Open the tube image you want to use for this tutorial or download the .zip file of this one here.

Hold down the shift key and press D to duplicate the image inthis tutorial we will call this Image 1. Close the original tubefile. When I create like this, I always duplicate a few times just in case I mess up *smile* I just minimize the copies that Iam not using right now.

With the selection tool set as rectangle, make a box aroundthe big butterfly but do not touch the butterfly.

Click Edit, Copy then Edit, Paste as New Image.

Now we have a picture with just our butterfly.

Back on Image 1 click on the Eraser tool and erase the butterfly you just copied.

Now with the selection tool, make a box around the puppy and flowers. It is okay if it overlaps the watering can, we will erase that later.

Edit, Copy and Edit, Paste as a new image.

Go back to image 1, and only erase the puppy and flowers. Leave the watering can alone!

Image 1 should now look like this:

Now, go back to your puppy and clean it up to take off the watering can so that it looks like this:

Back to Image 1, using the tool selection, make a box around the last flower. Edit, Copy and Edit, Paste as New Image.

We now need to erase the flower from Image 1, and clean up the new image of the flower.

When I was cleaning up Image 1, I also took out the smaller butterflies and some of the grass below the little boys feet.Here are the 2 images:


Tutorial Page 2