My other Sites:
Astaroths Dungeon of Fear - My Shrine about Astaroth from Angel Sanctuary and the Seven Satans
Ocean Soul - My Blog
Witsh Dreams - official Madame Battorie/Batollie Fanlisting
Doomed Love for Dada - official Dada (Velvet Eden) Fanlisting
about the Site:
I used: for the Layout Microsoft Frontpage2000, for the Graphics PictureIt!, Photoshop Elements and Paint.
Credits and Disclimer:
The Brushes for the Layout are from different Sites, if someone find his/her brushes here tell me, I give credit on this site. Some links to Brushessites you find at my other sites linked here. The images belong to www.bluemoon.co.jp and Koh Yasung. The copyright for the Layout belong to me.