Title: Eavesdropping
Author: Phoenix (Lina.inverse@verizon.net)
Website: no site
Rating: G
Pairing/main characters: Gambit/Wolverine/Iceman
Series/Sequel: complete
Summary: It can be very dangerous to listen in at people's windows.
Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men. I am poor and this fic is for entertainment only.
Date: Dec 2001
Archive/distribution: CkoS, WWOMB if they want it, all others please ask
Warning: Some cussing...the rest is all in your head and not my fault.
By Phoenix
The summer day was drawing to a close and Logan decided to watch the sunset. It had been a very rough day. More than anything, the feral man wanted time alone. Sitting on the roof seemed like a good idea; the easiest route took him through Remy's upstairs room, but as the Cajun was off swimming, he'd never know.
So it was that Logan was laying outside in the lengthening shadows when Remy and Bobby entered the room.
"Damn it, Bobby, stop squirming." Remy's command snapped the older mutant from his thoughts and with a smile, Logan decided to eavesdrop.
"I can't help it, Remy. I'm jumping out of my skin here."
There was sound of someone being thrown on the bed.
"REMY! Could you be a little more careful?"
"Bobby Drake, I am doing you a favor. Be more grateful."
"Grateful?" Bobby yelped.
Logan almost chuckled. The two mutants had become good friends recently, however, he almost fell from his perch with the blond's next words.
"OW! Remy, don't touch me there."
"I have to, Bobby. De' crème has to be spread real good otherwise you are gonna be in a world of pain."
"I'm already in a world of pain thanks to you."
"Dis wasn't my idea. I wanted to stop, but no, you had to be all stubborn. Worse than a woman."
"Yeah, but I was having fun."
Remy gave a sultry laugh. "So was I. Guess we should have been more careful. I'm sorry."
"Not your fault."
"Guess we were having too much fun to be careful."
"Ready for more now?"
Bobby gave a long-suffering sigh. "Suppose so. It just hurts so much."
"I'll be as gentle as I can," Remy promised.
Logan tried to control the blush stealing over his face as Bobby gave a small gasp. The temptation to peak in the window was almost overpowering. Yet, the thought of them catching him spying or his seeing something worse than what he was hearing, kept the tough mutant still.
"Mmmm, I think the crème is working, Remy. I'm feeling much better now."
"Can't stop yet, mon ami. It's got to be everywhere."
Bobby whimpered. "You sure?"
"Do ya want to be walking funny in da morning?"
"Den be quiet and let me work."
For about five minutes there was silence and Logan thought his embarrassment was over. It wasn't.
"Oh God, Remy, you have talented hands."
"I'm a t'ief, my friend. I know how to use dem."
"It's actually starting to feel good."
"De crème does dat. Also speeds up healing. We'll be able to have some more fun in a couple of days."
"Ready for more?"
"No whining."
"I promise."
Despite his promise, Drake was soon whimpering deep in his throat.
"Hang on, Bobby. It'll be better soon."
"I know. Wish I was as tough as Logan or Scott. Better yet Hank. They wouldn't be in this situation."
Remy's laugh was just a bit bitter. "You mean they wouldn't let me put my hands all over them."
"Don't know what they're missing." Bobby groaned.
"Maybe when you're less sore, this ole t'ief show you a few new t'ings. Eh?"
"That'd be nice. Could you maybe move just a bit to the right? "
"How's this?"
"Perfect." Was the blond's sighed response.
"Almost done."
"Oh yeah. It feels so good now. Not like before."
"Just need someone with true talent to show you how it's done. Can you imagine Scott doing this? Or Warren?"
Logan did and almost fell over trying to stifle his laughter.
"Maybe Hank. But Scott and Warren wouldn't care how bad it hurt me. They'd probably look at it as a way to teach me a lesson. Or maybe self-discipline and control."
"Both highly overrated." Remy purred.
"Well I don't think I'd be in this much trouble if we'd been a little more cautious."
"Probably. But we wouldn't have had as much fun. Didn't the pleasure outweigh the pain?"
"Good. How does this feel?"
"Remy." Bobby moaned. "That feels wonderful."
"Ok, this is the last of the crème."
"You can come back tomorrow if you want."
"You'll do this again?"
"Anyt'ing you want."
Logan's hands dug into the roof tiles as Bobby spent the next several minutes moaning and sighing.
"Stay still, Bobby. I'm almost done."
"Feels so good. Don't want you to stop."
"Crème's all gone. I keep it up, it's gonna hurt again."
"I'll get more for tomorrow. I promise. But we should just let it heal on it's own. Be healthier that way."
"Less fun."
"Now, Bobby. Do you really want me to keep touching a sunburn this red? Even with the crème? You know the pain's gonna be bad whenever we start."
"I suppose so. It just feels so great when the pain goes away."
"Next time we go to the lake, you're wearing sunblock."
"Yes, Mother LeBeau. It wasn't supposed to be that sunny today."
"All done and you don't even have to be embarrassed by your mistake."
"Yeah. The others would never let me forget this. Thanks, Remy. You're a great friend."
"Just remember to keep covered and no one will ever know. De crème'll make it disappear in less than forty-eight hours."
Neither mutant noticed the soft thud outside as Logan hit the ground, so shocked by the truth he lost his balance and fell off the building. For days after, he couldn't look at either Iceman or Gambit without blushing furiously. However, he refused to explain why.