Title: Sedatives

Author: Jufemme (Email) and Revel (Email)

Website: no site

Rating: PG-13

Pairing/main characters: Gambit

Series/Sequel: unfinished

Summary: Gambit is hunted and eventually captured by a mysterious enemy.

Disclaimer: The X-Men are Marvel's ... blah blah blah, not making any profit.



By Jufemme und Revel


Chapter One

Light flowed out onto the kitchen floor, illuminating objects within its radius and the man who stood in front of it, yet leaving the corners an inky black and everything else cloaked in shadows. Remy LeBeau stood casually, holding the fridge door open with his foot, while he rummaged the interior, emerging with two beers. With his cargo in hand, he made his way back to the den, the fridge door quietly swinging shut behind him, casting the empty room once more into darkness.
Remy walked into the warm glow of a 60 watt lit living room, the single lamp in the corner giving the only light. The beer was thrown to the only other acceptant in the house, who caught it with no effort.
Sitting back into the cushions of the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table, Logan waited patiently for LeBeau to press play on the VCR, resuming the taped basketball game they had been watching, enthusiastically booing, cheering or cursing in appropriate places.
The rest of the team was out, either at Harry's Bar or out on their own like Jean and Scott. Remy had come home to a deserted house, and, making note of this, had taken a shower. Logan had declined the offer to join most of the team for supper and drinks and instead had gone out to roam the mansion grounds. Hearing Remy's bike pull in, he cancelled his earlier plans and decided to see what the Cajun had in mind.
So it happened that Logan found the taped Lakers vs. Bulls game, conveniently left beside the VCR. That was an hour ago. A glance at the clock showed the time to be quarter after eleven, and nobody had yet arrived back at the mansion. As the game ended a sappy soap opera started it's theme song to begin the show. This prompted Remy to stop the tape in record time, both men letting out deep sighs of relief.
"Dat was too close."
"Yer tellin' me Cajun."
As they exchanged words and got comfortable again, Logan flipped through the channels, stopping as he came across the late night news. Something had caught his attention.
The news lady stopped talking to receive two new sheets of paper handed to her, and, adjusting to the disturbance, began to read what she had been given.
"At this time, it has been confirmed that the incident downtown is between a small group of mutants and an unknown number of assailants....." The reporter droned on.
"Y'don' suppose . . . " The question was left hanging, as both men quickly made their way to the carport, it was just too convenient for it not to be their friends, and if it wasn't, well there was no harm in helping. Remy and Logan sped into town on their Harleys, the road only a blur. As traffic began to get heavier, Gambit was forced to slow down, and, as he got close enough to see the street cordoned off, pulled into an alley to park, as did Wolverine.
Not knowing what to expect, Gambit chose to nonchalantly walk down the street with hands in pockets until he got to a good vantage point to see the goings ons. He leaned back against the corner of an old building, casually making out the scene before his eyes. Though dark and the X-Men too far away to make much easily discernible, Gambit was able, with both his eyes and spatial awareness, to locate where people stood, particularly the X-Men. Storm stood slightly concealed in the alley directly in front of a two-story old apartment building, which at the moment hid five gunmen with hostages. The other X-Men stood spread out. He'd have to get in closer to make things out better.
All the assailants were in the building, one was at the second floor top right window, using an elderly man as a shield in front of him. Another was visible through a window on the left side of the ground floor. The others were somewhere in the building, with all the residents that lived there frightened and held against their will. But why the X-Men and not the cops who handled this. Something prickled at his senses, perhaps this wasn't the whole picture.
So now after scoping out the situation, he made his way to the alley where Storm had found cover by going around the block and coming in through the alley's rear entrance. Storm, Iceman, and Wolverine were in the alley. Extending his spatial awareness he detected Rogue on the apartment roof, probably awaiting further instructions, Maggot was behind the apartment building doing the same thing, simply standing there. Cecilia stood a few feet in front of one of the squad cars, by the sounds of it, relaying to Storm what the cops were up to.
"Bout time you showed, Gumbo, was beginning to think yer weren' comin'."
"What? An' leave y'ere by y'selfs wit out de protec'ion o' Gambit? Never!" Gambits face was that of mock horror.
Wolverine merely snorted at this.
"So w'ats goin' on?" he asked, his expression turning serious again.
"Hey Snake, another one of 'em fucks just showed up." Noah shoved the old man away from the window, nearly knocking the senior over with the force of it. There was no need to show himself anymore, the people down below now knew they had hostages.
Noah was fairly tall 6'0" but with a thin, lanky body, making him appear scruffy with short, messy, greasy brown hair. His humorless smile showed straight yellow teeth although one front tooth was missing. He wore dark blue jeans with a clean tan polo shirt untucked. His black runners were unlaced and a bit scuffed. His face was nowhere near spectacular, just plain, like somebody you would see in a crowd and pass by without a second look.
"How many now in the alley, Noah? " Snake bit out the sentence with agitation. He was pacing back and forth, going through different scenarios in his mind, thinking of a way out but getting nowhere, the adrenaline running through his veins making him too unstable.
Snake was smart but irrational and impulsive with a violent temper. Snake's dirty blond hair hung just about to his shoulders, thin and scraggly, and his blue eyes held no beauty. If he'd take a bath, clean himself up, and brush his hair, you could almost say that snake was a handsome man. Almost. Right now, his camouflage pants, ripped at the knee with the green T-shirt half tucked into his pants, and old black hiking boots didn't really do anything for him.
"I'll show them fuckers! Think they're all great, bunch of pansies groupin' together, ha! See what you think 'bout this!!"
And with this, he bent over as if feeling sick, his hands held in front of him. A small green glow began to form in the shape of a tennis ball. The green light continued to get bigger, but the light stayed at a dim glow.
Once the swirling green glow got to the size of a basketball, Snake straightened, walking to the window, though keeping far enough back so that anybody outside looking in wouldn't be able to see him. The room they were in was black, the lights having been turned off. Snake looked right at the alley where four mutants stood, supposedly talking, brought his hands up as if getting ready to chest pass to a team mate, and threw forward at great speed his green ball.
Within seconds, the green ball, hit the area between the four X-Men and exploded into brilliant white light, far brighter then even high-powered spotlights. Though the light not escaping the green casing of the giant ball only spread a radius of fifteen feet at all angles, all this lasted no more than five seconds.
Remy never heard the answer to his question as his spatial awareness picked up something moving towards them at an incredible speed. There wasn't even time to back away.
Storm turned towards Gambit, about to answer him, when she noticed him looking right across the street to the old apartment building. She didn't get the chance to follow suit as a huge explosion of bright light flooded her senses, forcing her to her knees, hands covering her eyes.
Gambit saw only a flash of lime green before white light shot through his eyes with excruciating pain rocketing back and forth through his head. Unknowingly letting out a shout of surprise and hurt, he fell to the ground with a thud. Then blackness.
Storm regained her feet and looked around, Wolverine was doing the same, but making his way over to the Cajun.
"What the hell was that!?" Bobby stood near the entrance of the alley, partially leaning on the building to the left, regaining his equilibrium.
"Gumbo," Wolverine knelt beside the Cajun, who at the moment was trying to get to a kneeling position, the process slow but accurate.
"Remy, are you all right?" Storms voice was calm, but there was a hint of worry edging it's way into the end of the sentence.
Gambit blinked a couple of times, then stood with the help of Storm, and blinked again, this time leaving his eyelids up, but making no progress seeing through the inky black that claimed his vision.
"I can' see not'in'" Without eyesight at the moment, Gambit relied on his other senses, he could feel where people stood in the house, but couldn't pinpoint the "bad guys". Maddened by the attack which left him blinded at the moment Gambit focused on this power seperating people within the building from one another. Giving the locations of where people stood to Storm, she relayed this to the other X-Men. What was only a few moments ago a short stand off between unknown people and the X-Men, ended.
The sound of an automatic camera rewind, ready to snap yet another photo, was heard by no one else but the lone man who lay atop the old thrift store three buildings away from the X-Men. His high-scoped camera was trained on one man as he casually walked towards the cordoned off section of street *click,* stopped and leaned against a building. *click* Then continued on, re-appearing in the alley. *click, click, click* Then, as the flash of light disappeared, he knelt on the ground. *click, click* Then as he stood, and the X-Men flew into action. *Click* More pics snapped as the young mutant, with unruly auburn hair, and lithe body walked with his fellow comrades, out of view. All the while acting as if the blast of light hadn't bothered him in the least. *Click, click*
"I'll see you soon, ol' buddy Just you wait an' see, do I got a surprise for you. Hahaha..."
And with that the man left as quietly as he'd come.


Chapter Two

" What do you see now? " Dr. McCoy asked.
" Black. " Came the curt reply.
Hank, formally known to the world as The Beast, stepped back for a minute . Still staring at the young man sitting on one of the med beds.
" Well Remy, I regret to inform you that at the present I can not bestow you a precise answer as to how execrable the blast of light has affected your eyes. I'll look over the results of the few tests I've already completed more meticulously. I will come and assist you down here again in a few hours. But it's hard to predict what will befall your vision. Your eyes are ...unquestionably unique. This could last an hour or a day or...."
Hank left the end of his speech hanging uncomfortably. How was he supposed to say * or forever * easily? Remy however, saved him the trouble of figuring that out
When Remy had first gotten off the ground from the initial blast, his head had swam with colors so extremly bright that he had squeezed his eyelids tighter still. But as the colors dimenished everything had gone earily dark, even when his eyelids had fluttered open nothing changed. After that shock, everything seemed like a blur of thought and motion. He couldn't quit recall exact details of what ensued, except now he sat on one of the Infirmiry's med beds.
And was at the moment being somewhat of an unruely and stubborn patient. The fact that he couldn't see didn't stop the cold dread that ran through his body everytime he was in here. Though he couldn't see the sterile white walls and equipment didn't mean they weren't there. He could smell the cleaness of the room, the way every Hospital, Lab, Infirmiry seemed to emit. Could hear the tiny whirs and little sounds Hanks equipment made.
He was only half listening to what the blue furred doctor was saying to him. But caught the important phrases and noticed when Hank abruptly trailed off. Remy could sense some of the stronger emotions coming from the doctor, somthing akin to pity. Almost like when a parent broke the news to their child that their favorite pet and best friend was at the vets and may never come home.
Remy shook himself out of the thought. It felt like the room was closing in on him, like Storms clousterphobia but with little fear in the reaction. Taking Hanks silence as an opener to leave, he jumped off the medical bed. Although his kinesthetic sense detected movement, it did little to tell him where walls and motionless obstacles were.
" Where are you going Remy? "
" Out. "
" Wait, least allow me the pleasure to direct you to the appropriate door? "
The question was nothing more than Hank being considerate and helpful. But it only added to fuel the Cajuns cindering rage as to the fact he was somewhat helpless. But what was he to do? Walk into walls, trip up and look a fool all because he refused the offered help?
" . . . . . Merci mon ami. "
" Where to? Oh Cajun commrade. "
With a big smirk Remy answered. " De Cajuns room. "
Ororo Munroe silently walked into Hanks lab, she had been waiting for Remy to leave so she could talk to the doctor alone. There was an unspoken understanding between Remy and herself. Ororo herself didn't want to be pitied or moped around by comrade or friend and nor did Gambit. Though Remy seemed to go one step further, he never admitied injury or hurt, if possible neither showed it. So Storm obliged him.
" Hello Hank. "
Stratled somewhat by the intrusion on his thoughts, McCoy looked up to see Ororo standing elagantly behind him.
" Hey 'ro..sorry I didn't hear you enter. "
She only smiled a little and looked as if she was going say something but Hank suspected he knew just what, and spoke be she had put together what she intended to ask.
" You want to know how Remy's fairing? "
Taken aback slightly at his abrupt bluntness, she answered. " Yes. "
" I'm guessig alright. But as far as his injury...to be honest I don't know. " Hank looked tired. " It's not like he's ever stayed here long enough for a propper physical before, or come to think of it, ever. " Ororo studied her blue furred friend for a moment. Then looking resigned, excused her self and left.
An hour later Storm wondered into the kitchen for a drink only to see Rogue sitting at the table cradling the mug in front of her. Opening the fridge door she took out the milk and poured some of it into her glass, placing the jug back and closing the refridgerator door.
Rogue watched as Storm casually walked into the kitchen and poured herself some milk and although Storm sat across from her, neither women said a word right away.
" Hey 'ro. "
" Hello Rogue. "
" Couldn' sleep either huh? "
" No. Can not say that I can..though I should, Scott still has an early morning Danger Room practice schedualed. "
" Oh Damn !!! Forgot about that, shoot ah wish that boy would sleep in just once. "
Ororo finished her milk, though looking none to happy with what she had drank.
" I'm off to bed, good night Rogue. "
" Don' ya mean Morning? " Ororo glanced at the coffee maker which had a digital clock at the bottom right hand corner. Two in the morning. * Can not say that I'm surprised. * " So it is. See you later in the Danger Room Rogue."
A groan sounded in the empty dark kitchen in Rogues protest, following Ororo as she headed out to her loft, a small smile playing across her lips.
* grrrrrrrrrrrrr.....aw shoot!! C'mon girl better get yoah butt to bed, Remy not goin' no where. *
Wolverine had actually settled back into the den, comfortably sitting back in the cuchions. If one didn't know better you'd think this odd for the feral Canadian who usually patrolled the grounds. But thats what he had been doing ever since the team got back home and Bishop had asked for the pleasure to take over till morning, so Logan obliged. At the moment he was waiting for the early News to come on, a tape sat patiently in the VCR ready to record with but a touch of a button.
His gut was telling him that somthing was amiss, why was it when Gambit and himself showed up everything ended? They didn't do jack all !! Was it just that the crazed loonies inside got over excited by the arrival of two more mutants that they were unable of rational thought and action? Or was it all coincidental to the point of dumb luck?
Other possibilities had been running through his mind all night too, but not so much that he took any of them seriously. But nagging enough to the point where he decided watching the News coverage might be beneficial.
Remy lay on his back sightlessly starring up at the ceiling. Arms stretched out to either side of his huge mahogony four posted bed, the black satin bed spread soft beneath his fingers. Though this did nothing to calm the rage he felt, how could he have let this happen to him again, why the hell hadn't his sight returned yet? Other disembodied thoughts swirled within his head, most of them angry.
Getting up Remy walked to his door and locked it, the last thing he wanted was one of the X-Men inviting themselves in for what ever reason. * T'ink boy * Leaning against the door Remy let his body slowly slide to the awaiting floor.
* Was in California. . . . Los Angeles. . . merde dat be ten year' go. W'at was 'er name...Jade? non..June, Jane, Jan...Jude Neri. Dats it, li'l two timin' bitch she go' w'at she dese'ved. *
Thinking about this his mind wondered back to that night, the night when he had vented his rage on a young women. He didn't have much regret for what he had done, not even now. It all started when he had gone to California for a job. Getting there he'd met up with a clean cut, business suit gentleman who had hired him. Hanging off his shoulder a pretty young blond, one need only say " air head'. So with little effort the pinch was done and walking through the alley to his bike, Remy was ambushed.
Well the ambush started with a blinding flash of light directed straight at him, the pretty blond turned out to be the cunning fox and made off with his bounty. Leaving him hunched over in pain and blind, well he'd stumbled back to his hotel and waited lying on his bed like now for a few hours. His sight did return but only in red. This was good enough to find little miss blue eyed and find her he did, sorting through the lute he has so thoughtfully collected. Apparently crossing her lover in the scheme of things as well.
Stalking up behind her, the snap of bone in her neck was clearly audible in the quiet motel room that she was occupying. Gathering up the product of his work Remy left without a second glance behind.
Remy snapped out of his reverie, the outline of his bed was barely visible. Shocked and relieved beyond belief, he rose to his feet and walked over to the huge bed, reaching out for one of the posts. The mahogany wood cool to the touch. Though the entire bed could have been mistaken for red as well, for as before his vision was red. Annoying as it may be it gave him extraordinary night sight, more so then usually.
Remy turned to his window, his kinesthetic sense alerting him to a foreign object, small in size coming his way. Gambit darted behind his bed grabbing the deck of cards off his night stand in one fluid motion. Unlikely as it was that anything or anyone was on the mansion grounds, Remy was in no mood to be taken by unawares again.
A small explosion rocked his room, small parts of his wall and little bits of glass flying inwards. More resilient pieces logging themselves into the far wall. The smaller chunks and bits simply littering the floor. Through the clearing dust and debris a dark but smiling figure appeared.
" Hello Gambit, long time no see eh? "


Chapter Three

A lone figure sat motionless beside a tree, the moonless night concealing his body, the wind blowing downwards protecting him from one's sense of smell. And being a thief, helping him break into the mansion grounds with out being detected by electronical devices. He had this planed down to a science, the fact that Wolverine wasn't patrolling the grounds was a stroke of good luck on his part. Instead; was the tall looming figure named Bishop intimidating as he was, Demise was still grateful as to how things were going.
Bishop was now making his rounds towards the lake walking slowly with weapon carefully slung over his shoulder. Demise scanned the rest of the area with the utmost discretion, nothing could go wrong. . . nothing. Moving away from the tree the black clad man moved silently but casually, LeBeau still had his other senses if not sight. Standing below the Cajuns bedroom window Demise located a small detonating device out of his jacket pocket fidiling with the controls.
Backing up a step his arm went backward and then forward in an easy motion throwing the little grenade at his window. Timed to explode in three seconds he need not throw it with enough force to brake the glass. Demise turned to face away from the building not willing to move away. The sounding explosion was not loud, but the wall and glass shattering was, however. He now had to move fast. Without waiting for anything to clear, Demise flew up to the nice sized hole in the mansions side and walked into the awaiting room.
" Hello Gambit, long time no see eh? "
Dodging the card that was thrown his way in the process, but LeBeau was cut from the flying debris, Demise could feel it and a little scratch was all he needed. Remy visibly paled, the charge that was threatening to be released from his hand to his cards faded somewhat. And the mighty Gambit who had been in fighting stance dropped to one knee, desperately trying to keep his composure. Demise pressed harder, watching LeBeau crumble; it was an intoxicating feeling, if he had time he would make him suffer more but as it was time was out. With a painful moan that escaped his throat, Remy looked at Demise with murder in his eyes, then simply collapsed.
Demised ran over to pick him up and flew away, already out of eye sight as Wolverine, Rogue, Storm and Iceman ran into the room. Rogue still in p.j's as was Ororo, Bobby in boxer shorts and Logan still in uniform.
" What the hell? Where's Remy? " Rogue looked desperately around the room. The thought of Remy, in his anger, blowing out the wall, disappearing as all the debris was inside the room. Evidence of foul play, further increasing her distress.
" Why y'all just standin' there like a bunch of gapin' fish? We gotta find Remy! "
" Calm yourself Rogue, you are not going to help matters by indulging in
theatrics. "
Bobby took this opportunity to interrupt the conversation. " Wow, you'd think he would have at least cleaned up a bit before leaving. I mean look at this mess."
" If you will Rogue, please take to the air and report if you see anything. "
" He's already gone 'ro, the scent goin' cold. Not helpin' matters by it being so damn windy. "
" Well ah'm gonna go take a look see anyhow. " With that Rogue flew out into the night.
"Do you know who was here Logan?"
" Sorry darlin, nobody I know. "
" Then we must wake Jean..." As if on que Phoenix burst into the room.
Gambit stood poised in fighting stance with cards glowing and ready to strike; the thought of, Who de hell be 'ere? Kept running through his head. But the unnerving fact that it could be so many people didn't help at the moment. He would know in a few minutes. And then like something out of a movie, a dark figure appeared standing there; smiling like a mad man.
" Hello Gambit, long time no see eh? " The man said it casually as if meeting an old friend in a bar. Mon deiu, I t'ought he be 'way fo' life! With the identity now revealed, Gambit threw one of his cards, hoping to push him out onto the lawn and avoid major structure damage to the mansion. But Demise swiftly evaded it.
The charge in his hands flowing. Remy made a move to throw yet again, but pain suddenly flowed throughout his body instead. The feeling of being suddenly noxious started, then a migraine headache. Gambit fell to his knee, struggling for breath he couldn't quit seem to catch.
The memory of Demises powers was in the back of his mind; like some one faintly yelling at him to get up and stop his attacker. Remy looked up at Demise, as another wave assaulted him. It felt as if his lungs were giving out on him, his limbs turning against him and the the headache increased to a hard pound. It was all anyone could take, as sweet oblivion engulfed him. Yet the encumbering blackness frightening in the knowledge that the attacker could then do anything to him, he'd be helpless and unknowing.
He felt warm. Looking around at his surroundings everything for some reason looked fuzzy. He was in a white sterile lab, everything in the room sparkled with cleanness. But for some odd reason he could hear running water. The room itself for all the sparkling clean was bathed in fear, and it emanated in strong waves. Remy turned and headed for the door, opening it and finding himself at the edge of what looked like a twentyfoot wide river. The water splashed up and rushing by with speed.
Looking around Remy got the full picture as to where he was. The river came down from a drop sorta like a small water fall. He could hear voices up on that high ground. The door he had come through disappeared and in it's place was New Orleans bayou and swamp land. In front right across the river was a well beat trail that suspiciously got darker and narrower.
Remy turned and once again listened to the barely audible voice above the water fall. Out of no where the ground beneath him gave way, throwing him into the water. Yet he was sitting in only an inch of water. Getting up Gambit stepped further out onto the river expecting to stay above. But the river had it's own idea and sucked him down into it's deth. Remy swam to the top, his lungs searing for oxygen. The top layer turned to thin sheet of ice impeding his progress. The temperature of the rushing water also dropping. Curling his fingers into a fist, Remy began hammering the clear frozen ice until cracks began to spread and his hand broke through; grasping air his lungs desperately needed.
Gambit slowly crawled across the frozen water, his body shivering from loss of heat. And steadily made his way up to the top of the water fall. Following the path around the still moving black water. The crunching of fresh green leaves could be heard beneath his feet. Reaching the top he stood straight and almost proud like; staring at a man sitting in a cozy red chair facing away from him. Wary to go near his mystery visitor, Gambit crept closer and stopped as the man called out to him.
" Gambit. . . . Gambit!! "
Then the mystery person was up in a flash and before him in such speed it would have put Donathon Bailely to shame. Remy looked at him again, as the man's face cleared and he saw with certainty it was Demise. A long forgotten aquaintence. Pain. It throbbed within his jaw; flooding up into his temples. Demise stroked again. This time harder, catching the Cajun across the cheek bone. Causing yet another dull thud of pain. Remy woke up.
" Finally the man of the hour wakes up. "
Remy blurely looked at Demise, but said nothing. Nor could he even if he had wanted to. A silver gag of ducktape was happily denying him speech. Remy could also feel a dull throb in his face where Demise, had actually punched him.
Demise looked at the auburn haired man before him. Tied so nicely to the plain wooden chair, hands cuffed behind and over the chair, feet tied to the front legs of the chair. Demise stood there simply admirering his handy work; as rage began to creep once more into his body.
" Now. I doubt your still wondering bout why I got slightly bad feelings about our parting. But maybe you are. Perhaps it's just slipped your mind like a few other things eh? " Demise walked over into another room and came back holding a newspaper.
Remy looked around the house he was apparently in. From what he could gather, the building was big. The living room he was stuck in was huge. But oddly barren; like nobody had been living here for awhile, or had just moved in or out. He was set so as he was facing the far wall which had a beautiful fire place. The ceiling was high and the walls painted a friendly faint blue.
Demise stood directly in front of the bound Cajun. " See this 'partner'? " Demise pointed at the newspaper's bold black heading in one of the pages, it read, 'Thief murders gangsters for jewels' An inch or so down was Demises colored picture, a picture taken six years ago.
The photo was of a glaring young man with short black hair; neatly cut above the ears and shaved up the back, with the bangs hanging down in his face. And it was a handsome face with a small goatee. Dangling in his left ear was a small silver earring. The photo was labeled Adrean Hollow.
Demise now had long black hair that fell just below his shoulder blades tied back in a loose pony. With still a handsome face, no facial hair, but in his nose stood proudly a septum piercing and his right eyebrow was pierced three times, two silver hoops; with black beads and the other was a barbell. In his left ear three silver small hoops hung, and a cartilege stud in the upper lobe. In the other ear his buttom lobe was pierced only twice, with a hoop and a small stud. Adrean stood at 6'1, and at the moment was wearing a black t-shirt and black bagy pants, with pockets on the lower thigh.
" Would you like me to read you my favorite lines LeBeau? hmmm? " Demise grabbed Gambits long russet hair in his fist and manually nodded Remy's head, yanking down and up. Shaking off the few strands of hair that he'd pulled out in the process.
" Adrean Hallow, earlier convicted to ten years in Los Angeles Maximum prison for mutants. Murdered five known criminals and one young man and a women who were later reported to be visiting. In an attempt to steel the 1.5 million in cash, found in a blue duffle bag at the scene. " Demise stopped reading and pointed at Remy.
" That was your fucking bag asshole!! " Demise stopped and looked as if he was collecting himself. " How much did you make off with Le Beau? How much fucking money did you fucking take! " Remy just sat there, all he could do and glared at Adrean.
" We was supposed to be partners member? Or did you plan on setting me up to take the fall the whole time? " He took a step forward striking Remy once more across the head. " God damn LeBeau, you have any idea what it's like in those fucking cages they call mutant prisons?! hmmm? No. I suppose not. " Adrean ended in a calm, thoughtful voice.
Through out Demises speech and melodrama remarks, Remy had been attempting to pick the lock on the hand cuffs, but had discovered the lock stuffed with something. So tactfully decided to try anther route so to speak. And was now trying to squeeze his hang through the one cuff, but was only achieving in robbing the skin on his wrist raw. His powers were nulled, how he did quit know for sure yet, but suspicion as to Adreans powers were leading him to believe it was his doing. And he still felt sick. It was the only description that came to mind.
Demise wasn't the only angry party in the room. Frustration at not having been able to already get out of his restraints, the fact that he was helpless to the punches he was receiving and how easily it seemed he'd been abducted. The only thing that seemed to be going alright was his vision, although everything was still in shades of red, color had been occasionally making an appearance.
Demise stopped and looked as Gambit long and hard his sharp eyes noticing LeBeau's struggles. " Are you actually trying to get loose? Do you think me stupid?!! " This remark was shouted in deafening tones. Demise struck out, kicking Gambit squarely in the chest, knocking both him and the chair over. Hitting the floor with an 'umph'. Demise continued his ranting. " You still think me niave? Is that it, think that ' oh it's just Adrean, the dumb guy probly doesn't know what he's doing!! " Punctuating the sentence by viciously kicking Remy in the ribs, and then again for good measure.
" I'm sorry where are my manners? " Demise went around and picked the chair up with Gambit still attached to it. " Must have lost them sometime during the years when I was in PRISON!! " He looked like he was going to continue his ranting a bit more, but instead walked over to the window. Still staring outside; smiling, he did continue, but in a calm voice. " You remember this house Gambit? It's the very same place we were supposed to sack together, the very same house you backstabbed me you asshole. "
There was a knock at the door, and Demise walked over to it; still smiling. Opening the door, four people dressed in blue shirts and white pants walked in.
" Over there boys. " Demise pointed over towards Gambit, and spoke once more.
" I thought and thought about how I was going to get my revenge and nothing seemed bad enough, and the thought of you escaping didn't help either. Then one night I was watching this movie, and the idea struck me! " Adrean gave a few gleeful laughs but settled for the lunatic grin he loved to wear. " See you later eh? heheheh. Bye-bye Gambit. "
The four men closed in on Remy, helpless and not for the first time that night worried. They came at him each producing some sort of equipment. The one that was in the lead produced a hypodermic needle with fluid already splashing around inside. He motioned for one of his partners to restrain Remy further, in a quick motion the needle was stabbed into his upper left arm, the fluid squeezed quickly into his body. Another held a set of padded cuffs for both his hands and feet, and what looked like another, more effective gag.
By now Remy was squirming in new, desperate attempts to escape. More hands pressed down on him holding him still as the sting of the needle was felt in his arm. Muffled curses and demands were unrecognizable beneath his current gag. And yet again for the second time that night, he felt him self start to drift off into unconsciousness. But not passing all the way out. Remy could see, hear and feel what was going on. His body however wouldn't listen to his mind, instead becoming like lead, unmovable.
The four men were efficient in their work, having done this at least everyday in their job. They restrained Gambits hands behind his back, the buckle on the padded cuffs having been remodeled for the Cajun thief. His feet were next, quickly being cuffed also. One of the four, a big muscled man stepped forward. Picking Remy up by the waist and slowly placing him on his own shoulder. Nodding to Demise on the way out.
Demise watched as all five got into the white van. The writing on the side proudly announced ' Greens Asylum ' Laughing again at his own genius, Adrean headed out the back door. Hoping into his own little two door black civic. There were still things left to do.


Chapter Four

The bigger of the men carried Remy's lanky body to the back of the white van, and waited patiently for one of his companions to open the door. A smaller boy with moose colored hair, opened the double doors and climbed inside, clearing a space for Gambit. The muscled guy's name tag announced plainly in black bold letters, that he was called Dave. Whether that was a first or last name left you guessing.
Dave hunkered his body down into the vans rear entrance only enough to roughly drop Remy's frame off of his shoulder and onto the awaiting floor with a thump. A barely audible grunt of protest from the bound man was heard only by Jimmy. Attached to the vehicles interior floor were straps. These meant to restrain their unwilling patients. But Jimmy didn't bother with them, Gambit was too drugged and bound too well, to coherently struggle free.
Jimmy crawled up to the front and into one of the smaller, rear chairs behind the drivers seat. Where the blond in the group, took position behind the wheel. Dave, less than gracefully climbing into the passengers chair, and pulling on the seat belt to wrap around his wide frame. The last one to hop into the seat next to Jimmy, looked completely stoned. His thin light brown hair was shaped in a poor mushroom cut, and looking somewhat bedraggled.
"Hey Hazel, you wake buddy? " Jimmy looked at him with a sarcastic expression.
" Shut up ass hole. Long night. Oops that's right, I forgot, you don't have those kinda nights" Ben Hazel closed his eyes, leaning back into his chair to catch a snooze. A smug smile playing across his lips.
" Nope, can't say I go around fucking boys. "
Hazel sat up and glared at the Jimmy. " Don't fucking start with me loser!! Your gonna get your pathetic ass maimed! "
"Oh that's right, you got a thing for asses doncha? "
" Fuck you, you fag. "
" You should talk..."
Hazel took a wild swing at Jimmy in his stoned rage, missing but already making another attempt. That is, if Dave, hadn't interfered. With a booming voice Dave none to nicely yelled at the two to stop acting like high schoolers, with too much testosterone.
Way before the whole verbal fight started, the blond in the drivers side, had pulled out onto the street and was heading for the highway. Keeping with the timed schedule they had, ignoring the best he could, the shouting match behind him. And coming up with a solution to separate Jimmy and Hazel, at least for a couple of minutes. Enough for the two to calm down a bit.
" Hey Jimmy, search John Doe back there for weapons of any such. I don't care what it is, whether it be a pin or pen, take it away. Oh and here " Josh held out a piece of cloth. " Blind fold him too. "
" Oh come on man, Demise probably did that already " Jimmy waited for a response but got none, and resigned himself to the boring task. Mumbling an insult to Hazel, as he made his way to the back.
" Don't see why Hazel doesn't do it.. bet he'd looooooove to. . "
Remy watched as one of the men came up to him. He was smaller than the rest, an expression of pure boredom written on his face; as clearly as if written with black jiffy marker, in big bold letters.
" You could at least try and struggle, it'd make this trip a lot less boring you know.....no huh? Aw screw you too then. " And with that remark grabbed Gambits hair to pull his head a little off the floor to tie the cloth around his head, covering Remy's eyes. " Didn't like your eyes anyhow. " Then did a quick search over his body. If you could call it that, merely looking over the drugged Cajun before him for anything out of the ordinarily. Finding nothing, Jimmy headed back up to his seat.
" Hey Josh. " Jimmy said to the driver, the man had a mane of short blond hair with a cute if not boyish face. " What say we stop at that diner we passed coming here, for a bite to eat, I'm starved. " Jimmy emphasized the point by rubbing his stomach in an exaggerated motion of severe hunger.
" Everyone up for some food? " There was chorus of agreement as the other men nodded their heads.
Phoenix ran into the room, as Logan turned to leave. She looked at the mess before her, at the expressions her friends wore and picked up wayward thoughts. And she knew without asking that Gambit was gone, probably to far gone to run out in wild pursuit. Storm chose that moment to speak, and it was an order. " Everyone to the War Room immediately. "
Taking in a final visual sweep of Gambit's trashed room, Ororo walked swiftly out.
Cyclops, leader of the team, stood beside his wife simply taking in the scene as she was. Ororo taking the command at the moment, with an order for the War Room. Scott fully agreed.
" I'll meet you there in ten, Storm. " But first he'd have to get into uniform, pajama bottoms just wouldn't do. Jean followed her husband out to the boat house where they resided, also planning on changing.
Wolverine casually leaned against the wall, arms crossed with his uniform face mask still off. While Storm sat in one of the easy back chairs, patiently waiting for the others to arrive. As promised ten minutes later the rest of the X-Men team showed up, all in uniform. It was just wise to attend such meetings in gear. Iceman walked in first and took a side seat at the large oval shaped table. Cyclops and Phoenix walked in together. Phoenix taking one of the chairs while Cyclops continued his way to the head of the table and stood waiting for Rogue to arrive. Impatiently checking his watch what looked like every minute. Rogue walked in five minutes late in uniform but wearing an expression that showed irritation and worry.
" Now, would somebody, anybody like to tell me what's going on? And not just with the disappearance of Gambit, I want the whole story, please. " Scott looked like he was trying to stay calm and not over react any, he was the team leader after all. Cool, calm and collected. Wolverine retold the tale of that evening, an evening that Jean and Scott had completely missed eating out at a nice restaurant and a late movie afterwards. Coming home directly to the boat house and just now learning about the events that had taken place. Wolverine ended with what he heard in Gambit's room.
" One more thing slim, I got a feelin'' this wasn't coincidental. I think the whole thing was a set up, and we fell for it faster than a rabbit in a snare. "
Scott arched an eyebrow over his red visor. " Care to explain further? "
" First off anyone else find it odd that once Gumbo and I showed, everything seemed to end? " Logan looked pointedly as Storm, Rogue and Iceman, who in turn seemed to go into thought. " How long were ya guys out there in that stand off? And it seems awful convenient that they ran into an old folks apartment building. Risking themselves further by the chance of getting caught before they even reached the buildin', by runnin' farther to it. Why not an all night convenience store or somthin' near by? "
" Here. " Logan handed Scott the video tape that had recorded the late night News coverage on the incident downtown. Scott took it and slid the black tape into one of the many monitors in the room with a free VCR. Standing back so that everyone had a clear view. The footage started with the boring stuff, such as the weather and sports coverage. leaving the good stuff till last. All an evil plot to make the viewer watch all that crap. Cyclops fast forwarded through all that wasn't useful, stopping at the end of one commercial as another reporter took the lead. She was the action journalist for channel, ckw5.
" What happened down town earlier this evening was originally between a group of five bandits and local police officials. But quickly turned into a mutant hostage situation, as the five still unknown robbers used mutants powers to push the police back. Upon this the outlawed mutant group called the X-Men showed up on the scene, actively settling the situation. The reporter drowned on with uneventful highlights of what ensued, for those who had been there. And the kind words relating to the X-Men not going unnoticed. As most people portrayed the X-Men and mutants in general the cause of everything bad.
The reporters face was only shown once at the beginning of her story, as the tv screen showed the live coverage of what had happened. But unfortunately only from one angle behind the police 'stay back' yellow banner. It was enough however to show Phoenix and Cyclops what had ensued more clearly than Logan's detailed account. Even on the tv screen the blast of light was blindingly bright in it's intensity.
" That is what impaired Remy's vision so immensely. " Ororo spoke to the two who hadn't been there.
" I'm sure to get a full report from Hank, but I don't think that's going to help any. " Scott didn't look to enthusiastic about chasing leads that would bring him no where. Scott rewound the tape; by the look on his face it appeared that he was searching for something.
" What are you looking for Scott? " Phoenix asked. She could easily find the answer by mentally looking for it through their link, but gave her husband as much privacy as she could.
" I can't see Gambit anywhere. Where did you guys go into the alley? " Scott watched as after the blast all the X-Men worked as a team and stormed the building. Wolverine, Iceman and Storm all rushing out of the alley.
" We went around the block and through the back. "
" Ah didn't see ya'll come in either. "
" That is why we choose the alley for cover, the visibility best suited us and not the enemy. "
Jean, spoke. Voicing what Logan had intended the people in the room to figure out. " So if Rogue couldn't see you, then how did the men inside know you were
there.? "
Bobby chimed in. " night vision? "
" Not likely I checked with cerebo's files and all five of those guys are on there. If what Logan is suggesting, and someone was coordinating the whole thing, then who? " Phoenix paused, collecting her thoughts. Scott taking that moment to ask his question.
" Ororo, when you and the team apprehended them, did you find any communicating devices or coms? It's unlikely the five were the one who master minded this. It's pretty hard to kidnap someone from a detention center."
" So, " Phoenix started. " The person who planned that stunt had to be close by. And in a position to see into the alley without being seen."
" Exactly. " They all looked at Logan who was now chewing on the end of a cigar, knowing better than to light it in the mansion. Well more like in front of Slim, unless Logan was intentionally trying to aggravate the man.
" We're all dressed and ready, but it would be pointless to search the scene without light to see, I'm sorry but we're going to have to wait until dawn. " Cyclops looked down at his watch. " We'll head out at five. That's only two hours people. "
Jean had her long red hair pulled neatly back in a pony, green eyes looked out of a semi tired face. Dressed in a dark green T-shirt and blue jeans, and white runners laced loosely. Scott was in a white T, and faded blue jeans as well. His boots clicking on the hardwood floor of the mansions entrance leading to the garage. Red shades covered his eyes, as was necessary to keep the lethal optic blasts in check.
Logan was in his usual cowboy boots, plaid jacket, old ripped blue jeans and a navy blue shirt that brought out the stormy blue of his eyes. His blue black funky hair partially covered by the slick looking cowboy hat. He was the picture of the Marlboro man.
Ororo on the other hand looked the part of a wayward model, saying to hell with Tommy Hill figure fashions. Instead she wore flowing dark purple pants that hung low on her hips. The material thin, and all around baggy and dragged across the floor when she walked. The heeled black boots she wore barely visible, only the toe or soles could only be seen when walking. A white halter top was the only other thing she wore, letting her hair flow freely where it wished.
Rogue choose to wear a blue jogging suit, the front left open to reveal a short dark green shirt. Sporty white runners with the extra two inch soles completed the ensemble. Her distinct red mane of hair with the white skunk stripe down the middle, was slightly messy but Rogue didn't seem to notice, either that or she just didn't care at the moment. She walked to the garage with Ororo, pleasantries were exchanged, but small talk didn't quit seem appropriate.
What were they supposed to talk about? The weather? or perhaps the new store opening down town that was being advertised on t.v. The door to the two car garage was opened, Scott leading the way through and heading for his red sports car, with Jean in tow. They looked completely casual, if one were to see them.
Five hours later, Remy was hauled out of the van and dragged into the institute. The drug now almost completely out of his system. But blindfolded and hobbled and with out the use of his powers, there was little he could do about being so harshly treated. Hauled across the graveled and well kept driveway by Jimmy and Hazel. In through double doors the men didn't stop until addressed by an unseen male voice.
" Now this has got to be Gambit, right? " The voice was gruff, the tone firm and serious.
" Yes sir. " Jimmy answered quickly.
" Well let's get Gambit here registered and then bedded down for the day.." As he said this a petite secretary walked into her office and started the paper work.
" Umm Mr. Cameron, will this be the standard registration? " her voice was questioning to Remy, who couldn't see the middle aged women, her voice sounded small but without insecurity.
" yes Mrs. Brass, and he'll be occupying room 108, it's been custom made "
Mr. Cameron made a motion for them to take Gambit to the room mentioned. " I'll be there in fifteen minutes to check on him personally." Foot steps echoed down the hallway as Remy, was once again dragged to his final destination.
Cameron walked into the secretary's office to check on the work she had done, not so much as to check the written work, but rather to put the file in a drawer for patients like Gambit. The name in the line designated was not Remy, nor Gambit, but rather John Smith. The heading read: GREEN'S ASYLUM, for the mentally insane.


TBC in part 5