The Leaving Series

Visit the

Leaving, Too

page, for a preview of the coming sequel.

Blair waits for Jim to pick him up. Blair POV
Number 1 in the Leaving series

Paper Kisses--11K--R for language
Jim finds a box with a piece of Blair's past. Blair POV
Number 2 in the Leaving series

The Box--19K--R for language
Jim finds a box with a piece of Blair's past. Jim POV
Number 3 in the Leaving series

Are We Leaving Again, Mommy?--25K--R for language
Blair tells Jim about leaving with his mom. Blair POV
Number 4 in the Leaving series

The Closet--34K--R for language
Blair tells Jim about leaving with his mom. Jim POV
Number 5 in the Leaving series

NanaKat--19K--R for language
Blair tells Jim about staying with NanaKat when he was small. Jim POV
Number 6 in the Leaving series

Big Boys, Bears, and Boo-Boos--19K--NC-17 for language, violence and graphic depictions of child abuse
When Jim is called in to investigate a child's death, it stirs up memories for Blair. Blair POV
Number 7 in the Leaving series

A Child's Cry--28K--NC-17 for language, violence and graphic depictions of child abuse
When Jim is called in to investigate a child's death, it stirs up memories for Blair. Jim POV
Number 8 in the Leaving series

Rage Against the Past--16K--NC-17 for language, violence and graphic depictions of child abuse
Jim talks to Simon. Jim POV
Number 9 in the Leaving series

A Man Can Feel Anger, A Man Can Feel Pain--26K--R for language and discussion of child abuse
Jim talks to Simon. Simon POV
Number 10 in the Leaving series

For Love of the Child--37K--NC-17 for language, violence and graphic depictions of child abuse
Jim balances the demands of a child murder case with a trip to North Carolina to confront Blair's abuser. Jim POV
Number 11 in the Leaving series

Absence--26K--PG for references to child abuse
Simon stays with Blair at the loft while Jim is in North Carolina. Blair POV
Number 12 in the Leaving series

Babysitting--38K--PG-13 for language and references to child abuse
Simon stays with Blair at the loft while Jim is in North Carolina. Simon POV
Number 13 in the Leaving series

The Rocking Chair--27K--R for language and references to abuse
Jim and Blair visit NanaKat. Blair POV
Number 14 in the Leaving series

Edenton--46K--R for language and references to abuse
Jim and Blair visit NanaKat. Jim POV
Number 15 in the Leaving series

For Love of the Man --32K--R for language, references to abuse, and mild sexual content
Naomi comes to visit and Jim confronts her about Blair's childhood, pointing out some hard truths in the process. Jim POV
Number 16 in the Leaving series

The Visit --36K--R for language, references to abuse, and mild sexual content
When Naomi comes to visit, Blair must face some hard truths about his mother. Blair POV
Number 17 in the Leaving series

Denial --21K--R for language, references to abuse, and mild sexual content
When Naomi comes to visit, Blair must face some hard truths about his mother. Naomi POV
Number 18 in the Leaving series

I Was Lonely and Afraid --21K--R for language, references to abuse, and mild sexual content
Blair confronts his mother with the facts of his childhood. Blair POV
Number 19 in the Leaving series

The Burden of Truth --37K--R for language, references to abuse, and mild sexual content
Blair confronts his mother with the facts of his childhood. Jim POV
Number 20 in the Leaving series

We Cannot Change the Past --21K--R for language, references to abuse, and mild sexual content
Blair confronts his mother with the facts of his childhood. Naomi POV
Number 21 in the Leaving series

Delegating and Dealing --18K--R for language and references to abuse
Jim calls Simon for help. Jim POV
Number 22 in the Leaving series

The Briefing --29K--R for language and references to abuse
Jim calls Simon for help. Simon POV
Number 23 in the Leaving series

The Pain of Helplessness --29K--NC-17 for graphic depictions of child abuse
Jim reaches his breaking point. Jim POV
Number 24 in the Leaving series

What Does Not Kill Us, Makes Us Stronger --33K--R for language and references to abuse
Jim reaches his breaking point. Blair POV
Number 25 in the Leaving series

The Second Mission --15K--R for language and references to abuse
Simon talks to Naomi. Simon POV
Number 26 in the Leaving series

Like the Ocean --21K--R for language and references to abuse
Simon talks to Naomi. Naomi POV
Number 27 in the Leaving series

In the Eye --33K--R for language and references to abuse
Naomi returns to the loft. Naomi POV
Number 28 in the Leaving series

Storm Warnings --44K--R for language and references to abuse
Naomi returns to the loft. Simon POV
Number 29 in the Leaving series

Safe Harbor --18K--R for language and references to abuse
Naomi returns to the loft. Blair POV
Number 30 in the Leaving series

To Be An Anchor in the Storm --30K--R for language and references to abuse
Naomi returns to the loft. Jim POV
Number 31 in the Leaving series

Holding Hearts --9K--R for sexual content
True love doesn't consist of holding hands, it consists of holding hearts.
Number 32 and the final story in the Leaving series

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