HaT Carthaginians

African Infantry - Numidians

African Infantry - Numidians

(Photo copyright Hat - reproduced with kind permision)

African Infantry - Numidians

These are really cool figures. Just what you need for a DBA Numidian army (well, ok, so you get a couple more than you absolutly need, but why complain about that?!).

And the nice people at HaT even provide the necessary light horse (HaT pack # 8024 - Numidaian light horse). You get 12 mounted figures per pack, enough for 6 light horse elements, and they look really good as well. HaT sent me some samples of their ancient cav (Numidians, Romans and Celts) (review to follow), so you can easily pull together a great Numidian DBA army, complete with Spanish Cavalry.

Or if your really keen, a full sized 350 AP DBM army (and why not?!). Click here for my thoughts on how it can be done.


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