Title: Secrets better left unknown 1-2
Author: Jufemme (Email) and Revel (Email)
Website: no site
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/main characters: Gambit, Wolverine, Psylocke
Series/Sequel: unfinished
Summary: A mission goes wrong, the three of them are captured.
Disclaimer: Marvel's...
Notes: Just so you all know, black team 51, aren't my creation, I've borrowed them from Eluki bes shahar. She wrote the novel ' X-Men: Smoke and Mirrors' and a few others. And I just really liked this team, and their fire power.
Secrets better left unknown
By Jufemme und Revel
Chapter One
He walked his bike into the mansions garage not as much because he didn't want to wake anybody, but more as to the fact that he didn't want anyone still awake to know that he was back. Or that he had left in the first place.
Bishop would know, paranoid moron that he was, patrolling the grounds at all hours of the day and night. He didn't care about Bishop though. Ever since Onslaught happened, Gambit had been absolved from the title 'x-traitor' in the time traveler's eyes. Ever since Onslaught, Gambit doubted himself more and more. If the Professor could do something like that, what did that mean for himself?
Remy LeBeau pushed those unwelcome thoughts out of his mind. W'at wrong wit' you, boy? Y' spen' a night wit a gorgeous femme, eatin' good food an' drinkin good wine, but still you come 'ome feelin' like shit. He'd had a good time tonight. He started at The Limelight, goal to forget his worries with drink and dance, mixed in with some pleasant female company.
She had blonde hair and blue eyes that shone like diamonds. Fairly intelligent at first glance, even better company when they sat down at a table and talked. He had offered her a ride home, with full intentions to stay there for a nightcap, but decided against it at the last minute. She had been disappointed. He felt relieved.
Lighting a cigarette, he leaned against the garage door. Dis is startin' to become a habit. Third night in the past two months with the same result. The first time it was a bimbo airhead. And he had thought Jubilee said, 'like' too many times. Last time it was a danger-loving brunette that had seemed to be a bit too much like Genevieve. This time he couldn't shake the feeling that he was dancing with Candra or Belle. " Might as well give up, d'rate dis is goin'. "
" Don't seem like the quittin' type, Cajun. "
Remy jumped, cigarette falling out his mouth. This shouldn't have happened. Logan was good, but in the open like this he should've heard him. He should have _sensed_ him.
" Whatcha doin' sneakin' up on a body like dat, eh? "
" Wasn't sneaking. I've been here the whole time. Can't say the same for you, though. " Wolverine purposely needled Gambit, to see if he had lost his cool as a result of the surprise. He needn't have bothered.
" Jus' t'ought I'd enjoy de warm weat'er. Dis Cajun misses de Big Easy, is all. See you 'round Logan. " And with that final word and his customary nonchalant smile, the mutant known to most of the world as Gambit flicked his finished cigarette away and disappeared into the shadows.
The control booth of the Danger Room the following morning:
Scott Summers, also known as Cyclops, leader of the X-Men, sat at the console of the alien technology. He was waiting for all the members of his team to come into the room below and start the training session. The clock above his head read 10:47 am. Thirteen more minutes until everybody showed up.... Twelve more minutes until everybody showed up. Scott Summers was bored. His fingers drummed absently on the metal while his visored gaze flitted across the tech.
Yes, Scott Summers was very bored. Suddenly his attention was caught by the opening of the Danger Room door as Bishop walked in, trusty plasma rifle in hand. All the time the big man had spent in this house and he still thought it was important to impress the old-timers.
After Bishop, came Cannonball. Then the female populace of the mansion, Storm, Rogue, Psylocke and Phoenix, chatting amiably. Jean looked up at the control booth and smiled as Cyclops gave her a mental kiss. They were followed by Iceman and Archangel, still yawning. Wolverine sauntered in and leaned against a corner wall expectantly. As Cyclops looked at him he thought, He knows something, but what?
~Oh, stop it, Scott,~ replied Jean Grey. ~You're getting as paranoid as Bishop.~ Again Scott thanked the powers that be, for his wonderful wife. Without her, he could never hope to have the strength to lead. Sending a rueful smile along their psychic rapport, he continued to wait for the last X-Man.
Gambit. The digital clock above his head already read ten minutes after eleven, and still no sign of the man. I don't need this from you right now, Remy. Show up. This is a good day. thought Summers.
" Yo, fearless leader, what're we waiting for? " That was Bobby.
" We are waiting for Gambit, " Answered Storm, as perceptive as ever.
" You mean I got up this early for nothing? Oh man! Not again. " Scott put his head in his hands. Come on. It's only eleven in the morning.
3:23 PM, Gambit's room:
A groan sounded from the tumble of sheets and comforter that lay in a heap on the four poster bed. Sunlight streamed in through the uncovered window, waking the room's sole occupant. The man in the bed rolled over again and found himself face first on the wooden floor. Remy sprang up from his sprawl to a fighting stance, eyes painfully trying to blink away sleep.
His reflexes were sharp, but his brain hadn't yet caught up to his body. When it did, doing so much slower than it should, and his eyes regained their function, one of the worlds best thieves and escape artists woke up to his own reflection. It stared back at him groggy, truculent. and nude.
Gambit quickly ran over to his window and shut the blinds. He then stuck his head through and checked in all directions, retracting it back only when he made sure no one was there. T'ank God no one saw me. When the moment of panic subsided, Remy started to berate himself on his own sloppiness. If dere had been someone dere, you'd be dead by now, boy. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and grimaced, completely disgusted with himself. Is dis what you've come to, eh? Losin' your edge in alla dis rel'tive safety?
His eyes then rested on his clock, and he remembered the Danger Room exercise. Merde! (1) Cyclops's gonna kill me! Musta turned off the alarm in my sleep (2). With lightning speed Remy threw on his uniform and armor, tucking cards and Bo staff as he sprinted down the corridor to the lifts.
When the Danger Room's metal doors parted for him, he found the room deserted. Confused, he checked the War Room and found all the X-Men inside, listening to what appeared to be a briefing on a mission. All eyes turned to him as he desperately tried to even out his breath. Cyclops wore Gambit's customary poker face, but Jean could barely keep a straight face as she picked up on his thoughts.
Inside he was whooping and hollering that he'd managed to break past Remy's facade and take him unawares. On the opposite side of the table Storm wore an appreciative smile in regards to Scott's strategy in dealing with the wayward thief. Remy wanted to die. For the life of him he couldn't think of anything to say, and hated Scott for it.
Recovering his composure, he asked, " What's dat? " as he pointed to the holographic display in the middle of the room.
" It's a schematic of the FOH headquarters in Adirondack Park, Hamilton Country. Cerebro picked up some suspicious activity there. I want to check it out. " Scott's tone was flat as his mind went back to leader mode. Gambit took a seat in the only vacant chair at the table, sneering at the snickering Drake as he passed him by.
" I've already selected a team to infiltrate. Because this should be done quietly and with maximum stealth, Wolverine, Psylocke, and Gambit will go. "
" W'at sort of secur'ty do dey have? " Remy's mind filled with images of various locks and defense systems and the tools he would need to bypass them.
" If you had gotten here on time you would have heard that already. " There was absolutely no way that Scott would let this just slide. He continued to re-explain.
" This is one of the more heavily guarded branches. Punch code locks, heavy laser grids, state of the art surveillance. It's possible that they have hired specialized help. You will come in from opposite ends and meet up at the west entrance. After you get in you will break up again and find as much info as you can. Leave as quietly as you came in. Communicate telepathically, via Psylocke between each other and radio with me and the other X-Men. Any questions? " Cyclops looked at three mutants expectantly.
" All right then. Blackbird takes off in fifteen minutes. We've got a long flight ahead of us. "
" .long flight ahead of us. " < Click > The screen goes black.
The man sits alone surrounded by darkness, black gloved fingers rubbing his jaw. Delightful. And it couldn't have happened at a better time.
His gaze settles on another display screen, showing a man in a fighting stance, barely controlled rage burning in his eyes. It is time to return to me... your creator.
He then reaches over and picks up a normal looking telephone which seems out of place surrounded by all the advanced technology and dials a number. The phone rings on the other end of the connection. A pleasant female's voice says,
" Hello, this is the Friends of Humanity. How may I help you? "1. The French don't actually use this to swear, but I don't know any phrases that they do.
Chapter Two
As the blackbird achieved 30 000ft. The forward momentum increased, sending the alien advanced jet hurtling to it's destination at incredible speed. Cyclops piloted the aircraft, while Wolverine had comfortably slid into the co-pilots seat. Gambit had chosen to sit by the window, staring out sightlessly. The manner in which he sat, suggestion to one that he was relaxed. Lazily lounging as if this was a daily chore, that he'd eventually have to do. Psylocke on the other hand sat straight in her chair, looking the part of the well brought up English lady. Though the red ninja stipe down her eye, and skimpy purple battle suit, would argue otherwise.
Nothing about this mission seemed to pose great physical harm to the three mutants. In fact, if all went well, nobody would be the wiser that they had been there at all.
" Cyclops, a situation has just arisen in Washington. " Storms regal voice broke through the radio, clear as a cloudless night sky.
Upon hearing Storms voice in the cockpit, Gambit got up and walked down to the head of the jet, Psylocke a step behind.
" Continue Storm. "
" Cerebo has positively identified the Marauders near the Metro Lab vicinity. "
" Sinister... " The name hissed through Cyclops lips.
" Indeed. The rest of the team and I, are on our way to intercept them now. "
" The Mini jet isn't big enough.. " he was thinking out loud, when Wolverine rudely interrupted him.
" Go Cyke, not like we need an escort. "
" Oui. Monsuier Logan is right, wit Gambit along it go smooth as silk. " Remy's notorious lopsided grin played across his face. " When we don' we jus' wait fo' y' at de rondevouz site. "
Pyslocke cut into the conversation. " Or we could come with you, beat the Marouders who, in the end will disappear out of our grasp, and like usually, we won't even come face to face with Sinister. Which means, we end up never coming out here to check this base out. That, in the long run, will give us a powerful opposition to contend with. "
Cyclops thought about this for a brief moment, and had to admit, she had a very good point. " Alright, Storm, I'll be there with the blackbird in fifteen minutes. "
Storm consented with this, and signed off. They could afford to wait, since the Marauders were not yet in Metro Labs. If they were lucky, the X-Men would be able to get them just as they were vacating the building. Minimizing direct damage to the lab itself. Cyclops dropped his three comrades off where he would pick them up again in four hours, if all went well on both ends.
Taking a minute to watch the blackbird fly off in the direction they came, Wolverine took the lead, and headed for the F.O.H's new base. But not before Gambit leisurely stretched, as if he'd just awoken for the second time that day. They bush whacked their way through the dense forest, daylight had already faded, and the late dusk retreating to the overwhelming black of night. Wolverines keen sense of direction, the only navigational tool at hand.
When Logan breached the end of the trees, and the beginning of patrolled grounds, they all stopped and squatted. Now fully dark out, the night concealed and sheltered them, but at the same time limiting sight. Gambit's night eyes compensated him, as did Wolverines sense of smell and hearing, painting a picture to him, more colorful then sight itself. Psylocked reached out with her mind, locating individuals near there location.
" Dis to easy mon ami " Whispered Remy, as he looked out at the lightly guarded grounds, where at the moment, three heavily armed guards walked.
" Non fense. . . non lase's, jus' 'uman pitbulls. "
Wolverine watched the three armed men awhile, before he spoke. " Their walking a pattern, big mistake bubs. " To Wolverine this was a stupid mistake, a mistake made by prey.
Infront of them loomed, what looked like a big warehouse, one story high. The main doors, off to one side, where sentineled by two of the same kind of guards that roamed the grounds. A few yards to the left stood another building, one shaped to house transportation vicheals. But beyond this however, was a mystery.
" Gumbo ge' yer butt inta that buildin' " Wolverine said pointing to the warehouse. " Psylocke see if you can get in through the roof. I'm going to see what's round back, we meet back here in fifty mins. "
" Gambit need only 'alf dat time. " Gambit mockingly retorted. And with that, they all went their separate ways.
Gambit slunk through the shadows, which was fairly easy since the area around the F.O.H base, was lighted poorly to null. His path crossed that of the unfortunate guard, who's expensive weapons and fancy black fatigues didn't help an ounce. Gambit delivered a silencing blow to the head, with a quick and efficient kick.
" Should 'ave paid de extra fo' de 'elmet mon ami. " His remark went unanswered as he kept to his original path to a side door, he hoped would be there. After all, what was a viable headquarters without emergency exits?
Wolverine stalked the bushes, without a snapping twig, or rustle of fallen leaf, he continued his walk all the way around, to the back of the huge bland building. Leaving any guards he came across unharmed, he needn't silence a potential alarm, for no one as of yet had even noticed he was walking among them. As the last of the building was cleared, Wolverine got an uninterrupted view of, nothing. Except what looked like the start of a chain link fence, all the materials to put the thing up, still laying uselessly on the ground.
Seeing that the base was yet fully installed, made him feel better. But the little hairs on the nape of his neck still felt as if someone had just swept them back the wrong way. Something's not right, this is to easy, like the Cajun said. But he proceeded onwards any way, after all, it wasn't like they were expecting them...were they?
Psylocke headed the opposite direction of Gambit, intending to climb the metal stairs that went right up to the top of the warehouse slash supposed base. A dip into a few of the minds around her, assured her that they indeed didn't know of there presence, and relayed this to the others.
On the roof she slowly walked around the edge, eyes alert for any movement, and an access to the interior.
The side door wasn't exactly in the place he thought it'd be in, but sure enough, an anonymous gray looking door appeared. Reaching into one of his many pockets, his fingers found the few objects needed for entering such a door. With his sensitive fingers and years of being a professional thief, and ranked as of now one of the best in the world, the door posed to be a minor inconvienance. Gambit made it in side, in less than a minute. Mus' be slacken taday, dat take Remy longer den us'all. The pathetic red glow of the 'EXIT' sign didn't even reach the floor, let alone the lone man who walked beyond it without a second glance. In the doorways, and in the halls, hanging from the ceiling, were signs; like those you'd find in a government building, or hospital. Pointing out directions for easy travelling. Gambit smiled to himself, he'd be out in less then twenty minutes. And yet, this place gave him a slight case of the creeps, if possible he'd be out in fifteen.
Further into the complex he delved, with only one incident, that incident was tied and gagged in a janitors closet. For night time the lights were programmed to caste only minimum light into the halls, sufficient for night time. Down another corner, Remy glanced up, and the helpful sign said 'Computer room', another smile, and he slipped in through the door. Psylocke, I be in.
Psylocke acknowledged his report, and relayed it to Wolverine. Right darlin. And that instant of distraction was all it took to accidently trip, the trip wire placed straight across the bearth of the building.
But looking down to see what she had done, Psylocke noticed that the trip wire, was a full foot in front of her, she hadn't been anywhere near close enough to set it off. Then one word flashed in her mind ' Ambush '
All around him, blared a screaming alarm, which ironically reminded him of the alarm clock he busted earlier this morning. Ejecting the disk that had just finished downloading info off the computers, Remy stuffed it in his pocket. Spinning on his heel, he grabbed the door handle and jerked it open, only to slam it shut as his spatial awareness picked up two figures racing down the hall. After a moment he threw the door back open, and made a mad dash down the hall, the same way the troopers had gone.
The lights that had before, cast a faint yellowish tinge to the walls and floor, were now bright flouecent white. The shadows that had been, had nowhere to hide. Shielding his eyes with his left hand, Gambit grasped three playing cards from his duster pocket, as he sensed people beyond the corner he was readily approaching.
Wolverine now stood in a flood of lights, as seemingly out of nowhere spot lights clung to his form unrelentingly. Knowing the cat was out of the bag, he readied himself for a fight, popping out his famous three foot long bone claws, that were housed inside his forearms.
" So much for quiet tactics. Let's dance. "
Soldiers who looked as if they stepped out of a large mold, in black fatigues the same equipment, and firearms, raced out of the building in single file lines. Getting a better look at what they wore, Wolverine noticed a patch on the right shoulder of each, an emblem of sorts.
" Halt! Your under arrest Mutant ! " The man who looked to be the leader shouted at him. By now Wolverine was surrounder by twelve of the mystery men in black.
" An' who's orderin' ? "
" Black Team 51. Don't make this harder than it has to be, just come along peacefully, and nobody will get hurt. "
" I don' do peacefully. " Twelve to one, my kinda odds! With that final thought, the feral X-Man launched himself into the nearest guy. By getting this close, they wouldn't use their guns, in fear of hitting one of their own.
The scene was almost comical, if one were to have a birds eye view of the ensuing fight, one would see a lone man dressed in black and yellow, in the middle of many men in black. The odds favoring these so called Black Team 51, but then this was a man named after an animal which had no fear, that'd tear a bear limb from limb if cornered.
The leader pulled out of the fray, as did two others, slinging there large silver gray guns over there shoulders and into their hands, that put the movie 'Men in Black' to shame. Wolverine made short work of the men, more unconscious or afraid to get up, then dead. Standing there, with lips curled back to expose fierce canines, Logan growled menacingly, at the three men in front of him, and took a step forward.
The leader fired first, the plasma beam sending the short Canadian backwards a good ten feet, only for him to get right back up severely pissed off. With a single spoken word, a net was fired from the third gunmen's Rifle. The net glowed an eerie blue, and seemed to zap the very air, at the same time the other two mercenaries fired as well. Stunning the Canadian long enough for the net to collapse over him.
For a moment Psylocke was mortified she'd blown the entire mission with a miss step, but for only a moment. As all hell broke lose, alarms screamed, the footsteps of soldiers below her could be heard. She ran to the edge of the building, to the stairs in which she climbed up, intending to get down and help when and if needed.
" And just where do you think your going Mutant ? "
Psylocke faced her opponent as he cleared the metal stairs and advanced on her. Psylocke stood her ground, watching as he unholstered a bulky silvery handgun and continued walking closer. She did her best just to stand there and wait, it would have been easy to maneuver around and take him down. But what was the sense in wasting energy, when the victim walked right up to you, to be slaughtered?
As soon as he was just further than an arm length away, Psylocke moved with ninja speed and hit him dead on with her psychic knife. Walking over him slumped limp body, she made her way down the ladder, and around the building staying in what little shadows were left. Psylocke rounded the corner only to find Wolverine slashing, kicking, punching, and all in all kicking serious butt, despite the odds.
Everything was moving so fast, which left no doubt in her mind that they had been set up. Reaching out with her with her mind Psylocke tried to find her other team mate, but the link she had with Gambit was severed. Feeling it out, Psylocke determined, or at least hope, it was his own doing. At the best of times, Gambit didn't like anyone in his head.
She was brought back to the present, when the night was pierced with a howl, looking back at Wolverine, she saw that he was encased in what appeared to be a bluish net, anchored to the ground.
As Gambit neared the intersection in the hallway, his spatial awareness picked up, that the moving people in front of him had stopped. And in all sanity awaited an ambush. Gambit changed directions, and ran in the other direction, but the same thing happened. He stopped in the middle of the brightly lit white hallway, and simply stood there. Looking around casually for possibly escape routes. Dis be stupide boy, 'ow y' get y' self inta dis...no way dey be all co-or'ina'ed like dis on seconds no'ice. We been se' up.
Six members of Black team 51 stepped out of their hiding spots, six men at each end of the hallway. And began to carefully and slowly close in on the mutant thief, with handguns and rifles already drawn, some even held shiny black shields, like what riot cops used.
" Halt Gambit, your under arrest. My name is Mr. Raven, come along without a fuss, and this will be over without incident. " The man who was in charge of the entire operation, and Black team 51, called out to their prime target.
" Sorry homme, but Gambit can' allow dat, w'at would people t'ink? " Sarcasm dripped from his voice.
" Well then I suppose you'll just be a little bruised then. Alright boys. "
Gambit threw charged playing cards in Raven's direction, at the same time with the other hand, threw a handful of cards at the other end of the hall. The backlash of flames seemed not to affect Gambit, as he stood in a fighting stance, slightly crouched.
Black Team 51, were prepared for this, and the men who held the shields kneeled down on one knee and braced themselves for the blast. The fire resistant shields protecting all the members. Raven and the others crouched behind, escaping the flames and explosion without harm. Talking into the tiny headsets, every one wore, he issued orders, Gambit couldn't hear.
Rising slightly, while the others were still crouched protectively behind the black barriers, Raven fired at the Cajun. Gambit easily dodged, and threw another batch of explosive cards. Fact was, Remy was starting to panic, it was easy to see that his cards weren't doing a lick of good, and there was no other way out. They had effectively trapped him.
" Are you quit done yet Mr. Gambit? " Raven patiently asked.
" Oui "
Black Team 51, on the opposite end of Mr. Raven got up, and moved in on Gambit. A short blond fellow, carrying a pair off restraints. Gambit held his hands in the air, looking the part of the out matched victim. But then the victim turned the tables, when Black Team 51, left their sanctuary behind. Spinning, the auburn haired Cajun delivered a debilitating round house kick, to the head of the little blond guy.
Out from under his duster came his bo-stick, with a spin of the wrist, it extended to full length, over five feet. With an extra tool to his advantage, Remy spun the staff again, and brang it low to the legs of the nearest person to him, knocking the man down, who misfired his gun. Somebody attempted an attack from behind, Gambit turned, quickly planting his elbow to the would-be attackers jaw, with a sickening crack.
The agent who had been knocked down by the Thiefs Bo-stick, sprang to his feet, unholstering the four inch knife from his thigh. He went in low, intending to come up beside Remy, but Gambit noticed the movement, dodged the wild swing and counter attacked. Dismissing fancy maneuvers, Gambit decked the man in front of him square in the nose, the crack of breaking bone, barely heard, but the blood that spilled fourth easily seen.
" Enough fucking around. " Raven said, talking more to himself than anyone in the room. Taking aim, after setting his weapon to a lower level, fired at the rebelling Cajun. Gambit sensed the plasma fire headed towards him, and made an escape into the air, executing a perfect leap and flip. The human barricade now eliminated, Remy mad a dash for freedom. The hall was limiting movement to dodge and attack, and he felt too open and vulnerable.
All of a sudden gunfire chased him down. Being terribly confined, Remy couldn't effectively dodge everything, and was nailed in the shoulder, slowing but not stopping him. Another shot hit him in the upper thigh, bringing him down. Raven walked up to the X-Man, who at the moment was trying unsuccessfully to get up. Holding his silver, bulky rifle in his hands, Raven swiftly brought it down onto the Cajuns head, ending any other attempt at freedom.
" Pack up we're out of here. " Raven issued the command through the little head set, which carried the massage to everyone. At the moment the restraints the young blond had been carrying, were being put on the unconscious X-Man.
To be continued in part 3