this sort of autograph-collecting "sad." At the end of the day, though, it makes me happy, and many of the people who criticise it seem to be rather dull and boring...

Anyway, to see the full-size version of a photo, click on the thumbnail; and click on the number beside it to read some information and/or an anecdote about the person in question.

Oh, and why not have a look at the Charlotte Coleman unofficial homepage, my Pet Shop Boys pictures page, and the Sophie Bold fanpage?

1.)Holly Aird 2.)Sophie Aldred in Dragonfire 3.)Sophie Aldred in Silver Nemesis 4.)Sophie Aldred looking really rather nice. 5.)David Baddiel
6.)Sam Brown 7.)Jane Horrocks 8.)Jane Horrocks, second pic 9.)Jane Horrocks, third pic 10.)Jane Horrocks, fourth pic
11.)Oona Kirsch 12.)Caroline Waldron 13.)Clare Wilkie

Legal disclaimer bit: This page has no official connection to the people represented here, their agents, or anyone connected to them. It is entirely the work of David Brider and © David Brider, 2000-2003. However, the photographs and pictures appearing here have been scanned from publicity photographs and other sources. If you feel that you should be credited as the copyright holder of a particular picture, or would like a picture to be removed for copyright reasons, please e-mail the webmaster accordingly.

Yeah, go on, write me an e-mail - you know you want to... Press here to be magically whisked back to my homepage.

people have seen this page.

1.) Holly Aird. Ah...happy memories. You may remember her as a child actress from The Flame Trees of Thika back in 1981. I certainly did, and sort of vaguely followed her career afterwards. She was the first celeb I wrote to for a signed photo, reproduced here for your pleasure, and in 1987/88 I enjoyed a brief correspondence with her. I don't think I'd say I'm as much of a fan of hers these days - as I'm a pacifist, she hardly endeared herself to me by appearing in Soldier, Soldier back in the early-to-mid-1990s, and in general the stuff she's been in recently hasn't been altogether to my taste (although, despite loathing football, I enjoyed Fever Pitch). Nevertheless, I do still like her earlier stuff.

2, 3 & 4.) Sophie Aldred is probably best known for playing Ace in Doctor Who from 1987 to 1989. (She's also appeared as the character in some recent audios, and, face it, she's never really left the programme - they just don't make it any more...) I got the first two of these photos when I wrote to her c/o the Doctor Who production office. The first, featuring her in the serial Dragonfire, was sent at the end of 1988/start of 1989, the second, featuring a photo from Silver Nemesis was, at a guess, from early 1990 (that's based on what she wrote on the accompanying compliments slip). The third photo was from a signing session she did at the Tenth Planet shop in Barking on 4th October 2003.

5.) David Baddiel, stand-up comedian, previously of The Mary Whitehouse Experience team, then Baddiel and Newman, and more recently he has collaborated with Frank Skinner (including, with the Lightning Seeds, the England World Cup song, Three Lions). As a non-football fan, I tended to prefer his TMWE stuff, and it helped that a girl I fancied at the time was interested in him! J

6.) Sam Brown. Singer, probably best known for the 1989 hit Stop, and for being Joe Brown's daughter. I think she has an amazing voice, and I think it's a great pity that she doesn't have more of a noticeable career these days (although her last album, ReBoot, was quite good, and I've seen her play live a couple of times in the past year or so).

7, 8, 9 & 10.) Jane Horrocks...I first met Jane (or "Janie," as I fondly refer to her...)when she was appearing in a play called Our Own Kind with Charlotte Coleman. From then on I became something of a fan of hers, going to see her in The Rise and Fall of Little Voice, which is where the first photo was taken (yes, that is me in the photo with her...I can't remember who took it, although I've a feeling it was someone in the play). The other three are her stock publicity photos - I exchanged a few letters with her, and she scribbled hers on the back of these photos. I keep meaning to set up a little Jane Horrocks page. I will do one day, but in the meantime, these pics of her will have to suffice.

11.) Oona Kirsch. Actress. I first saw her in the children's serial Come Back, Lucy (brilliant serial, and if anybody has it on video they'd really make me ecstatic by sending me a copy...hint hint...). She's been in bits and bobs since then - the Screen Two drama East of Ipswich, a semi-regular role in the Leslie Grantham/Don Henderson serial The Paradise Club, and a series of ads for Kleenex in the late '80s (in which she starred, if memory serves me well, with Lesley Dunlop). However, my personal favourite was the film Sacred Hearts, in which she appeared with Katrin Cartlidge (who went on to bigger and better things, although I heard that she'd died recently). Nice lass, and I'd love to know what she's up to nowadays.

12.) Caroline Waldron appeared as Hattie in the children's drama Tom's Midnight Garden before going on to appear in the BBC adaptation of John Mortimer's Summer's Lease (which I'd love a copy of, if anyone's got it on video???). She also had a role in the children's "comedy" What You Looking At? shown in the early '90s, as well as a very minor role in an episode of Absolutely Fabulous (from what I recall, the character was recast for her subsequent appearance, played by Lisa Coleman). After that, she caused a brief storm by pulling out of an ITV drama involving sex and horses (possibly Riders but I'm not sure - I have the cuttings somewhere), and now doesn't seem to exist. At any rate, her erstwhile agent doesn't know where she is. Anyway, here's this photo of her to be going on with, which I received after I wrote to her c/o of her agent back in 1990. It was accompanied by a fairly lengthy letter, although unfortunately she didn't respond to a subsequent letter I sent her, and her agents of the time don't know where she is any longer. Pity.

13.) Clare Wilkie - appeared in Aliens in the Family, El Dorado and more recently EastEnders. I recently saw her in a stage production of Jane Eyre which was touring and played at our local theatre. Had a quick chat with Clare afterwards too.