In this tutorial you will learn how to make a hanging quilt square using only Paint Shop Pro.

Open a new Image 125x125 transparent
Flood fill with light color (I am using #F8F7E1)

Create a New Layer named Star 1.
Set foreground color to #800000
Using the Preset Shapes tool, select Star 1

Draw a star on your image, as large as possible.

Create a new layer named Star 2
set your foreground color to: #1D3F1D
Draw a new star, smaller than the first one. If you need to, click on the mover tool and move the small star until it is in the center of the large one.

Now merge your layers together

Apply Kaliedascope with following settings:

Apply Tile Effect with following settings:

Add Border-- Symmetric 8
Select Border using Magic Wand tool
Apply inner bevel with following settings:

Copy the image.

Open a new image 300x300 transparent. Paste quilt as new layer.

Using selection tool set to rectangle, draw a small rectangle.
Apply inner bevel with same settings.

Copy and paste as new selection for the other hanger.
Merge visible layers and you now have a hanging quilt!

Experiment with different shapes and colors to create your own unique quilt. Below are two of mine.


I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any problems or questions, please e-mail me.


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The Hanging Quilt sign at the top of this page was made by following a tutorial at state-of-entropy