Title: Acceptance

Author: Morgana (morganalebeau@yahoo.com)

Website: http://www.oocities.org/morganalebeau/

Rating: NC-17

Pairing / Main characters: Elrond/Glorfindel, Legolas/Lurtz

Series/Sequel: sequel to Inside the Darkness

Summary: Lurtz and Legolas enjoy their new relationship, but are not easily accepted outside of Imladris. Elrond recovers from the abuse he suffered at Ugluk's hands and his relationship with Glorfindel deepens.

Disclaimer: Tolkien's, not mine. No infringement is intended, and suing me is a waste of time.

Archive/distribution: Yes, just drop me a note telling me where you're archiving it.

Warning: some violence, graphic m/m-sex




By Morgana


Chapter One

Lurtz tried hard to ignore the stares directed at him. He knew it had a lot to do with the fact that Uruk-Hai had hurt the Lord of Imladris and the little trust they had gained in him had now vanished. /I will spend the rest of my life trying to win their trust./ But one look at Legolas, sitting in front of him, reminded him why he was doing this. Being with Legolas was worth it. The Elf had settled in front of him, taking the reins and riding behind the litter, which was now being carried by the twins. Glorfindel had pointed out that it was his turn to help carry the litter, but Elrohir had told him to take the lead and ensure their safe passage through this land. Glorfindel had scolded, but complied.

Lurtz smiled, buried his face in Legolas' hair and inhaled his mate's scent. Hearing the Elf's sparkling laugh, he wondered what amused Legolas. "Elf?"

Legolas shook his head, and the golden locks teasingly caressed his face. Lurtz felt cheerful as well; it probably had everything to do with making love earlier. "Why are you laughing?"

"You are so predictable," said Legolas, still smiling. "Sniffing me..." Secretly, he loved the fact that Lurtz's senses were always focused on him. He hadn't thought he would enjoy Lurtz's possessiveness this much, but it felt good to belong.

"You smell of the forest and the flowers, of herbs and the sun..." Lurtz stopped mid phrase when Legolas looked over his shoulder, giving him a surprised look.

"I did not know you were a poet." Legolas rested his head against Lurtz's shoulder and grew aware of the looks several of the Elves were giving them. He sighed. He had known all along that this wouldn't be easy, but Ugluk torturing Elrond had made the Rivendell Elves suspicious of Lurtz just when they had started to accept his presence. Lurtz tensed behind him and he realized his mate had been thinking the same thing. "It will take time, but do not give up on them. You must prove your true nature to them so they know it is different from Ugluk's."

Lurtz nodded. "You speak wisely... But will I ever succeed in befriending them?"

"You befriended me when you found me in that cave. You proved your worth to me and you must do the same everywhere we go."

Lurtz drew in a deep breath. "Everywhere --we-- go." That was what he had needed to hear. "You won't ever leave me?"

Legolas locked eyes with Lurtz. "We are mated for life, remember?"

Lurtz wished his doubts would fade, but he still expected this to end abruptly. "Don't you ever dare die on me."

"Elves..." started Legolas.

"Don't die easily," chuckled Lurtz. They had had similar arguments before. He changed their subject. "Will we stay at Rivendell for a while?"

"Aye," said Legolas thoughtfully. "You want to seek out their healers and I... I need to inform my father that I took a mate."

"You still worry about that?" Lurtz understood only too well. "Are you afraid he might no longer call you his son and disown you?" He didn't like that at all. Legolas shouldn't be forced to make such sacrifices for his sake!

"My father is a harsh but just man. I am counting on him to understand... eventually." Lost in thought Legolas recalled Thandruil sending him to Imladris to deliver a message and he had unexpectedly ending up as a part of the Fellowship. He still regretted being parted from the rest of company, knowing they needed him. Should he tell Lurtz about the quest? Why he had ended up injured in that cave that night?

"Lurtz?" started Legolas, feeling slightly nervous.

"Yes?" purred Lurtz in his lover's ear.

Legolas sighed at that purr, but shook himself, and concentrated again. "Have you ever heard of the One Ring? The Ring Sauron used to control all other rings?"

Lurtz frowned at the changed subject, but nodded. "I did. I think Saruman mentioned it when I was created. He hungers for it."

/I forgot about Saruman. Aye, you know about the Ring. He probably ordered you to find it for him./ Legolas moistened his lips. "That Ring was found and it was decided that it should be destroyed. I was part of the group that should take the Ring to Mount Doom where its fire would destroy it. That was why I was attacked the night you found me."

Lurtz's frown deepened. "What happened to the others?"

"I hope Aragorn is leading them to Mount Doom." Legolas' heart flooded with grief, recalling Gandalf and Boromir's death. Hopefully the Halflings were still alive and well. He trusted Aragorn and Gimli to take care of themselves, but the Hobbits needed protection.

"And I took you away from them when I brought you to Rivendell. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was not sure I could confide in you..." Legolas looked at Lurtz apologetically. "It is too late now to join them. I do not even know their whereabouts."

"But you would like to join them again?" Lurtz wasn't sure what to think of that. He understood that Legolas wanted to carry out this task, but did that mean... "Will you leave me then?"

"I will never leave you," said Legolas firmly. "You would accompany me."

Lurtz stared at the blue sky. /They wouldn't accept me and he knows it. That's why he remained silent until now./

"There is no need to discuss this now," said Legolas, sensing his mate's tension. "We will stay at Imladris for several weeks and..."

"We could leave right away," offered Lurtz.

"Nay, the healers might be able to fix your teeth and I will not take that away from you." Legolas turned in the saddle, staring deeply into Lurtz's dark eyes. "When we decide to leave we will make that decision together."

Lurtz nodded once. "But we could inquire about your friends' whereabouts. We might join them eventually."

"We could," agreed Legolas. "I will ask Elrond when he is feeling better."

Lurtz sighed blissfully when Legolas pushed back against him and he folded one arm possessively around the Elf's waist. "Mine," he growled, knowing it would please Legolas.

"You should growl more often..." mumbled Legolas, enjoying being held by his mate.

"No, I don't think so. Every time I growl, they stare at me."

Legolas peeked at the Rivendell Elves and found Lurtz's observation correct. "They will get used to it."

"Will they?"

"They must."


Glorfindel returned to the litter and glared at the twins. "It is my turn now." This time he wouldn't be denied.

Elladan looked over his shoulder at Elrohir, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Do you think we should let him?" One more look told him that Elrond was still asleep. Elrohir had given Elrond a particularly strong brew before they had left and not even Elrond seemed able to wake prematurely from this concoction. He secretly hoped that his father wouldn't wake until they had reached Imladris. Elrond would love waking up in his own rooms.

"Aye, let him or his nagging might drive us insane." Elrohir and Elladan slowly placed the litter on the ground and the whole group came to a halt. Elrohir knelt beside Elrond and checked on his father.

"How does he fare?" asked Glorfindel concerned. He still cringed at the memory of setting Elrond's ankles.

Elrohir placed his hand on Elrond's brow. "He feels warm but not hot to the touch. I think he is actually comfortable... as comfortable as he can be, that is."

Elladan took Asfaloth's reins, leading the horse away from the litter. "I will take the lead for a short while."

"I will stay close to Ada," said Elrohir, raising an eyebrow when Lurtz slid from his horse and walked toward the litter.

"I will help carry the litter," offered Lurtz, knowing he could walk for a long time without getting tired. "You can ride with Legolas." Lurtz gestured Elrohir to slip on to horse's back.

Elrohir nodded thankfully and slipped behind Legolas, relishing the break.

Lurtz and Glorfindel lifted the litter once more and set a steady place. The group got in to motion again and they continued their way to Imladris.

"Do you think Elrond will walk again? Unaided?" Legolas looked over his shoulder and met Elrohir's worried eyes.

"I hope so. I do not think Ada would do well being confined to a chair or his bed. But I am confident he will heal eventually."

Legolas nodded; a full Elf would heal quickly, but Elrond and his children were only part Elf. "I am sure Glorfindel will take very good care of him. You seem to welcome their love."

Elrohir smiled warmly. "Aye, I want Ada to be happy and I have known Glorfindel my entire life. He was my teacher and... When we were children we thought he was our uncle. He was always there for us, when we were hurt, when we fought... There were times when he had to separate Elladan and me because we were butting heads and at other times he had to track us down because we loved to play hide and seek. He was more than a friend, so aye, I am happy for them."

"And how do you feel about Lurtz's presence?" asked Legolas in a hesitant tone. He wouldn't blame Elrohir if he couldn't stand the sight of Lurtz right now; he only hoped Elrohir would eventually realize that Lurtz wasn't Ugluk.

Elrohir understood Legolas' nervousness. "I am angry with him for sneaking out of Imladris after we offered him a home and our friendship, but I also understand why he left."

Legolas frowned. "You are not angry with him for being..."

"Uruk-Hai?" Elrohir shook his head. "Nay. None of us can choose the race they are born in to. I merely hope he will continue to strife for acceptance. You have hard times ahead of you, meldir."

Legolas' eyes darkened. "I told him the same thing... So we are still welcome at Imladris? I was not sure."

Elrohir smiled reassuringly at Legolas. "Meldir, Lurtz and you are always welcome, but I do not envy you when you inform your father about your new husband."

Legolas shivered. "I hope he will understand..."

Lurtz had caught those last words and he felt guilty for putting Legolas in this position. /That is not true. Legolas chose to be with me... I did not force him to be with me./


"Imladris..." Elladan sighed happily for they had finally reached their home. In the distance he made out Erestor, who was already approaching in order to welcome them home.

"Elladan, how badly injured is Lord Elrond?" Erestor waited impatiently for Elladan to walk up to him. His sharp eyes made out the litter, carried by Glorfindel and the Uruk-Hai, which Elrond had granted sanctuary.

"He will need time to recover, and I want to take him to his rooms right now. Glorfindel will look after Ada." Elladan watched closely, ready to assist when Glorfindel lifted a still sleeping Elrond, carrying him to his rooms. "In the mean time Elrohir and I will take over Ada's duties..."

Erestor nodded thoughtfully. "And the Uruk-Hai?"

"Lurtz can stay as long as he wants. Ada wanted him to have a second chance and I stand by his decision. He is free to move through Imladris." Elladan signaled Elrohir to join him.

Elrohir slipped from the back of the horse, looking up at Legolas, who longingly stared at Lurtz. It was obvious to everyone who bothered to look that the two of them were in love. "Join us for breakfast in the morning?"

"Thank you, we will be there..." Legolas steered his horse toward Lurtz and the two of them disappeared in to the direction of the guest quarters. Elrohir joined his brother, casting a glance at the stairway. "Ada is in the best hands," said Elrohir softly. "I will check on him later."

Elladan placed a hand on Elrohir's shoulder. "Come, gwanur-nīn, let us eat and sleep as well. In the morning we will seek out Glorfindel and Ada." He led his brother away, eager to see him rest.


Glorfindel lowered Elrond on to the bed, relieved the Lord of Imladris was back home; safe. Elrond moaned softly, smiled and seemed to melt in to the mattress. Glorfindel smiled adoringly, and then walked toward the doorway, assuming Elrohir would want to sit with his father.

"Where are you going?"

Elrond's voice startled Glorfindel. "I thought you were asleep." He turned, and hesitantly met Elrond's eyes. "Are you in any pain? Do you want me to fetch Elrohir or a healer?"

"Nay, I want you to come over here and sit down." Elrond patted the space next to him.

"Elrohir should be here any moment now. I do not know how to care for you."

"You did an excellent job thus far," said Elrond thoughtfully as Glorfindel sat down. He studied the blond's eyes, relieved to find the darkness gone, but there was still a shyness to Glorfindel that surprised him. "Is there anything you want to say?"

Glorfindel averted his eyes, unable to face Elrond. "I never wanted you to know that Gil-galad refused to return to Arda."

"That hurt, aye, but I am glad he refused." He hoped that would catch Glorfindel's attention and it did. Cobalt eyes met his. "Because now I have --you--."

Glorfindel cleared his throat, blushing faintly.

"My, you are not used to being complimented, now are you?" Amused, Elrond raised a hand and rested it against the blond's cheek. "Would you keep me company tonight?"

Glorfindel's eyes widened, increasing Elrond's mirth. "I am sorry, melethron, I did not mean to imply that... I merely want us to sleep together... Uhm, in the same bed... You holding me." He shouldn't be teasing Glorfindel, but he couldn't resist the temptation.

"Now I know where the twins' got their mischievous streak." Glorfindel wished his blush would fade. He hadn't blushed in centuries!

"Lie down, Glorfindel, and warm me." Elrond waited for Glorfindel to remove his boots and cloak, and then opened his arms to welcome his lover. "Hold me tight."

Feeling shy, Glorfindel obeyed. The last time he had held Elrond, the half-Elf had been barely coherent. "Like this?"

"Aye..." Elrond sighed happily. "Will you stay for the night?"

"If you want me to..." Glorfindel pulled up the blankets and made sure Elrond was warm. "You should see a healer in the morning. I do not know if I set your ankles correctly. I never did that before and I only knew what to do because I watched you do it in the past."

"Ssht," whispered Elrond. "You did well. There is no need to think you did anything wrong." Elrond probed the blond's eyes. "The darkness is gone. I almost feared losing you to Mandos."

"I regret putting you through that, Elrond. I did not know its call had become that strong."

"Let us not talk about this any longer. We should be discussing other things."

"Like what?" Glorfindel hesitantly raised a hand to stroke Elrond's hair, loving the feel of the dark locks flowing through his fingers.

Elrond sighed, seeing the expression in Glorfindel's eyes. "I never realized just how deep your love ran."

Glorfindel smiled nervously. "I did not know you were attracted to me... until that kiss..."

"Ah, ill timed, but it did clarify some things." Elrond returned the gesture, fingering a lock of blond hair. Staring in Glorfindel's eyes he wondered why he had waited so long to tell the blond about his feelings. "We wasted so much time."

Glorfindel lost himself in Elrond's misty eyes and felt content having his love close.

Elrond noticed the distant expression and smiled. "You really do love me..."

"Aye," was all Glorfindel could whisper, floating on feelings of intense bliss and happiness.

"Are you going to sleep or stare at me all night?"

"Do you mind me staring?"

Elrond laughed warmly. "Ai, Glorfindel, never desert me."

"Never, melethryn."


Early in the morning, Legolas placed a piece of paper in front of him, retrieved the quill and mentally prepared himself to write his father, King Thandruil.

~Adar, I know it has been a while since I wrote to you, but certain things have happened and you deserve to hear this from me, not from a stranger passing through Mirkwood.~

Why were the first words always the hardest? Legolas sighed and stared at the ink. Those words wouldn't appear on the paper by themselves so he tried again. He dipped the quill in ink and continued.

~A few weeks ago I was injured and I met... someone. His name is Lurtz and he is an Uruk-Hai. You probably have heard of them by now as they are attacking our borders as well. But Lurtz is different. When we met he suffered from amnesia and he took care of me until I recovered. Slowly I realized that we had become friends and eventually I had to admit that we had become more than just friends.~

He paused, rereading the text and desperately tried to think of another way to phrase it, but he the words didn't come to him. Frustrated, he started to write once more.

~I realized that I was in love with him, and I did what you taught me to do; not ever let go when you find love. I know that you probably do not approve of my choice, but Lurtz is unlike anyone I ever met. He is honorable, courageous, a skilled warrior, very protective of me and he has a great sense of humor. He returned my feelings after I pursued him. He did not seduce me, if that is what you are thinking. On the contrary, I was very determined to claim him as my mate... and I did. ~

Legolas cringed, trying to imagine his father's expression while reading this. Maybe he should phrase it differently, but he was at a loss for words.

~I do not know if I am still welcome at home, and I do not want to spring this upon you by bringing Lurtz home with me. You deserve to know this on forehand so you can reach a decision.

Adar, you always loved me unconditionally and I know I am asking much, but would you give him an opportunity to prove himself? I am sure you would approve of him once you learn to look past his appearance.

Adar, my hands tremble while I am writing you for I fear you will banish me from Mirkwood and my heart grieves at that thought.

Your son, Legolas Greenleaf.~

He placed the quill on the desk and reread the letter, cringing as he fully realized how much depended on this. Mirkwood was his home and he loved Thandruil dearly. His father had taught him right from wrong, to love and not hate and he hoped his father still lived by those rules. Being banished from Mirkwood also meant that he would never see his brother again. Valthoron and he weren't as close as Elladan and Elrohir, but they were good friends. He would greatly miss his family, but would never consider giving up Lurtz to be with them.

He folded the paper and sealed it. Leaning back in the chair, he wondered if sending his father this letter was a wise thing to do. Maybe he should wait, avoid the confrontation, but that didn't feel right either. Nay, he had to do this now. His father shouldn't be told by strangers.

Legolas left the guest room Lurtz and he had been assigned and found a messenger who was willing to take his letter to Mirkwood. He almost turned back to retrieve the letter, having seconds thoughts, but stopped himself.

Trying to distract himself, he headed to the Healing House where Lurtz had gone earlier. Hopefully the healers would be able to smooth Lurtz's fangs. The disappointment and fear at hurting him that shone from Lurtz's eyes when he tried to return a kiss was heart wrenching.

Legolas listened closely and recognized Lurtz's voice. Following the sound he arrived at the back of the house. Lurtz sat in a chair while two healers were looking at his fangs, talking softly in their native tongue, which Lurtz didn't understand. "Do you want me to translate?" offered Legolas.

Lurtz startled, seeing Legolas while the healers were examining him, but managed to shake his head.

"I speak his language," said one healer, looking at his newest patient. "I think it can be done, but it will take a week at least, maybe longer."

The smile that flashed across Lurtz's features almost made Legolas weep. "It can be done," Legolas repeated. "They can do it."

Lurtz quickly rose from the chair and gathered Legolas in his arms, smiling giddily. "I will be able to kiss you... My greatest wish will come true."

Legolas noticed the confused expression on the healers' faces, but ignored them. "Aye, and you will kiss me... for long, endless hours."

Lurtz gave Legolas a long, probing look and realized something dark had slipped in to his lover's eyes. Then he remembered. "You wrote your father that letter?"

"A messenger is taking it to Mirkwood as we speak." Legolas rested his head against Lurtz's chest and from the corner of his eye he watched the healers leave the room. "I feel nervous. What if he does not accept this bond? What if he disowns me and banishes me from Mirkwood? It is my home. I grew up there. I would never see my father or brother again. I do not want to live like that."

"Your family means a lot to you," said Lurtz, regretting that he was the reason for Legolas' misery.

"You mean a lot to me as well, but if I must choose, I choose you."

Lurtz held Legolas tightly, rubbing his lover's back with long, soothing strokes. "If your father doesn't understand, we will make him."

Legolas smiled saddened against Lurtz's chest, knowing only too well one couldn't make Thandruil accept something against his will. "He is also stubborn."

"Then it runs in the family," said Lurtz teasingly, earning a smile from Legolas for his efforts. "Come, the twins expect us for breakfast." He took Legolas' hand in his, rubbed the fingers and lent Legolas all the emotional support his lover needed.


Elladan played with his food, pushing it from one side of his plate to the other. It was a good thing Elrond wasn't near for his father wanted him to --eat-- the food and not --play-- with it. He grinned privately, understanding only too well that his father would always fuss over him. His brother sat opposite him, devouring the food. "You must be hungry."

Elrohir nodded between bites. "Aye, I am..."

"So is there any food left for us?" said Legolas jokingly, stepping in to the room, closely followed by Lurtz.

"Aye, help yourself." Elladan pointed at several food items on the table.

They both sat down. Legolas helped himself to some Lembas and fruit while Lurtz watched Elrohir eat. He drank some tea, unable to bring himself to eat in front of them. He didn't want them to stare at his fangs. "How is Lord Elrond this morning?" He had caught Legolas' knowing look, and quickly sipped his tea, making sure his fangs didn't show.

"I just checked on him," replied Elrohir, leaning back sated. "They are both still asleep. They were so entangled I had to check which limbs belonged to who!"

Elladan chuckled. "Aye, Ada and Glorfindel will be at our mercy. It is time we took some revenge for the times they teamed up against us when we were children."

"Uhm, Elladan? We did deserve that spanking and their lectures. We were trouble..."

"We still are," said Elladan proudly. Looking at Elrohir, he asked, "Do you think Ada will need us today? I want to check the southern borders to make sure Imladris' defenses are still intact. I do not want to be taken by surprise again."

"Go, Elladan, I will keep an eye on Ada... and Glorfindel." Elrohir planned to spend the day quietly, checking on his father occasionally and rest some more.

"Legolas, Lurtz, would you like to accompany me?" Elladan smiled brightly. "I would love to have some company."

"I can't," whispered Lurtz in an awkward tone. "I'm expected at the Healing House at noon."

Elrohir, worried, leaned forward. "Why? Are you injured?"

Legolas looked at Lurtz for permission and his lover nodded. "It is his teeth... his fangs. They make him feel... uncomfortable. The healers agreed to... smooth them, take off the jagged edges."

"That is why you are not eating," mumbled Elrohir.

Lurtz averted his eyes and stared at the wall, not wanting to see the loathing in their eyes when thinking of his fangs.

"The healers are well trained," said Elrohir, catching Lurtz's evasive gaze. "Ada trained them. The will help you the best they can."

"Thank you," said Lurtz nervously, suddenly eager to leave.

Legolas rose to his feet and extended his hand. "Elladan? I will accompany you when you inspect the southern borders. Please excuse us for now."

The twins nodded and Lurtz got to his feet as well, following Legolas out of the room. "I expected to see loathing in their eyes," whispered Lurtz when the twins could no longer hear them.

"What did you see instead?" Legolas claimed Lurtz's hand, rubbing the knuckles.

"Understanding, sympathy, but no pity." Lurtz actually smiled, involuntarily showing Legolas his fangs.

Legolas wrapped an arm around Lurtz and led his lover to the Healing House. Once Lurtz's teeth had been fixed, he vowed to kiss his lover breathless, driving him insane with long kisses. Those fangs wouldn't keep them apart much longer.  


Chapter Two - Thranduil

"Adar?" Valthoron, heir to the throne of Mirkwood, approached his father. Thranduil sat on the throne, staring at the floor listlessly. "We have dealt with the attacks on the northern border and we have defeated the Orcs."

"That is good news indeed," said Thranduil, forcing himself to smile at his oldest son, not wanting to worry him. "Any news on Legolas?"

Valthoron shook his head. "Not yet. It appears he was injured several weeks ago and got separated from the fellowship. His whereabouts are unknown." He took a step closer to his father and knelt in front of him. "I miss him as well."

Thranduil smiled saddened and nodded at his son. "I know you do. I should never have sent him to attend Elrond's council." He placed a hand on Valthoron's shoulder and pulled his son to his feet while he rose from the throne. "But we must not give up hope. Legolas will contact us when he can."

"I worry about his injuries," admitted Valthoron at last. "You know him, Adar, he is stubborn and will continue his path, even in great pain."

"He inherited that from your mother." Thranduil's wife had sailed to Valinor when Legolas had come of age. She had longed for her family who had long crossed the sea to the Undying Lands. He still missed her daily, and now that Legolas wasn't here he suffered twice, for Legolas reminded him of her in more ways than one. Valthoron had taken after his father, and was the oldest and should have been his favorite, but it was Legolas who reminded him of the love he and his wife had shared. That was the reason why the two boys had competed at times during their childhood, each wanting to be their father's favorite, but they had reached an understanding for which Thranduil was very thankful. Valthoron was his heir, the next king of Mirkwood - if there still was a Mirkwood after Saruman was finished with Middle Earth - and Legolas was allowed to roam the lands, occasionally called back when formal matters demanded his presence.

Thranduil was glad Legolas was his youngest and not burdened with affairs of state. Ruling Mirkwood would have slowly killed Legolas. Mirkwood would have become his cage from which he could never break free. Nay, Valthoron was more suited to rule Mirkwood when he would sail, and finally join his beloved wife.


Valthoron's concerned tone pulled him from his musings. Looking at his son, he nodded once. "We should keep a close eye on the borders. I do not want our people endangered. These Orcs and Uruk-Hai are under orders to make us suffer. Increase the patrols and notify the sentries to be even more alert. I will contact Celeborn and Elrond to let them know that Saruman's creatures reached our borders."

Valthoron studied his father closely. Thranduil's stern features revealed will power, and the ancient eyes told of long millennia in which he had seen much misery and suffering. His father had the reputation of being haughty and arrogant, and only a few saw beneath the mask, which only slipped when he was with his sons. "You can count on me, Adar."

Thranduil nodded thankfully. "You will make a good King, a better King than I ever was. Now leave me, Valthoron. I desire to be alone for some time."

"Do not worry too much," advised Valthoron and he almost kissed his father on the cheek, like he used to do centuries ago when he was an Elfling. His parents always showed their affection openly and it had rubbed off on their two sons, but he wasn't sure the gesture was still appropriate at his age.

Thranduil caught his son's expression and patted Valthoron's cheek. "You are in my heart as well, my son."

Valthoron smiled brightly, gave his father a swift kiss on the cheek, bowed and left the hall.

Thranduil shook his head. Raising his sons was still a challenge even when they were mature. "Legolas, where are you?" He truly worried about his son. It had been weeks since he had last received a message and that was very unlike Legolas. If only he had a clue where to start searching for the elusive youngster! 

"Sire? A messenger from Imladris has arrived and is carrying a letter for you," announced his seneschal.

Thranduil was annoyed at not hearing them approach and turned about to face them. "A letter?" he questioned the messenger.

"Aye, sire. It is from your son, Prince Legolas." The messenger approached and handed Thranduil the letter, wondering about the relieved expression on the King's face.

"From Legolas?" Thranduil stared at the letter in obvious delight. "Leave me alone then so I can read!" He instantly regretting raising his voice. It were outbursts like these that made people wonder about his temper. Maybe that was why his reputation outside of Mirkwood was so bad. He almost apologized, seeing the messenger pale, but his seneschal pulled the Imladris Elf with him, knowing his king needed privacy.

Once he was alone Thranduil tore at the paper, eager to read what had happened to his son.

~Ada, I know it has been a while since I wrote to you, but certain things have happened and you deserve to hear this from me, not from a stranger passing through Mirkwood.~

"Ai, Legolas, this sounds bad. What did you do this time?" Thranduil fondly recalled all the times Legolas had gotten himself in trouble in the past, but he had managed to cope with everything... thus far.

~A few weeks ago I was injured and I met... someone. His name is Lurtz and he is an Uruk-Hai. You probably have heard of them by now as they are attacking our borders as well. But Lurtz is different. When we met he suffered from amnesia and he took care of me until I recovered. Slowly I realized that we had become friends and eventually I had to admit that we had become more than just friends.~

"What?" Thranduil shook his head and reread the paragraph. "An Uruk-Hai? Legolas, you cannot be serious! More than friends? Ai, Legolas, do not do this to me. I am old and you should not put me through this."

~I realized that I was in love with him, and I did what you taught me to do; never let go when you find love. I know that you probably do not approve of my choice, but Lurtz is unlike anyone I ever met. He is honorable, courageous, a skilled warrior, very protective of me and he has a great sense of humor. He returned my feelings after I pursued him. He did not seduce me, if that is what you are thinking. On the contrary, I was very determined to claim him as my mate... and I did. ~

Thranduil stared at the words, needing to voice his opinions. "You love him? And you are using my own teachings against me." It was true; he had told his children to return love when they found it and not mind the opinions of others who might disapprove. "Honorable? Courageous...?" Oh, he knew that that were the very things that attracted Legolas. "And a sense of humor? You never stood a chance then," he chuckled, but then composed himself. He should be mad with his youngest, not approve of this folly!

"And I can just picture you seducing him, Legolas. You always had your ways of getting what you wanted. You can still wrap me around your little finger when you want to. Determined to claim him as your mate? Why does that sound familiar to me?" Because he had pursued his wife in a similar fashion while his parents disapproved of him marrying a maiden instead of a Lord's daughter. "You are too much like me, Legolas... I do not doubt you 'charmed' this Lurtz into accepting you as his mate. Ai, Legolas..."

~I do not know if I am still welcome at home, and I do not want to spring this upon you by bringing Lurtz home with me. You deserve to know this on forehand so you can reach a decision. Ada, you always loved me unconditionally and I know I am asking much, but would you give him an opportunity to prove himself? I am sure you would approve of him once you learn to look past his appearance.~

"Ai, Legolas, why are you doing this to me? I am old, and now you are asking me to change my ways." Valthoron had told him about the Uruk-Hai's viciousness when they had attacked their borders and he instinctively hated the foul creatures, but now his son was asking him to do away with his prejudice. "But I do appreciate it that you told me personally, if only through a letter." He understood Legolas was hesitant to appear unannounced, presenting his new mate. His eyes darted back to "you always loved me unconditionally" and he knew he would give this relationship a chance because his son had asked for it.

"I cannot imagine you falling for one of Saruman's foul creatures, so maybe you have a point and I should give this Lurtz an opportunity to prove himself. But not when he knows he is being watched." His son's happiness was very important to him and he was determined to make sure Lurtz was worthy of his son.

"Valthoron!" He returned to his throne, folding the letter and slipping it into a pocket.

"Adar?" Valthoron stepped back inside, wondering why his father had summoned him. He was about to leave to inspect the borders and his father knew that. Why call him back?

Thranduil gave his oldest son a thoughtful look. It would be good for Valthoron to be in charge for a short while. Valthoron would truly learn his responsibility when ruling Mirkwood during his absence. "I am leaving."

Valthoron's eyes widened. "Adar... what?" Had he misunderstood? As long as he could remember his father had only left Mirkwood twice! "It must have something to do with Legolas' letter then."

Thranduil wasn't surprised Valthoron knew about the letter. His seneschal had probably informed Valthoron. "Legolas has gotten himself into some kind of trouble and I will see to it myself."

"I could go instead," offered Valthoron. "You are the heart of Mirkwood, we need you."

Thranduil smiled. "You are my heir. It is time to test your wings and fly."

Valthoron blushed. "But Adar..."

"You were trained for this moment and I know you are ready for this. Now, I will be leaving in an hour. Prepare everything for my departure."

Valthoron nodded, dazed. Thranduil was leaving him in charge of Mirkwood? What if he disappointed his father?

Thranduil walked toward his son, placed a hand on Valthoron's shoulder and smiled warmly. "Do not doubt yourself."

Valthoron took heart and nodded. "I will make sure everything is ready for your departure... Adar, what is wrong with my brother?"

"He has taken a new mate..."

Valthoron sighed, relieved. "Remember the time when he announced he was in love with Celeborn when he visited our realm?"

Thranduil remembered the incident very well. Celeborn had acted unfazed, but Legolas had followed the Lord of the Golden Wood for days. "He was only twenty years old... A child."

"And now he has lost his heart again?" Valthoron smiled fondly.

"Aye, but I am not sure about his choice..." Thranduil decided against revealing the identity of Legolas' chosen mate. "I will travel to Imladris and..."

"That is where he is hiding?" Valthoron nodded knowingly. "Scared to face us, is he not?"

Thranduil returned Valthoron's grin. "Aye... I will watch them until I am sure they are good for each other."

Valthoron cringed. "You won't reveal your presence to my brother... Ai..." He did understand his father though. Thranduil was very protective of Legolas and he felt the same way about his brother. "Will you give him my love when you do reveal yourself to them?"

Thranduil nodded. "Aye, I will..." Secretly he enjoyed the prospect of traveling once more after all these years. Although he loved Mirkwood it felt as a cage to him at times.

"I will organize your escort," said Valthoron, about to leave the hall.

"No escort, I will travel alone."

Valthoron gulped. "Adar, these are dangerous times."

"Do you doubt my ability to take care of myself?"

"Nay, but..."

"No escort," decreed Thranduil. He wanted to taste freedom once more. In that aspect Legolas and he were the same as well. He watched Valthoron leave and then unfolded the letter once more. "We will see if your chosen mate is truly worthy of you, my son." He grinned, already looking forward to seeing his youngest again; Legolas always brought joy to his heart. /Imladris, I have not visited there for at least two centuries... I wonder if it is still an oasis of beauty? I will find out in a few days. Legolas, I hope you chose well!/


/You are truly beautiful in your sleep, Glorfindel./ Elrond smiled adoringly, rhythmically stroking the long blond locks that teased his face. During his sleep, Glorfindel had pressed closer, resting his head on his chest.

Elrond looked out of the window, which gave him a superb view of Imladris. When Ugluk had kept him prisoner he had refused to give up hope. Now that he was back at Imladris' heart he wondered about its future. Then his gaze dropped and rested on Glorfindel's face. /I am holding past, present and future in my arms./

And now the prospect of being lovers thrilled him. Glorfindel had awoken feelings in him which he never knew possessed and he was most eager to explore his desires, but he should give Glorfindel a chance to rest first. Mandos had almost claimed Glorfindel, and Elrond involuntarily tightened his hold on the blond. "Never leave me, Glorfindel. I would be lost without you."

Glorfindel stirred at the sound of Elrond's voice, and the Lord of Imladris wished he hadn't spoken out loud because he wanted Glorfindel to rest. Fighting off death had taken a lot out of his seneschal. Eyes, which had been vacant, now stared back at him. /Why so shy, Glorfindel?/ The expression in Glorfindel's eyes was timid, almost pleading. Elrond thought back to the time when Glorfindel had returned from Mandos and had joined him at Imladris. Had he ever seen Glorfindel with someone else? A lover? He frowned, realizing Glorfindel had never mentioned a significant other.

"Is something wrong?" asked Glorfindel, seeing Elrond's frown. Had he done something to displease the half-Elf?

"Glorfindel, I find myself wondering about you." Elrond cocked his head and continued to stroke the blond's hair. /I know he wants me; I can feel it./ Glorfindel's erection pressed against his leg; the body admitting what the mind couldn't... yet. Maybe it had been too long since Glorfindel had been touched with love.

"Wondering?" A sudden alertness appeared in Glorfindel's eyes.

"When was the last time you took a lover?" Elrond's fingers deserted the golden locks and caressed Glorfindel's face instead. To his surprise, Glorfindel's eyes darkened.

Glorfindel briefly felt at a loss. "That is personal..."

Elrond, feeling curious, raised an eyebrow. "You do not want to tell me?"

"There is nothing to tell," whispered Glorfindel, barely audible. He was starting to feel uncomfortable in Elrond's arms, but didn't dare leave abruptly, unwilling to cause Elrond pain. The raven haired Lord of Imladris' injuries were far from healed and that gash looked horrible, reminding him of the torture Elrond had endured at Ugluk's hands. Maybe he could apply some of Elrond's soothing balm later?

"I guessed correctly then? You did not take a lover since you returned from Mandos? Why?" Elrond marveled at the blond.

"Although I did not love you from the beginning, I did feel attracted to you and I cannot betray my heart. I wanted you... and no one else." Glorfindel stared at the wall behind Elrond. "Why did you make me say that?"

Elrond looked into Glorfindel's eyes, finding the pupils dilated. The blond's arousal had faded during their conversation and he regretted making Glorfindel feel melancholy. That hadn't been his intention. "You needed to say it. You are keeping so much inside..."

Glorfindel swallowed nervously and still refused to meet Elrond's eyes. "I never thought you returned my feelings..."

Elrond decided on a more direct approach. They'd had this conversation before and still reality didn't seem to register with Glorfindel. Leaning in, he brushed the blond's lips, letting his tongue explore the inside of Glorfindel's lips, suckling gently and releasing them with a soft 'plop'. Elrond barely refrained from laughing, seeing the shy expression in Glorfindel's eyes. "What else are you not telling me?"

Glorfindel decided it was best to get this over with. "I never had a male lover..." His eyes pleaded with Elrond. "You are my first..."

Elrond gasped. "That, I did not expect, but certain things make sense now." Dating a male was new to Glorfindel and the blond was struggling with the changes in his life, which had been frozen in time for so long, watching him marry Celebrian, the children being born and his wife sailing to Valinor. "I love you, Glorfindel. Your heart is waking from its long sleep and we will walk this path together."

Glorfindel blushed and Elrond found it utterly adorable, but felt his lover's tension at the same time. "Glorfindel, I would love to take a bath, but... what about my ankles?" He had carefully planned changing their subject, wanting to distract Glorfindel.

Glorfindel thought it over. "I might know of a way..."

"You do?" Elrond would truly love a bath. He could still feel Ugluk's vile touch, occasionally groping him, beating him and taunting him by stroking his hair. He would love to wash away those memories and to replace them with new ones.

Glorfindel hesitantly planted a kiss on Elrond's lips and then pulled back, untangling himself and rising to his feet. "I will return in a moment; let me prepare your bath first."

Elrond nodded, curious as to how Glorfindel would solve the problem of making sure that his feet didn't get wet. "Hurry back to me, melethron."

Glorfindel reluctantly left Elrond's room, wanting to stay close instead. After closing the door behind him, he leaned against the wall and rested his forehead against the stone. /By the Valar, I love him, but I do not know how to show him.../ The truth was that he was scared of displeasing his new lover, the first lover he had had in centuries. He had never been good at the dating game and now he felt inadequate. Elrond knew what to do, what to say... but he didn't.

"The bath," reminded Glorfindel himself. At least this he could do for Elrond without getting flustered and shy. Glorfindel straightened out his clothes, only now realizing he had forgotten to put his boots back on. "Robes, he will want some clean robes as well..." Busying himself he hoped to forget his insecurity for now.


/By the Valar! What was I thinking, assuming I could do this without getting flustered and shy?/ Glorfindel hadn't counted on Elrond's wish to help him bathe, assuming one of the servants, or maybe Elrohir, would assist the half-Elf. But Elrond had asked him personally!

"Lean against me..." Elrond complied and Glorfindel gritted his teeth as Elrond's bare chest made contact with his. He had removed his shirt, not wanting to get it wet while assisting Elrond and now he had to remove his lover's leggings, which would leave Elrond utterly naked.

Elrond privately chided himself for enjoying Glorfindel's nervousness. "Calm down, I trust you to take good care of me."

Glorfindel nodded, swallowed hard, and lifted Elrond in his arms. The half-Elf rested his head against his chest and Glorfindel slowly lowered his charge into the warm water, careful to rest Elrond's feet on the board that was placed over the foot end of the tub. He had tried to make things more comfortable for Elrond by placing a pillow on it. "Will this do?" he asked anxiously, ready to carry Elrond back to his bed in case his lover was in pain.

"I can manage..." Elrond was surprised when Glorfindel picked up a washing cloth, creating a lather and running the cloth over his face. One of his fantasies was coming true. The slow strokes were entrancing and he couldn't help but stare at Glorfindel's face.

Glorfindel noticed the hypnotizing look directed at him, but concentrated on his task. After cleaning Elrond's chest, he moved on to his arms. "Do you want me to wash your hair as well?"

Elrond nodded, not trusting his voice to sound steady when he spoke.

Glorfindel opened a glass flask, poured some oil into his hands and massaged Elrond's scalp. Soft, pleased moans escaped Elrond and Glorfindel fought the blush that was trying to spread across his face. Using a bowl, he rinsed the now soft and shiny dark hair and wrapped a towel around the long strands. If Elrond desired it, he would comb and braid it later. "Still comfortable?"

"Aye..." purred Elrond. He had closed his eyes, enjoying the attention, but now they opened slowly. He was growing aroused and it showed through the surface of the water. Had Glorfindel noticed?

Aye, Glorfindel had noticed and felt at a loss for what to do. "Elrond?"

Large blue eyes met his and Elrond smiled reassuringly. "I cannot help desire you and your touch awakens my passion for you." He licked his lips, hoping Glorfindel would lean in and kiss him.

Which he did. Glorfindel slowly brushed Elrond's lips, gasping as his lover parted his teeth, allowing him to explore. He accepted the invitation and wrapped his tongue around Elrond's, slowly intertwining in a passionate encounter.

The kiss almost made Elrond come. "Ai, Glorfindel! You drive me insane with passion..."

Glorfindel claimed Elrond's lips once more, gathering his courage as his hand slipped beneath the water. Elrond unexpectedly suckled his tongue, and Glorfindel curled his fingers around his lover's erection, stroking slowly.

Elrond broke the kiss, staring at Glorfindel in pleased disbelief. He hadn't expected Glorfindel to make this particular step, and he was determined to enjoy it. His fingers tangled in the blond locks, pulling Glorfindel as close as possible, deepening the kiss his lover had instigated. His body sung with sudden release as Glorfindel brought him to orgasm. His eyes widened and he tensed in his lover's arms as ecstasy swept through him.

Glorfindel marveled at the expression in Elrond's eyes. The half-Elf bit his bottom lip, groaning softly. "I love you... I always did..." whispered Elrond blissfully.

Elrond placed one hand at the back of Glorfindel's neck and allowed his lover to lift him. Water dripped from his body, and he finally felt refreshed and strengthened. "Your touch meant the world to me..."

Glorfindel nodded awkwardly, placed Elrond on the bed and dried his lover's skin. He made sure the bandages were still dry and then fetched Elrond's robe. After helping the half Elf to sit upright, he draped the robes over his lover's shoulder. "I want to give you pleasure," admitted Glorfindel nervously, "but..."

"I understand." Elrond caressed a blond lock. "Will you comb and braid my hair?"

Glorfindel nodded, thankful that Elrond wasn't going to push discussing his feelings. "I will." He sat behind Elrond, parted his legs and pulled his lover's back to his chest. "Lean against me."

Elrond enjoyed being this close to his lover and concentrated on feeling Glorfindel's fingers move through his hair. "I am glad I kissed you that day, even if it resulted in Ugluk capturing me. Without that kiss I would never have known you loved me..."

Glorfindel remained quiet, combing and braiding Elrond's hair. He hoped that Elrond wouldn't turn to look at him, because then the half-Elf would see the tears flowing down his face. /You should never have been captured in the first place.../

Glorfindel's touch was soothing, and soon Elrond drifted off into a deep and healing sleep.

Glorfindel finished braiding the dark hair and realized that his lover had fallen asleep. He laid Elrond down, took his place at his lover's side and held him close, muttering softly. "I love you... I really do."


Elladan returned from the border control and quickly sought out his brother to tell him that no Orcs or Uruk-Hai had been sighted, which reassured him they were safe for the moment. First he went to Elrohir's room, but finding it empty he decided to go to Elrond's chambers next. Maybe Elrohir was looking after their father?

"Elladan! Back so soon?" Elrohir smiled, walked up to his brother and gave him a quick hug.

"I encountered no threats, so I returned early. I was looking for you. How does Ada fare?"

"Ah, you should look at them. They are...--cute--." Elrohir grinned and pushed the door ajar.

"Elrohir..." Elladan sighed, not eager to learn about his father's love life. Reluctantly he peeked inside.

Elrond was on his back, tucked in beneath a blanket. Glorfindel lay on his side next to Elrond, the blond's head resting on Elrond's chest. Elrond had wrapped both arms around Glorfindel and suddenly Elladan realized why Elrohir found them 'cute'. Glorfindel's fingers tangled in Elrond's hair, tightly clutching at long strands. "Aye, I have to agree they look..."

"You can say it," said Elrohir encouragingly. "They look --cute--."

Elladan sighed once more. "I made you say it for me. But seriously, how is Ada?"

"Better." Elrohir smiled warmly at his father. "A healer came to check his ankles and complimented Glorfindel on a job well done. Ada needs time to recover, and now that Glorfindel and he have admitted their feelings, I suspect Ada will recover quickly."

Elladan nodded. "Good. That means I am not needed here. I want to inspect the Western borders tomorrow. I am not letting Saruman's creatures invade Imladris." 

Elrohir approved. "I will keep an eye on them."

"And how did Lurtz fare at the healing house?" Elrohir had told him he would accompany the Uruk-Hai instead of Legolas, who had joined Elladan for the patrol.

"The healers are doing their best, but the procedure is painful. They started today but it will take them at least one week to finish. Maybe you should tell Legolas to stay with Lurtz instead of joining you again." Elrohir looked troubled. "Lurtz finds it difficult to reconcile his looks with his changed character."

"I will tell Legolas... Now close the door and let us eat. I am hungry."

Elrohir smiled at his father and then closed the door. His stomach growled, reminding him that he had barely eaten himself. "Let us head for the kitchen then!"


Elrond blinked once after Elrohir closed the door. Looking at his love, who was resting safely in his arms, he felt relieved that his sons approved of this relationship. Smiling, he pressed a chaste kiss to Glorfindel's hair and allowed himself to fall asleep again.


Beta read by Ilye, thank you so much.

Note: Adar means father, is more formal, while Ada could be compared to dad or daddy and is more informal.


Chapter Three - The Rescue

Glorfindel had tightly curled his fingers around Elrond's hair, and his hands occasionally twitched, waking Elrond from his sleep. Adoringly Elrond searched Glorfindel's vacant eyes, wondering what his lover was dreaming about. His stomach growled unexpectedly, telling him it demanded nourishment. When had they eaten last?

"Nīn ind, it is time to wake up." Elrond lovingly caressed the blond's brow, hoping the cobalt eyes would quickly fill with recognition.

Glorfindel blinked once, twice and startled slightly at seeing the hungry expression in Elrond's eyes. Was something wrong?

"I am hungry, and so are you; you probably just did not pay it any attention." Elrond absentmindedly fingered a lock of blond hair. "You know, I won't cope well with being confined to bed."

Glorfindel blushed. "There are certain ways to make your stay in bed more pleasurable."

"Are you offering, melme?" Elrond's interest was piqued. "I must admit you surprised me by giving me such pleasure last night. Did you enjoy touching me like that?"

Glorfindel nervously cleared his throat. "Aye..." His eyes darted quickly from Elrond's face to the wall and back again.

"Do you still feel shy? I thought you had taken the first step to do away with that last night."

"It is not that easy," admitted Glorfindel. "It has been so long and I am afraid to disappoint you."

"You cannot disappoint me, nīn bellas." Elrond reminded himself to go slowly with Glorfindel. They had all the time in the world to get to know each other more intimately. There was no need to rush this. "Would you get me some fruit and Lembas from the kitchen?" He could ask one of the servants, but he wasn't sure if Glorfindel wanted to be seen in his private chambers - or, to be more exact, in his bed. Maybe Glorfindel needed more time to work through this.

"But of course!" Glorfindel wanted to desperately please Elrond and in his enthusiasm he nearly jumped to his feet, only just in time remembering not to make any sudden movements near Elrond; his lover's ankles were still healing. "Fruit and Lembas? Maybe some wine or hot tea as well?"

Elrond nodded thankfully. "Aye, I would like that." Slowly he leaned in closer, gently claimed Glorfindel's lips, and he felt delighted when his lover passionately returned the kiss, even briefly deepening it. /It won't take you long to get over your shyness, melethron./

Glorfindel untangled himself from Elrond, slipped into his shirt and looked longingly at Elrond. "Is there anything else you need?"

"You... in my bed as quickly as possible. Now hurry." The blush that appeared on Glorfindel's face amused Elrond. "Hurry!"

Glorfindel hurried to the kitchen, piled several pieces of fruit on a plate, retrieved some Lembas, brewed hot tea and placed a flask with Imladris' best wine on a tray.

Elrond grinned at his lover's hasty return. He patted the space next to him and Glorfindel sat down, placing the tray next to him. Elrond selected some berries and began eating them. "Open up," he instructed, seeing Glorfindel's amused expression. His lover was relaxed, feeling more confident, and Elrond used that opportunity to slip a cherry past the blond's lips.

Glorfindel gulped, blushed and averted his eyes. "I cannot help it..." he said apologetically. "I do not know why I am acting in this way."

Elrond shushed Glorfindel, slowly sliding a fingertip along the blond's lips. "You need time and I am more than willing to give it to you. Do not trouble yourself."

Glorfindel nodded thoughtfully, selected a strawberry, dipped it into the wine and offered it to Elrond. Just when Elrond went to take a bite out of it, he pulled it away, teasing his lover. He closely monitored Elrond's reaction, afraid to do something that would displease the raven haired Lord of Imladris.

Elrond felt delighted, seeing Glorfindel grow a little more daring, but two could play at this game! One arm came up behind Glorfindel's back, pulling him close.

Glorfindel decided to play it safe, and placed the fruit at Elrond's lips, letting it slide past the parted teeth. Seeing Elrond lick his lips suggestively made his groin stir, and he felt shy once more. "I am neglecting my duties..."

Elrond interrupted him. "Aye, you are... You should be kissing me instead."

Glorfindel timidly leaned in closer and brushed Elrond's lips. "Nay, Elrond, I should be guarding Imladris' borders. Elladan and Elrohir are too inexperienced to perform that task."

Elrond sighed. "Will you hurry back to me?"

"Always!" promised Glorfindel passionately.

/You could not hide the fact that you love me even if you wanted to,/ realized Elrond. /It is beyond me why I never saw that expression in your eyes. You were close all these years and I never noticed.../

"I can find Elrohir or Erestor to keep you company... to keep you from boredom," said Glorfindel teasingly, slowly growing more confident. "And I --will--hurry back to you."

"I know, melme..."


"I don't want you with me in the room when they work on my teeth," announced Lurtz firmly.

"But..." Legolas shook his head.

"No, you will listen to me... Just this one time. I don't want you to see them work on my fangs." Lurtz resolutely raised a hand to silence Legolas. "I'll meet you again at sunset."

Legolas stubbornly stared at his mate. "But I want to help!"

Lurtz sighed deeply. "You have no idea how much you are already helping me, but please indulge me in this matter."

Legolas stared at Lurtz, contemplating objecting again, but he realized Lurtz was determined to do this alone. "I will come for you at sunset..." Legolas looked at Lurtz, wishing he could take away the feelings of shame that flooded his mate. "You are no longer who you were, Lurtz. You changed. Do not torment yourself over your past. There is nothing you can do to change it, but you can look toward the future."

"--You-- are my future, Elf..." Lurtz fingered a braid, playing with it. "Thank you for not fighting me on this. It is very important to me that you understand that I am not shutting you out, but... this is personal. This is something --I-- must overcome."

Legolas understood to a certain degree. "I hope the day will come when you can allow me close, Lurtz..." Hopefully one day Lurtz would share his fears, and draw strength from him to conquer them. /You do not have to do this alone, but you are not yet ready to lean on me.../ Legolas leaned into the caress when Lurtz thoughtfully rubbed his cheek. "I will suffer with you," assured Legolas his mate. "And my heart will beat frantically until you return to my side."

Lurtz smiled, placed his lips against Legolas' brow and brushed the soft skin. "I love you, Elf." Lurtz then drew in a deep breath and entered the Healing House.

Legolas bowed his head in temporary defeat. How could he convince Lurtz to let him share this burden?


Thranduil travelled fast, not even stopping during the night to rest. "Tuor, fly like the wind and take me to Imladris." His stallion reared, and carried his rider closer to Imladris' borders.

/I cannot reveal my real identity at Imladris, at least not until I found out if this Lurtz is a good mate for my son. It is best to use another name, one that cannot be linked to me. I will call myself Hynduil to ensure no one realizes my true identity. I must be particularly careful around Glorfindel, Elrond and Erestor, should I encounter them. No one may know I am at Imladris. Elrond would not be pleased if I managed to sneak into his home./

He was approaching Imladris' western borders, not expecting to meet anyone for hours and he looked about, admiring the beauty of the land. Looking down, he realized it had been a good decision to exchange his green robes for a brown tunic. A hood covered his face, making sure his features weren't revealed against his will. Not many Elves in Imladris would remember his face, but he didn't dare risk it.

"Ah, Legolas, now I remember why you love to roam Middle Earth. It is a beautiful day and I can briefly forget about the foul creatures Saruman sent to destroy us. For a brief moment I can be an Elf, nothing more, nothing less."

The trees whispered a welcome and he returned the greeting, feeling oddly at home on Elrond's territory. "I wonder what Legolas will say when he finally realizes I am here..."

He considered taking a short break after all. The sun shone invitingly and the trees' branches seemed to reach out to him, pleading with him to stay a little longer.

In the end, Thranduil dismounted and sat down against the trunk of a tree, letting its branches provide him with a pleasant shade. The sun managed to touch his fingertips as he spread them and dug into the earth, connecting with the land. "The trees are old and wise... The sun chases the clouds. I will enjoy the peace they offer me." He briefly closed his eyes and felt truly content. "If only I could share this with my sons..."

Sudden noise drew his attentions. Screams, shouts and growls sounded to his right. The sound of hooves echoed through the sky and arrows swooshed through the air.

Thranduil jumped to his feet, mounting Tuor and straining to see what was causing the noise. "One rider... and he is being chased by Orcs and Uruk-Hai!" The dark-haired rider was greatly outnumbered, trying to fight off ten of Saruman's creatures. "The Elfling does not stand a chance." The rider was young, but apparently well trained in handling a sword. "A young life like that should not end like this!"

Aiming his arrows carefully, they left his hands, bringing death to the Orc that had managed to pull the youngster from his horse. Tuor galloped toward the pack of Orcs, reared and gave Thranduil the time he needed to draw his trusted sword, which had been idle for much too long. Thranduil beheaded one Orc, slashed the throat of an Uruk-Hai and finally reached the dark-haired Elf who was struggling against another growling Uruk-Hai. A dagger flashed in the sunlight and Thranduil grew infuriated at seeing blood spilled like this. The youngster was wounded, but seemed determined to stay on his feet and fight.

Thranduil's eyes flashed angrily, taking out another Orc. The leader of the pack eyed him suspiciously, but seemed hesitant to continue the attack. Thranduil used that opportunity and cleaved the Uruk-Hai's head. "Your leader is dead!" roared Thranduil, glaring at the remaining attackers, who retreated immediately, leaving the dark-haired Elf behind.

"Aye, run, you cowards, run straight back to Saruman!" Thranduil dismounted and walked over the dark-haired Elf, who was leaning against his horse for support. His eyes scanned the youngster for injuries. A nasty gash above the right eye explained why the Elf was swaying on his feet and another gash showed on his right upper arm, which was bleeding profusely.  "I should tend to that." Thranduil reached for the young Elf and frowned when the youngster moved away from him. /And why does he look vaguely familiar to me?/

"Peace, my friend. I do not mean you any harm. Sit down before you fall." Thranduil found a piece of fabric among the things Valthoron had packed for him, which would now serve as a bandage. "Sit down," repeated Thranduil, but seeing the misty expression in the grey eyes, he decided not to wait for the youngster to comply. He took hold of the Elf's left arm and pulled him down. The younger Elf sat reluctantly, looking at him with a dazed look. It was then that he realized that the hood had slipped, revealing his features.

Thranduil bandaged the upper arm, making sure it was bound tightly enough to stop, or at least slow, the bleeding. "What are you doing out here on your own?" Placing his right hand on the dark hair, he studied the nasty gash.

"Checking... the borders..."

"Are you dizzy? Do you have a headache?" The unfocused stare in those grey eyes worried him.

"Nay, but I do feel... sick..."

Thranduil reacted at once, folding an arm around the youngster's shoulder when he started to empty his stomach. "And nauseous as well." This young Elf should be at home, not inspecting the borders! Where were his fellows? Surely Elrond didn't send his men on border patrol alone? He waited for the dry heaves to stop and then helped the other Elf to his feet. "I will take you home. And you should see a healer at once."

"I do not know if... I can mount my horse..."

Thranduil smiled; this youngster reminded him of Legolas for some reason. "You will probably fall off again."

"I do not... fall off horses."

Thranduil recalled a similar argument.  /I do not fall out of trees, Ada!/ And yet Legolas had tumbled down. /But he was only ten years old, much too young to climb trees without proper supervision./

"Then I will help you." Thranduil kept one arm folded around the youngster's waist and lifted him, cautiously placing him on Tuor's back.

"What are you... doing?"

Thranduil mounted, slipping behind the younger Elf. "I will take you to the Healing House where they can tend to your wounds..." He made sure the other horse followed and then turned his attention back to the injured Elf. "You were lucky I came along..." The younger Elf finally rested his back against his savior's chest. "Now that you are fairly comfortable allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hynduil and my business takes me to Imladris."

"I am... Elladan... and..." he fainted, unable to battle the tormenting headache any longer.

"Elladan?" Thranduil raised an eyebrow. "Elrond's son? I rescued Elrond's son?" His frown deepened. Elrond and he had never been able to get along, and he had hoped to leave Imladris without Elrond ever noticing his presence. That might be impossible now.

"Elladan, know that you fought well, but your father should not allow you to venture out alone..." His parental instincts surfaced, telling him to care for Elrond's son like he were his own. After all, Legolas had found a place at Elrond's house, and he now lived there with Lurtz. Elrond had welcomed his youngest son. /I will care for your son, Elrond, but I will not reveal myself to him... To Elladan I will be Hynduil and after taking him to the Healing House my responsibility ends./


"Elrohir?" Legolas hurried to Elrohir's side, quickly supporting his friend. "What ails you?" Elrohir was pale, his body shook violently and one hand supported his head, like he was suffering from a headache.

"It is Elladan. Something happened to him. He is injured... By the Valar, what happened?" Shocked, Elrohir stared at his shaking hands. "My right arm hurts and my head feels heavy..."

"But Elladan is still alive?" questioned Legolas quickly.

"Aye, I can still sense him. He is alive." Elrohir desperately tried to compose himself. "Ada, does he feel it as well?" Frantically, he looked at the staircase, expecting to see Elrond run toward him, but his father was unable to walk. "Legolas, I need to see him. Help me to his rooms."

Legolas slung an arm around Elrohir's waist and practically dragged him upstairs. When they reached Elrond's rooms, they heard soft groans and Glorfindel's concerned voice.

"Elrond, why are you in pain? Please, tell me!" Glorfindel's gaze flashed to the door when it opened and his eyes widened, seeing Elrohir in pain as well. "Put him on the bed, next to his father," instructed Glorfindel.

Legolas complied and pushed some pillows behind Elrohir's back to enable his friend to sit upright.

Elrohir immediately turned to his father. Seeing Elrond's worried expression, he realized his father knew what had happened to Elladan as well. He carefully hugged Elrond close, savoring the returned embrace as his father's arms held him tight. "It is Elladan...."

"But he is still alive..." finished Elrond. Trying to hide his distress, his eyes came to rest on Glorfindel. "Please find my son. I would search for him myself, but my ankles..."

Glorfindel was already getting dressed, slipping into his shirt and boots. "I will find him, Elrond. I promise..."

"I am coming with you," announced Legolas, wishing there was time to tell Lurtz that he couldn't meet his lover at sunset. But finding Elladan was now his first priority.

Glorfindel locked eyes with Elrond, and then turned to address Legolas. "Nay, I want you to stay here and look after them." Legolas was about to protest, but Glorfindel shook his head once. "I need you here, Legolas, to care for my family."

Elrond's eyes sparkled briefly, pleased that Glorfindel referred to them as his family. But then he focused on comforting his son, stroking the dark hair. He knew the twins were close, and he expected Elrohir to sense his brother's discomfort. "He will return to us, Elrohir. The two of you won't be separated."

Elrohir managed a weak smile. "His pain took me by surprise. I always sensed his discomfort when he had been injured in some of our bouts, but I never felt anything like this! It feels like my heart is breaking in two."

"I understand, I understand," soothed Elrond, continuing to stroke his son's hair and holding him close.

"How is it possible you feel it as well? You never felt our pain before... did you?" A frown appeared on Elrohir's pale face. "Ada? Did you feel it in the past and never told us?" His eyes widened. "Ada?"

Elrond sighed, realizing he couldn't lie to his son. "I sensed something in the past, Elrohir, but never this strong."

Elrohir shook his head against Elrond's shoulder. "I cannot believe you never told us!"

"I did not want to worry you and... This should be about the two of you. I should not be included."

"But you are our father! How can you --not-- be included?"

Elrond smiled warmly. "His pain is fading."

"Aye, you are right. I no longer feel dizzy and..." Elrohir rested his head on his father's chest. "I hope Glorfindel quickly finds him."

"Glorfindel is the best tracker I ever met. He taught Aragorn how to read a trail and I am confident Glorfindel will locate that elusive brother of yours. Do you have any idea where Elladan went?" asked Legolas, standing next to the window. He caught a glimpse of Glorfindel and his escort leaving Imladris and he turned about to check on Elrond and Elrohir. Not wanting to infringe, he watched father and son from a distance.

"He wanted to inspect the western borders..." Elrohir frowned. "I told him to not go out there alone."

"He is alone? Elbereth watch over him!" Elrond suddenly felt guilty for not paying attention to what was going on in his home. He should have stopped Elladan from leaving, but instead he had focused his attention on Glorfindel. "I am sorry," he mumbled guiltily and he privately vowed that this would never happen again. His sons were his responsibility and he had failed them!

"Ada, do not blame yourself! We are old and wise enough... well, maybe not wise enough, but certainly old enough to make our own decisions and to look after ourselves. We are no longer toddlers that depend on you." Elrohir wanted to shake some sense into Elrond, but didn't. His father was still recovering from his injuries. "Please do not blame yourself. This is a war, and in times of war people get hurt."

"I should take you to Valinor. Our time here has come to an end," said Elrond in a melancholy tone. "Galadriel spoke to me in my dreams. The time of the Elves is ending and we will sail to the Undying Lands. You will not die in this war!"

"That is why our people are packing?" Elrohir had wondered about that. "But we cannot leave! What about Legolas and Lurtz? The Quest for the Ring? Does Aragorn not need your support?"

"Aragorn is approaching Helm's Deep. The people of Rohan have asked for help, but none will answer... But maybe I will..." Elrond stopped talking, realizing he shouldn't burden someone as young as Elrohir with this. "But enough talk of that... How do you fare, Elrohir? Is the pain bearable?"

Elrohir eyed his father closely. Elrond had let something very important slip and he needed to think about that later, but first he had to reassure his father. "I am feeling much better, Ada. It is probably because you are close. I no longer sense Elladan's pain..."

"He might have lost consciousness," suggested Elrond. "By the grace of the Valar, Glorfindel, find him for me."

"Ada? He will." Sensing that his father needed to be comforted as well, Elrohir wrapped his arms around Elrond until they were locked in a tight embrace. "I will stay with you until he returns... with Elladan of course."

Elrond swallowed convulsively. /By the Valar, I cannot lose Elladan. I would be to blame for his death! Please, Glorfindel, find him!/


Lurtz looked up in surprise when Erestor advanced on him. Why had Elrond's chief advisor come to the Healing House when it was Legolas he was expecting?

"Peace, Lurtz," started Erestor. "Legolas asked me to tell you that he cannot meet with you here and he asks you to join him instead."

Lurtz fell into step beside Erestor, trying to hide the state of his teeth. Part of them had been smoothed and now resembled normal teeth, while others were still deadly fangs. "I assume something has happened?"

"Correct. Elladan is missing and Glorfindel is searching for him." Erestor glanced at Lurtz, shivered and reminded himself not to judge the Uruk-Hai. Since Lurtz had come to Imladris he had done nothing offensive and had even offered to help when help was needed. He had decided to give Lurtz a chance to prove himself, but it was hard to look past the surface. "Glorfindel asked Legolas to look after Lord Elrond and Elrohir, who are quite distressed."

"Understandably so," agreed Lurtz. Erestor stepped to the side and Lurtz climbed the stairs to Elrond's private chambers. He found Legolas pacing the corridor, apparently guarding the door. "Erestor told me Elladan is missing." He opened his arms and Legolas moved into them.

"Elrond and Elrohir can sense his pain... I need to keep a close eye on them." Legolas looked deeply into Lurtz's eyes, reminding himself that his mate needed attention as well. "What about your teeth?"

Lurtz shrugged. "A few more days."

"Will you show me?"

Lurtz reluctantly parted his lips, allowing Legolas to glance at his teeth.

"The ones they worked on resemble normal teeth. You need to be patient."

"Patience isn't one of my virtues," said Lurtz half jokingly, trying to distract Legolas. He didn't want the Elf to see his unease.

"Do you have any virtues, then?" Legolas teased him mercilessly. "You hide them well!"

Lurtz finally smiled and hugged Legolas close. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Keep me company, Lurtz. If Elladan's pain gets worse, their pain will also increase. I will look after Elrond in case that happens, you take care of Elrohir."

Lurtz nodded. "We won't let them down."


"El... ro... hir... A...da..." Elladan mumbled softly, his voice slightly slurred.

Thranduil's reply was to tighten his hold on his charge. /Elrond is a half-Elf, which makes his sons half-Elven as well. Elladan's healing ability does not compare to mine. I would be healed by now, but not this young half-Elf. I need to take him to the healers and I should try to keep him awake./

"Elladan? Tell me more about yourself." Thranduil's fingers found Elladan's pulse, which was much too slow. /I cannot let him die.../ "Talk to me, Elladan!"

"Ai... What... do... you...want... to know?" Elladan forced himself to open his eyes and he cocked his head in spite of the horrible pain. His saviour had the most peculiar and spectacular eyes he had ever seen. The iris wasn't green, blue, brown or grey, nay, they were silver and sparkled like the stars set against a dark sky. They almost seemed too old for the young face, which seemed ageless, and he was at a loss at guessing the other Elf's age. Something magical and wise clung to the young face with those ancient eyes. /But he wielded his sword skilfully... Why does it feel that he is much older than he looks like?/

"Tell me about your family." Thranduil pretended ignorance. "Do you have any siblings?"

"A twin... bro...ther... Elro...hir," mumbled Elladan, feeling slightly confused and disorientated. "Where... are we... go...ing?"

"I am taking you home," repeated Thranduil. "So you have a twin brother? What about your father?" He carefully stayed clear of asking about Celebrian.

"He... loves us...very much... and he is...wise..." Elladan was no longer able to hold his savior's stare and leaned back against a strong shoulder, resting his head there. "His name... is Elrond..."

Thranduil shook his head, pretending disbelief. "You are the son of Lord Elrond?"

"Aye... and he will... want to... thank you for... for..." Elladan shuddered and his stomach convulsed fiercely. "Sick... a...gain..."

Thranduil quickly dismounted, taking Elladan down with him and he held the young half Elf while Elladan struggled with dry heaves.

"You may have suffered a concussion, Elladan." Thranduil waited for the dry heaves to stop and then placed Elladan on Tuor's back, sliding behind Elladan. "How much longer until we reach the healers?"

Elladan trembled. "Hours..."

Thranduil wrapped his arms around Elladan, hoping he could keep the youngster warm. "Tuor, hurry."

The stallion increased his speed and Thranduil made sure he had a tight hold on Elladan, who was drifting asleep again. "Elladan, wake up!"

Elladan startled and tensed; his head pounded painfully. Who was keeping him from falling asleep? He didn't know that voice! "Who... are you?"

"I am called Hynduil," repeated Thranduil patiently. "Do not go to sleep."

"Why... not?" Elladan's head lolled from right to left.

"I want you to listen to my voice. Hold on to it when the pain tries to pull you under again. Look at the trees, feel their ancient power and look to the sky..."

His savior's melodic voice took on a hypnotic tone which captured him, making it impossible to doze off again. /Elrohir, Ada... I need you!/


Elrond flinched, hearing Elladan's pleading voice in his head. One look at Elrohir told him that his son had heard as well. "Glorfindel will find him," said Elrond firmly. "You must believe this..."

Elrohir nodded weakly. "Is that how you endured Ugluk's torture?"

"Aye," said Elrond softly. "I never stopped believing that I would see my loved ones again... You gave me the strength to endure."

"Then I will believe as well, Ada. Glorfindel will find Elladan."

Elrond refused to think of what could happen if Glorfindel didn't. /Please, I do not want to bury my son.../


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