Plumerias Growing in Queensland

The photos on these pages are of various Frangipani growing in my home town - The Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. These are just ordinary trees growing in the local suburbs, as well as some of my own plants. There are many more varieties growing around here, and hopefully I'll be able to photograph them all and post them on this page. The climate here is warm and frost free so all types of Frangipani can be grown here. There are many old trees around, some with trunks up to 12" thick (30cm). Names with (OZ) denote cultivars of Australian origin.

If you can name any of these varieties, drop me an email or post a message in my guest book, and I'll update this page. Last updated March 28, 2002

Red Plumeria

White Plumeria

Pink Plumeria

Rainbow and Orange Plumeria

Assorted Plumeria Photos

Frangipani Society of Australia

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