Bordered Background Tutorial

This tutorial is written for beginners to Paint Shop Pro. At the end of this tutorial you should have a background that looks like the one on this page.

1) Open the tube image you are going to use for this tutorial. I am using a fairy image that I got from my friend Janes site. If you would like to use this tube, download it here.

2) Open a new image 300x300 with a transparent background. Flood fill the image with your background color (I am using #F8F7E1)

3) With your tube image active (you make it active by clicking on the bar at the top of the image) go to Selections -- Select All. With your tool selection button , click anywhere on your tube so that it has marching ants around it.

4) Go to Edit -- Copy.

5) Now, click on your empty image to make it active and go to Edit -- Paste as New Layer.

6) A good rule of thumb in making left bordered backgrounds is to keep the width of the total image around 200 pixels. If you're using the fairy image that I am, it's too big right now so I am going to resize mine by going to Image --> Resize. Pixel size is 200x200, Resize Type is Smart Size, Resize all layers & Maintain ration checked. Now she looks like this

7)You'll notice your image is a bit fuzzy now. Fix this by going to Image --> Sharpen --> Sharpen.

8)Now we're going to add a shadow to our fairy-- Go to Image -- Effects -- Drop Shadow with these settings:

9) Choose 2 colors from your image to use as the borders of your background. Right click to set the background color, left click to set the foreground color. I am using #9E5051 and #9E9990. The color of your first border should be in the background of your color palette If it is not, click the arrows to toggle the colors.

10) Go to Image -- Add Borders with these settings (the program will ask if you want to merge all layers-- choose OK):

11) Using the magic wand tool click anywhere on the border you just added. Go to Selections -- Invert.

12) Go to Image -- Effects -- Drop Shadow with the same settings we used earlier.

14)Selections --> Select None.

15) Using your selection tool, select a small portion of the border so that we can line up the drop shadow (otherwise when you use your background it will have a crease in it). You should only have to do this with the top part of the background.

16) Go to Edit -- Copy and then Edit -- Paste as New Selection.

17)You may want to zoom in to make sure you line up your shadow correctly:

18)Toggle the color palette by clicking the arrows and add another border with the same settings as before.

19) Click somewhere on the new border with the magic wand and go to Selections -- Invert. Repeat Steps 14- 17.

20) Your image should now look something like this:

21) Let's add our final border by clicking Image -- Add Borders -- Right 1000.

22) Click anywhere on the new border and go to Selections -- Invert.

23) Repeat steps 14-17 again... Save it and you're all done!


I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. Please contact me if you have any questions or if you would like to share your creations with me-- I love to see them!