Angel in the sky complete by Erika 38 kb Angel/Angel X-men/Angel crossover. When an angel falls from heaven, do we hear its cries?
Black Wings complete by Morgana 95 kb Gambit/Armand X-Men / Vampire chronicles by Anne Rice. A short story about Remy LeBeau who runs in to Armand (Anne Rice) while making plans to steal the Birth of Venus by Botticelli. Confused, Remy joins Armand for dinner and things evolve from there...
Body For Sin complete by Munchie 32 kb Cyclops/Sam Curtis, Cyclops/Wolverine, Wolverine/Sam Curtis Crossover - X-Men The Movie/CI5 The New Professionals. Sam Curtis' investigations at the school for the gifted take an altogether not unpleasant turn. (Set before Logan departs to rediscover his past or after he comes back and about four to six years after CI5NPs episode Glory Days)...
Interlude (1) unfinished by Raietta 19 kb Gambit/Daredevil SX-Men/Daredevil Crossover, SLASH. Companion to this is: The Shark on the Beach
The Shark on the Beach complete by Raietta 15 kb Gambit/Daredevil SX-Men/Daredevil Crossover, SLASH. Companion to this is: Interlude
Wolfish Desires (01 - 02) unfinished by Wren 12 kb Gambit/Oz CROSSOVER Buffy/X-Men, Remy meets a werewolf, Oz meets a mutant.
Raise and Call complete by Wyrd 26 kb It's a party! Boys' night at the Mansion. With a crossover guest star. Slash implications. (BtVS/X-Men)